EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark Annoucement

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Tamat, May 8, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Polywogus Guest

    While I can see how a level cap could be looked at w/ a frowny face, due to having to get all new masters, get the level capped again, get the new loot...I guess to me, I would accept it as several *new* challenges, big or small, rather than keeping the level @ 70, & just tacking on zones where the entry, any flags, & figuring out the script are all you might 'get' out of it. Hopefully they'll add tons of high level & raid content - likely not 2 expansions worth, but stuff challenging enough that it won't be wiped out in a few days. The Sarnak as a playable race is interesting, also androgenous (sp) looking :( , so none of those pesky female chests to decide how big is 'exploiting the female form' or how to best cover them like a nun, but that's another thread (altho heck, maybe they've matured since EQ1). More 1 - 20 content is disappointing because then it's back to stuff that isn't new, just like w/ the Arasai. I had my fingers crossed for 20+ content in this expac, as well as new AA's (& reworked AA's), but oh well, I'll still be picking it up & looking forward to it. /dying to know which Gods are returning. Bertoxxulous, PLEASE. Insulting he wasn't included to begin w/!!! =p
  2. ARCHIVED-Krith Guest

    You're in luck :p Plans are to include him, the Tribunal and Karana.
  3. ARCHIVED-MysticTrunks01 Guest

    Raise the cap! Remind these raiders that there whole point of the game is to change and evolve. Nothing ever gotten in an MMO' is the end. Deal with it. I welcome the new content and increases because i'm more than happy to increase to lvl 80
  4. ARCHIVED-Polywogus Guest

    Shadowbreath@Splitpaw wrote:
    Might I just say Woot. I read this after writing my post, but still :D
  5. ARCHIVED-Hannalynn Guest

    I'll say though, if my cleric epic involves going anywhere NEAR skyfire... the devs and I shall have a very personal talk >( *totally looking forward to CoM*
  6. ARCHIVED-Catsy Guest

    Here's the problem with not raising the level cap: at a certain point, gear progression will become impossible due to diminishing returns and the mit/resist caps. Even average group players in EoF legendary and treasured can get their primary stat to around 500-600 without much effort. Casual raiders are usually at least 600 or so, and more like 800-900 for some. Hardcore raiders can get close to or at their cap with full group buffs. The same goes for mitigation on tanks--it's really not difficult to reach the point of diminishing returns with good gear. Now, let's say SOE leaves the level cap at 70. Because diminishing returns are based on your level, the stat/mit/resist caps will not change. Based on past progression, gear will add around an extra 5-15 points to stats and 200-400 to resists as compared to EoF gear of the same tier. Power/health regen increases will be pointless, as they're subject to a level-based cap as well, one that many well-geared players have already hit, especially when grouped with a dirge/troub/chanter. Overall, an increase in stats and resists proportional to the one that EoF got over KoS would give a raid-equipped character a trivial increase in resistance and mitigation effectiveness--and that's if they're not already capped. Casual players would, as was the case before, see more of an increase because the point they're at on the DR curve is much less steep. To put it in hard numbers, the current resist cap is 10500. At this number, the effectiveness is 75%, meaning it protects you from 75% of the incoming damage of the appropriate type. Players in a mix of EoF treasured and legendary gear will have average resists of around 4k, which is about 56% damage reduction. Raiders aim for 7k to 9k on their gear, which is between 66% and 72%. Assume, generously, that resists on the next iteration of gear from the same tier would be about 200 higher than at present. Assume, generously, that a player will be able to fill all of the 18 equipment slots that typically bear resists with upgraded gear, adding 3600 to their resist. The casual player will see about a 12% increase in the effectiveness of their resists. The raider will be capped long before they finish filling all those slots. They will see, at best, a 9% increase in their effectiveness, and for those with higher-end gear the improvement will be more like 3%--if they see any improvement at all. If they're already at the cap, as many are, then they get next to no benefit from upgrades, other than a modest increase in health and power bonuses, which aren't subject to caps or DR. Players will simply not be able to improve their effectiveness significantly more than they are now by gear progression alone. At some point, if they want gear progression to continue, SOE will have to do one of three things: 1. Entirely rework the combat system again to rebalance the diminishing return caps every time a new iteration of gear comes out. This simply isn't going to happen. 2. Nerf existing T7 gear the way they did KoS gear when EoF came out. This is a cop-out that people only barely tolerated the last time. If it becomes clear that SOE will handle all future progression by nerfing existing gear, people will leave the game in droves. This could happen, but they'd be fools to do so, as it's not "progression" so much as nerfing you and making you work to become as effective as you were before the nerf. 3. Raise the level cap, so that the point of diminishing returns is automatically adjusted as people level up. That's just for gear progression. Obviously, if gear was not a concern, character progression could be handled pretty much indefinitely through expanding AA options that improve a character's effectiveness without running up against stat limits. But gear progression will stagnate without a level cap increase. If you think the level cap should not be raised, I invite you to describe to me how gear progression could possibly continue without radically changing the diminishing returns formulae or nerfing all existing T7 gear. Back it up with numbers, please.
  7. ARCHIVED-Iobi Guest

