[Female Avatars] How did we go from . . .

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-LordFyre, May 29, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    I remember an EQ2 demo video I saw of actual supposed in-game footage of a female paladin in some class armor that was very much like what Antonia Bayle or Firiona Vie are wearing. The video was set in Befallen and it was still refered to as Befalled rather than Stormhold. What ever happened to that?
  2. ARCHIVED-LordFyre Guest

    Cersiana@Lucan DLere wrote:
    [face="comic sans ms,sand"]Well, that (Girls running around 90% naked) IS kind of what I was asking for when I started this thread.[/face] ;)
  3. ARCHIVED-Allisia Guest

    Cersiana@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Because it is still fantasy without those things. What you want is your vision of how a fantasy game should be, which is fine and natural, but it isn't what my vision of a fantasy game should be. You want Forgotten Realms, i want Greyhawk. They're both fantasy.
  4. ARCHIVED-Cersiana Guest

    [p] [face="comic sans ms,sand"]All I have to say is roflmao[/face][/p][p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]As for the paladin armor that video was recently put up on the fan art forums. Was some very nice armor.[/face][/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Velshara Guest

    Part of the problem with that is that you alienate a large portion of your female population who doesn't want to see that. Yes, I know there are some female gamers who like the skimpy stuff, but for the most part, not all of us do. I certainly like my female fully armored and looking like she's ready to kick butt, but then again, I am an SK and not a caster wearing a huge clunky robe.
  6. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    I play a dark elf female Coercer .. if ANY class should get skimpy outfits it is coercers. We all know that a little bit of skin can greatly increase the effects of subjugation. :)
  7. ARCHIVED-Siogai Guest

    I wouldn't mind some outfits for Brigands similar to the BrokenSkull Pirates from the EQLive Legacy of Ykesha expansion. Wearing chainmail or heavier armour aboardship would be rather impractical. Not only would it rust rather quickly, but you'd sink like a rock if you fell overboard, regardless of how well you thought you could swim. I'd think the best option would be exactly that, an option. For those who want to have chainmail bikinis, more power to them. For those who want crown-to-sole coverage, good on them. Some people want a happy medium, akin to some of the Lineage2 armours, protecting (some of the) just the right places, while leaving enough bare skin to be aesthetically pleasing. Why not have an option, in the same manner that we display our helmets, illusions and heraldry, that allows us to adjust the coverage of our clothing to suit personal tastes.
  8. ARCHIVED-Velshara Guest

    Bleh... no Lineage 2 clothes, PLEASE! I'd be thrilled with a happy medium.
  9. ARCHIVED-LordFyre Guest

    [p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]How about a "Short Medium at Large"? :thumbup:[/face][/p][p][face="Comic Sans MS"]Well, it is a pity that if SOE were going to have a third Fantasy MMO (i.e., Vanguard) that it was not more like EQ2 for gameplay, but more like Lineage II for costuming. That would have resolved this conflict.[/face][/p][p][face="Comic Sans MS"]And, we would likely not be having this conflict if Lineage II was a better game. :thumbdown:[/face][/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Siogai Guest

    Despite its many design and playability flaws, Lineage2 has some of the best armour designs, for both genders, of any MMO currently or previously on the market. Especially some of the human male plate armours, such as the Nightmare and Tallum sets, and still manages to look great. Also, though the majority of those who don't like L2's armour designs seem to focus on the Dark Elves, there's the Light Elf armour sets which, while not the chin-to-ankle coverage we have in EQ2, are magnitudes more demure than those of the dark elves. Just tossing it out there as an idea. As I said, best idea would be to make it a player option, something like "Coverage: () Full, () Partial, ()Skimpy" in the Options menu. If you want to fight in your lingerie, hey, more power to you. Personally, as a agi-based class, I'd rather have my avatar appear to utilize a balance of natural ability (AGI) and protective clothing, rather than being draped in several layers of mail, yet still ducking, bobbing and weaving to avoid attacks.
  11. ARCHIVED-selch Guest

    [p]If you mean player genders, no.. Not both genders... "For men", to be more precise "Shounen", "For teenage boys over 13" [/p][p]Considering more than 50% of female toons are played by "boys". [/p]
  12. ARCHIVED-Naubeta Guest

    Ok: You have "high fantasy", which is LoTR etc, then you have DnD type fantasy... and this is about where Norrath lies, finally you have 'fantasy' meaning sword-and-sorcery genre (conan etc) with the chain-mail bikini's. These are artistic categories, it has nothing to do with prudery or whatever. You can enjoy all three, and most EQ2 players enjoy it being the middle category. If they wanted to play LoTR they can, if they wanted to play Conan it's out in a year or less now.
  13. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    [p]I think a couple of things.[/p][p]1: the problems (and they are real) are not related to skin, to realism, whatever, but to design that many of us dont like, robes are an area of almost universal loathing, various other armours liked and disliked variously.[/p][p]2: The game has not enough work on SETS.. not enough of them that work together well, not enough encouragement/mechanism to get and keep them. Sets are key to fantastic looks, but you need lots of them with variation in effect etc to make everyone not look the same. Someone kitted up in cobalt chain looks simply kickass! but its rare.[/p][p] [/p]
  14. ARCHIVED-Velshara Guest

