Feb's Bowerstone Industrial - Sprocket's Portal - Thurgadin

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Febrith, Mar 10, 2019.

  1. Elyria Well-Known Member

    i am indeed a soloer:)...well, since i got PoP when it was on sale in Nov(?), sometimes i bring along a merc for company:p. Once in a while, i can persuade my daughter to run some dungeons with me, but she has many other video games that she *gasp* likes better than EQII:eek:. Tried to entice my hubby to play...he created a character and played for roughly 10 min, before declaring it was boring and confusing...then back he went to EVE, the rotter:rolleyes:. (bright side, now i also have his f2p acc, so that's, what, 6 more chars altogether? mwAH ha ha haa!) Anywho, I visited this morning, and i must say it looks even more wonderful than i could imagine, BRAVO! Well done! Too many cool things to list, you just have to see it (love the duck area <quack>) I would like it more than once if i could!!
  2. Febrith Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for taking the time to go and visit - I really appreciate it. And I'm so happy to meet another Fable player - and I feel ya when it comes to having a partner that doesn't want to get involved in EQ2 - in my case the excuse was that "having one person in the family suffering from that addiction is quite enough" !
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Breanna like this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Pretty much true here, too, though he (= da hubby) did try EQ1 once, when our college buddies were trying to get us in on it. Apparently, he got placed in a PVP server, which he was not aware of; this was way early on, and either they didn't list it obviously enough or he didn't think he needed to pay attention. I think it was the first MMORPG he tried, and he got mugged on the way to the Bank in his home city to deposit the first four copper he managed to make. I think a lot of other things soured him on it as well (he detested the artwork in EQ1; loved it in WoW, later), but that was the last straw on the camel, and he hasn't been interested in EQ Anything ever since. :-/

    whose main gripe about EQ1 was always the "better be a Provisioner RIGHT NOW, less-than-10th-level-toon, or you're gonna DIE!" bit with the food and water...and later hearing about The Doom That Comes to Your House if you don't pay your rent on time ("Remember that glorious, complicated layout you had here, which you may or may not have been able to save as a file, just in case? Well, guess what; you were three minutes late with your rent, so all your items are in a box on your front step. Enjoy! :D")
    Breanna and Febrith like this.