    [p]It is really too soon to rise the level cap from 70 to 80. Once the level cap to 80, all eof hard mobs will become rubbish for us to challenge. My guild just finished all eof raid zone, now is working to clear those eof contest bosses. Therefore please don't change the level cap at the moment. I am happy to see new touch on AA, new races, new raid zones, new quests, new classes in the new expansion.[/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-NoNameChosen Guest

    You will be happy to hear then that this expansion is only announced. It doesn't mean it will be released in 2 weeks. It will most likely take another 6 months (yes half a year) before it is released, so you have plenty of time to kill all EoF content.
  9. ARCHIVED-TribleStealth Guest

    most people will be 80 in like 3weeks max then what? we sit here do a bunch of quest then they raise the cap again? SoE says they listen to fans of eq1...thats why they made EOF and now this new one....so why cant they at least follow some of the progression there? and DoF im sorry to say is a dead expansion, ive been on a few servers all the same....people go there to farm t6 rare masters. raiseing the cap to 80 is dumb in my book, like i said before if u must raise it, raise it by 5s, dont get rid of all the content before. and when people say this games not just for raiders i say your right, but the way SOE made EoF harder gave us more AAs, i see pick up raids from NONE RAIDERS doing DT and beating it np...and to answer the person talking about gear, you would have no chance to raid a EoF zone if u were not KoS Raid geared....yes things get better in each expansion, that is the point, but to wipe out KOS and EOF gear by raisng the lvl LIKE THEY DID IN DOF, is dumb
  10. ARCHIVED-joeinspo Guest

    Just a thought, but they could do in EQ2 what they did to some zones in EQ1, put in new mobs in some zones & raise the level ranges. Remember Cazic-Thule? Went from a 20-30 zone to 50+
  11. ARCHIVED-Themaginator Guest

    in EQ lore Level HAS NOTHING to do with how powerful a creature is in the story. also the expansion is gonna be out on Nov 13th andi think thats even more than a year after EoF.
  12. ARCHIVED-Fortai Guest

    All these knee-jerk posts about the lv cap being raised are acting like the expansion is coming out tomorrow. The expansion comes out in 6 months on November 13th, that's quite a while from now. You can do one of two things, sit on your butt, complain and be miserable for the next six months (and probably after), or actually enjoy T7 for the next six months while it lasts, and then actually have fun building your character in T8. What a concept. :p
  13. ARCHIVED-Themaginator Guest

    Iobi wrote:
    to soon? two years of teh cap being 70 is to soon?...come now
  14. ARCHIVED-TribleStealth Guest

