Epic Quest Thread

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Dreadpatch, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Dreadpatch Guest

    For those of you who want to share any info regarding Epic Quest Starter NPC or any tips.
  2. ARCHIVED-Gipsy Guest

    Can Someone start with where the quest giver is? I see tons of people in drama channel ranting and raving about where the quests starts lol

    80 Swashie
  3. ARCHIVED-Sonnyjim_Grumblestump Guest

    So far no word of swashie starter in level channels.

    But don't worry. I'm currently searching all the bars and taverns dillishen(H I C !)... dilligench( H I C ! ) ..

    ..I'm searching 'em right good. ;)
  4. ARCHIVED-Ookami-san Guest

    It appears it may start in one of the ships in TD. I'm investigating now!

    Ok... it's on the ship off the shore of TD. The same ship you ride the griffon to as a newbie sarnak.
  5. ARCHIVED-Ookami-san Guest

    Looking for an expert cracker maker now.
  6. ARCHIVED-Gipsy Guest

    Confirmed the Epic Starter in Timorous Deep Loc 3170, -0.65, 119

    Located on the Pirate ship inside a cage is a glowing Feather.

    If anyone has found the cracker update please post.


    Sorry guess I was a tad late and didn't update page before posting o well...

    80 Swashie
  7. ARCHIVED-althalus9272 Guest

    Cracker update is on Isle of Mara at the master baker. Buy the cracker recipe and then hail the NPC. He will tell you that you need sea salt from the skins of the Yha-lei located in Chelsith. Time to get a Chels group. Good luck and any other updates please keep us posted.
  8. ARCHIVED-Harbringer Doom Guest

    Gipsy wrote:
    Your coordinates are wrong. Missing a 0 at the end mayhap?
  9. ARCHIVED-althalus9272 Guest

    Coords are 3170, -.65, 1119 for quest starter
  10. ARCHIVED-Dreadpatch Guest

    Crackers can be found in Village of Shin off of a baker... You will need to craft crackers to feed your bird, you can buy all ingredient off of baker but one, ancient sea salt. Ancient sea salt will be found in Chelsith off of Yha Lei, that's what I have for now. Much Swashy Love...
  11. ARCHIVED-Ookami-san Guest

    Make crackers after getting salt (other ingredients can be found on the Master Crafter).
    Click on bird and you'll get an option to feed it crackers, etc. Third cracker down seems to do the trick.
    Send you to find his master...
    you must look in sinking sands... -2163.38, -229.00, 14.24 Captain Shoreflow (says it's not his bird) - he is on an island called Pirate's Perch
    mystic lake... 42.57, -36.28, 281.09 - Captain Mord (says it's not her/his bird)
    and greater faydark... -535.19, -27.76, -642.42 Captain Z'Sxhitar (says it's not her bird) - she is in the GF newbie zone on and outcropping you must climb up to
  12. ARCHIVED-Litabunyfufu Guest

    After locating all 3 pirate captains, you need to talk to the gnome capt at the docks in EL. He will require you to obtain a box in his sunken ship, you will need to kill an level 83 triple up heroic "Giant Octopus" to acquire the key.
  13. ARCHIVED-ramglobaltx Guest

    Do you actually have to have crafting skill to get the crackers made?
  14. ARCHIVED-Davhanama Guest

    It is a level 5 crafting recipe.
  15. ARCHIVED-Davhanama Guest

    OK..I am up to the step to harvest the wood in Swamp of no hope..spent a bout an hour looking for nodes..none to be found. Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance
  16. ARCHIVED-Veskandar Guest

    The last mob on the ship is way to hard to kill, unless your in a raid guild or can get people from a raid guild don't expect to get the group one.
  17. ARCHIVED-Dreadpatch Guest

    Redwing@Runnyeye wrote:
    Some details? What is special about this named?
  18. ARCHIVED-Veskandar Guest

    Uncurable fear, hits like a truck, has pet that hits like a train and gets multiple adds and kick back and aoe's
  19. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    so you need a paladin tank with Fear immunity, and prolly two healers.
  20. ARCHIVED-Meinen Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    pallies still get feared. It is indeed very hard, but if SoE nerfs this, shame on them. Our quest line is so short as it is, this encounter should be difficult. You can't have slack ***** on this fight and think of creative ways of beating it, but for the love of god, don't ask for it to be dumbed down.
    At some point, i lost my rrawrk pet, i think he actually summons it from your inventory. It could be possible that it just got used up or i didn't pay attention and it was a temporary pet. But it would show a little creativity for it to be taken out of your belongings and really quite cool.
    Pally was getting hit for about 1k from Pirate Jones and the bird was a freakin dps maniac at 5k. He needs to go down asap. When the adds came, it was 3-5 at a time.
    Had a great time with this fight.