Faydark and Befallen hangout thread.

Discussion in 'General Tech Support Questions' started by ARCHIVED-TSR-Cory S, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Pucswift Guest

    Come on jason dont lock it!!
  2. ARCHIVED-HolyAvengerOne Guest

    That's some massively mad p0stage :O
  3. ARCHIVED-SugarGirl Guest

    Okay... so here's the plan. We post nothing inflammatory until Jason locks it. IF he locks it, we start a Flamin-Jason thread for locking it :)

    J/K Jason
  4. ARCHIVED-Kaharthemad Guest

    we are actually looking at this and saying...hmmm what servers are not getting merged? Perhaps it is not too late to do a char move.
  5. ARCHIVED-Nevynmysti Guest

    Goood JOb Everyone,
    Seee ya in game :):smileytongue:
  6. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    Had I known there was going to be a problem I would have written everything down in all my inventories and banks. But I didn't and I'm still waiting for a resolution. I don't know if I should even bother playing. I've certainly cancelled my subscription until this is corrected. The server was down all day yesterday and now I'm missing a lot of the results of my hard work. I hope you all do a better job with the other servers.

    Oh thanks for the massive lag as well. Things were fine the way they were... not so now.
  7. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    There's probably a reason it grew so fast.
  8. ARCHIVED-Segel Guest

    Jason, Cory - please pass this on - the merger was a failure. Please, please roll back. The game is currently unplayable as is. What will it take to get you to see this?
  9. ARCHIVED-Segel Guest

    Jason, Cory - please pass this on - the merger was a failure. Please, please roll back. The game is currently unplayable as is. What will it take to get you to see this?
  10. ARCHIVED-Outkast1980 Guest

    This is a historical thread :) LoL :)
  11. ARCHIVED-Pentamoon Guest

    Ahhh, I see. Thanks for the link! :smileyhappy:
  12. ARCHIVED-TSR-Cory S Guest