    Fortai@Oasis wrote:
    I dont think u see the big picture here, i dont care if the expansion comes out 10 years from now, they are still going to cut out CONTENT is that so hard to see? EoF and KoS will b green/grey....and how will we be building our new toon?? what go from 70-80 in 3 weeks or sooner? then we left with nothing to do to shape our toons with...SOE said they wont be adding AAs they will be just tweaking some of them.....all it comes down to is the amount of content that will be lost....after we explore all of T8, what then? what would be the point of going back to T7 but to farm masters? i mean the gear wont be worth crap, DOF is a clear picture of that for T7..... im am happy to hear of a new expansion dont get me wrong, but cant SOE be a little more creative? and someone talked about the deminishing curve, so they have to raise the cap, u know how many people are maxed with there stats? i mean im head to toe in EOF fabled and i am not maxed, even with buffs from other toons i am not maxed, i can get 14k easy in a a certain resist and still not hit the cap.. and if u are maybe u should think more rounded, and dont put all eggs in one basket /shrug and if they only raised the LVL by 5 and gave us more AAs i think at least this would make most people happy...you dont cut out all the content from before, but still raise the caps so new gear will be uber from what Catsy is talking about
  15. ARCHIVED-dieschatten Guest

    Do you realy think that SOE will change anything in the addon what you write here? The plans for ROK are done and now they only build the world and test ist for Bugs. The Levelcap, content and so is allready done.
  16. ARCHIVED-TribleStealth Guest

    Probably not, i dont think they care about what we think, i mean look at how petitions can take hours if not days, and when u finnaly get a real person, if they even understand wtf u are talking about, they will come up with some lame excuse saying it has nothing to do with them, PFF
  17. ARCHIVED-Themaginator Guest

    Elidyn@Crushbone wrote:
    can i have your stuff? so ummm yeah i filed a petition and got a reply the next morning in my mail...hmmm interesting
  18. ARCHIVED-TribleStealth Guest

    Sashtan@Mistmoore wrote:
    maybe u give the GMs extra something IDK, we have had our entire guild pettition, and it took a few days to get back to any of us....maybe u should come up with something creative about the lvl cap, instead of quoting everyone and saying the same thing?
  19. ARCHIVED-Krith Guest

    Elidyn@Crushbone wrote:
    [p]I think you are the one who is missing the big picture. Yes, for those who go from 70-80 in three weeks a lot of content will be lost. Not sure those people are really interested in content anyway, unless it gives gobs of XP and/or uber stuff. They are cutting the rest away regardless. What's more important is that the majority will use 65-75 content for many months (years?) to come. Then when they're ready they will gradually start cutting their ties to T7, unless they mentor down to group/raid with people who level slower than them. By that time SOE will have added more T8 content.[/p][p]The problem is making the rush-to-the-end-players the norm. They're not. Content will always be lost when you gain enough levels. What's the big difference between going from 70-80 or from 70-75? A lot of the previous content will still be grey or unchallenging. Besides, after you've done instances/raids a number of times, they will be boring even if they con higher than green/grey. [/p][p]Summary: For some, content is lost because they are bored to tears with it. For others it's lost because they grey it out. If it's lost because it's grey, but you still have fun doing it, you can mentor. If you're bored, it's lost forever.[/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-JohnDoe058 Guest

    [p]To eveyone complaining about a lvl cap increase...[/p][p]THE GEAR THAT YOU NOW WEAR, AND THE ZONES IN WHICH YOU NOW ADVENTURE, WILL EVENTUALLY BECOME OBSOLETE, NO MATTER WHAT.[/p][p]Get it through your thick skulls. RPG's are progressive...it's just in their nature. If they were to keep the lvl cap at 70, and just make harder raid zones with better gear, it would still have the effect of causing existing gear to be obsolete.[/p][p]There seems to be an assumption that everyone wants a full set of EoF Fabled gear, and 15 sets of backup gear in the bank, before they resume levelling. You couldn't be more wrong in this assumption. Many, many people simply don't care for raiding, or don't have the time to raid 5 nights a week. Don't ask for the rest of us to be held up, so that you hardcore raiders can take your sweet, sweet time getting every peice of gear that you ever wanted, and many that you didn't.[/p][p]I, for one, tire of the heresy of gear-centrism. Who cares about your stupid raid gear. Only you do.[/p][p] [/p]