    Last I recall, every time a female cast a spell in Lineage, regardless if she was Dark Elf or not, her skirt flew up and we could see her LACEY underpants. Yeah... I'm calling that some awesome armor designs!
  15. ARCHIVED-Image_Vain Guest

    We all know this kind of armor would protect a female from an[IMG] SKs 2h double edged sword right?
  16. ARCHIVED-Allisia Guest

    I would agree with both of your points. The robes in the game are uninspired. Except for the skin applied to the robe, they seem to be identical. They are all cut and wear the same way, and that's unfortunate. I like the sets they have put in the game, and I think there needs to be more of them, with each having a unique combination of model and skin. Both of these are unlikely to be developed very far given the current limitations of the models but might come to pass if the often mentioned, never directly discussed "skeleton revamp" ever reaches completion.
  17. ARCHIVED-Malloc Guest

    [p]One of the original EQ2 promo screenshots[/p][p][IMG][/p][p]Thats was supposed to be a human female. How did they end up with the current non SOGA human female model? Armor with that much detail would be a nice addition to the game.[/p]
  18. ARCHIVED-selch Guest

    Maloc@Crushbone wrote:
    [p] Because they have realised that most players will not have "SiliconGraphics (tm)" computers they did those promo pictures in 2003. [/p][p] [/p]
  19. ARCHIVED-LordFyre Guest

    [p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]You might be surprised.[/face][/p][p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]As was noted earlier, a Monks/Bruser gi is not more protective, yet they are able to dodge most incoming attacks.[/face][/p][p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]And, consider, "realistically" the heavy armor worn by most tanks (Guardians/zerkers/pallys/sks) would not offer a great deal of protection against the massively powerful attacks of huge creatures like giants, demons, dragons, and the like. Its weight would slow the warrior down, however, making him/her easier to kill.[/face][/p][p][face="comic sans ms,sand"]Neither of these cases even consider the "magical" nature of the world. There is no reason that the plate armor worn by the heavy tank is not magically crafted to take the giant's blow. But, likewise, that bikini could provide just as much protection via magical "force fields" on the woman's body.[/face][/p][p][face="Comic Sans MS"]So really it has more to do with the "feel" that the designer (and players) want for the world. [/face][/p][p][size="xx-small"][face="comic sans ms,sand"](WTB - Game with Lineage II style graphics and EverQuest II quality game play!)[/face][/size][/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-Siogai Guest

    Maloc@Crushbone wrote:
    Pretty... but not as detailed as L2's armours, which runs fine without the aforementioned "SiliconGraphics" PC. Though a set of armour that looked like that would be fine, I think, were I playing a... whatever that's supposed to be....Templar of some kind, I suppose. IIRC, both L2 and EQ2 are running on modified Unreal2 engines, so both games should function ably.

    Though, commenting on the effectiveness of armour... doesn't really matter if you're wearing plate or lingerie, if you get walloped with a greatsword, it's either going to cut you in half (lingerie) or shatter your ribs and spine (platemail), take your pick. Personally, I think I'd rather be cut in half, it's a less painful death. Truthfully, I'm of the opinion that it's better to not get hit at all rather than relying on a quarter-inch of sheetmetal to keep an arm's length of steel from going into me. Plate, as an aside, is also next to useless against blunt weapons, which is why they used them. Sure, the mace might not actually penetrate the armour, but that's not important when the helmet buckles in on the side and crushes your skull. "Realism" of armour isn't really a factor, unless you want to also add realism to the various weapon types, not to mention add the several minutes that changing into and out of armour would otherwise normally take you... assuming you had a squire to help buckle your plate on, and a crane to lift you up onto your horse.

    Me too!

    Which I didn't, I meant character genders.
    Some examples of L2 Male Human, Elf and Dark Elf armour:

    Some of my favourite female armours, as well:


    Now, as far as the presence of panchira in L2 goes, with the casting animations, that's simply avoided by not animating the character models in such a fashion. Though it really brings me to the question of "so what?" With as much running, jumping, fighting and what not that goes on in Norrath, it's inevitable that someone's going to get a peek at your knickers completely unintentionally (or not!) anyway. At the end of the day, though, it's a video game... it's not real.

    And, btw, only Light Elves wear lace. Humans have granny-panties, Dwarves wear ruffled bloomers, Orcs wear leather, and Dark Elves thongs (or black bikinis, depends on the set).