Familiars pretty much worthless?

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-Pkay, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Asmorand Guest

    I love RayneWaeter's idea, if you are gonna have a familiar that is there to enhance your image, then it should be a modifiable one. You can modify your eyebrows and the angle of your nose, why not your familiar! I'm not asking for 20 different options, but five wouldn't break the bank. Things that are already in game, which are already written software...cats,birds...what about that small dragon in one of the shops in Qeynos? I'm still gonna buy my familiar and I love the roleplay aspect, but EQ2 offers many ways of customization and options for your character, one more can't hurt.
  2. ARCHIVED-Arkanjul Guest

    I love my kitty but he stays tucked away in my pouch most of the time. Why? Well I don't have the concentration slots to keep him summoned and keep all my buffs up. Do all classes' flavor spells cost concentration?

    Sounds pretty dumb to me, honestly. Why have a "for fun" spell that takes away from your "serious" usefulness?

    *shrug* if they change this, I'll have my kitty following me everywhere. If not, I'll just keep 5 buffs up instead :(
  3. ARCHIVED-PontyEar Guest

    I think that all fun things have such a big price to make it more enjoyable for us. I personally wouldn't spend another 57s for another fun spell which I use only 20% of my time. You can't even play with the cat. I think if there wouldn't be any familiars for wizards noone would lose anything in that. They are for fun but how long you gonna stare at your familiar and enjoy him cleaning himslef, licking his paws and doing sit/stand ups over and over again.

    I't slike you know they make you think - Oh you wanna something for fun, well go and work hard then before you will get it. I've also noticed that as higher you get as more money you have. But yet again there is so few things for soloers. Soloers get awarded much less and percentage that you win anything in lotto being groupped is not very high either.

    So we have 2 problems right now - people can't make money to buy anything for appropriate price unless it's something very rare like Adept I spells. And i wonder why in Nektulos Forest Adept spells drop more often than in Thundering Steppes? Is it an area oriented drop? For those who serve the Queen it's quite a run from Qeynos to nektulos forest only to get some spells, and noone knows how good your luck is gonna be in group.

    I've also noticed that certain mobs drop more often certain rewards. Like for example giants drop coifs very often, Centaurs drop Carpenter Tradeskills and so on and so forth. Are those drops really area dependent? I don't think it's a good idea if it's so...

    My 2 cents and sorry that I have changed the topic. It's just one thing connected to many other and price for fun spell is exaggurated, I don't even mention price for the horse... It looks like only players of level 40-50 will possibly be able to gather such amount of money. Why to restrict transportation? To make people achieve things on the slower basis? Like someone said there is a thought that devs made some things to achieve slower to keep players interested in game longer. Maybe they could implement some more interesting things to have as a goal. Or else now goals for people is - home pets (few golds worth 3-25), horse (except paladins and shadowknights 3-15 PLATINUM) and well as usual armour and weapons. Many people went for SK and PL only because of the horse.... Because regular horse is almost impossible to get unless you are high level player. Is it really worth reward for High Levels some kind of a horse that will move a little bit faster than usual?

    The only thing comforts that it's only the beginning of EQ2 and pretty successful beginning. I hope SoE will invent many more interesting things soon enough.
  4. ARCHIVED-caguwa Guest

    My familiar is not worthless. It's true I cannot command him BUT... A number of times when I have had to run from a mob I was successful because Puss Puss finally turned around and attacked. This allowed me to escape. This included being attacked by Holly Windstalker and a few mobs in TS. I believe it is a combination of my low hit points (I'm getting my butt kicked) and yelling for help which has caused this behavior. :robotsurprised:
  5. ARCHIVED-Tryton000 Guest

    It's not totally useless. once I was knocked unconscience by a bee in rivervale. the pet for no particular reason instantly took all of the agro while I was down, and the bee killed him. when the be killed him, I was overjoyed to see the bees life jump all the way back up, and then walk away from me, still unconscience on the ground for a few seconds. that's probably the coolest thing I've ever seen in an mmorpg. LOL. so it's not totally useless. it's just not very useful
  6. ARCHIVED-Baddwin_EotA Guest

    There few situation you can use pet to add dmg: Park the pet next to your tank, in some situation pet will get hit and will start fighting -> mobs do barrage (AE melee dmg) -> Mob do AE spell -> at begining of fight tank didn't pull aggro and mob hit nearest target -> your cat =) Pet is surprising at tanking, well much better than me anyway. Just ask healer to give him a little heal if you see it get aggro. I didn't look log to see how much dmg pet do, but this a free dmg so count it as bonus
  7. ARCHIVED-Bendis Guest

    Can't a Warlock have a cat familiar as well? I saw someone in one of the Freeport suburbs with one, but come to think of it he was a "Wizard". What do Warlocks get? Anyone know? I was looking forward to having a little black kitty familiar following me around. :smileytongue:
  8. ARCHIVED-chenrazee Guest

    Anev, I think that was about the best post I have ever seen. Laughed out loud at that one.

    "Sadly Mr. Kitty didn't make it but he fought well and did save both my friend and my life ... now Mr. I Got A Horse always wants to know where Mr. Kitty is and to hurry up and get him out"
  9. ARCHIVED-Tecar Guest

    Saw Puss'n Boots do 100-130 /hit of damage to a TS gnolls the other night. Cleric kept him healed and he agro'd pretty well.
  10. ARCHIVED-Halnn Guest

    my kitty is not useless is i ever got into trouble he was there to save my [expletive ninja'd by Faarbot] and help me defeat the con.he has amazed me so many time by help me when i need him.but he was over priced but it ok cant wait to get another familiar
  11. ARCHIVED-Stogie Guest

    Think of it as like a cat in real life. Does he help you pay your rent? Does he clean up when you are gone? Does he make dinner? No, no and no. Are they cute and do they keep you compnay? [expletive ninja'd by Faarbot] right. They are cool. They are not worthless and I recommend getting one.
  12. ARCHIVED-FionnMacCool Guest

    Cats are for loosers in apartments. But they can lick their own arses, you have to admire that. If I ever actually have 57 silver I think I'll get one.

  13. ARCHIVED-iceriven2 Guest

    from the design of the game the kitty is suppose to be somewhat worthless the only "fun" spell for a class that adds anything to the game is the pally horse. every other " fun spell is just that "fun." Our familars the kitty drake and book are for show nothing more, but we are lucky in the way that if a mob aoe's those familar's attack and hitt pretty good. As a wizzie myself we get more then just 3 "fun" spells . we get an illusion of some kind. I at 30 can appear like i am on fire and at higher lvl we a ice/mist, and a lightlning illusion like the fire one i think its cool can't wait for the ice/mist b/c our target ring in like a ice/mist and i wanna see them together. we should be happy considering we get 6 "fun" spell and and yes 3 are familars that do nothing just be glad we don't have the "fun" spell to make ppl bow or dance we get a little friend instead.