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Drinal raid feedback

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by slippery, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. slippery Well-Known Member

    Is there any even remotely good reason this encounter is on an elevator? Drinal falling through the elevator is quite amazing. I see no purpose for this elevator to exist. There might have been a cool idea at one time, but it sucks.

    Things need a delay for you to actually be able to react to them before they start firing. Like the damage from Spiritual Mindmeld and Exhaustive Souldrain. You have to account for human reaction time to realize the effect is on you and do what you need to to make sure you don't destroy the raid.

    Exhaustive Souldrain needs actual descriptive text that tells you how it works. Ranges and what it is doing at those ranges. The damage you take should be a different name then the damage you radiate. Playing guessing games are silly. Especially because it very much seems like you need to be on top of the mob for the raid to not take damage. On top of the mob that also has a red text you need to joust out....... But maybe the ranges are a problem, but since we don't actually have any information what so ever about how it works, how are we to know? We need information to actually be able to deal with this.

    You can't really choose your own path. If you kill a soulwell, then skip one he absorbs that one and all the remaining ones.

    The Soulwell in Drinal's room doesn't let you port to it.

    You know why Theer was a good encounter? It had all these cool things you had to react to, but it didn't punish you for dying. The punishment for dying was dying. If you're going to have something like this ridiculous buff on kill it needs to be enough that if something goes wrong you can actually recover or people are never going to have a chance to really learn the encounter.
  2. slippery Well-Known Member

    Range to joust the red text seems to be really buggy. It seems like you have to be outside 10m, yet (and I'm assuming elevator again, that z axis sucks) almost always a couple people get killed outside that. Combine with death penalties and yea.

    He didn't do either Spiritual Mindmeld or the Transfiguration after 50% when he went in his bubble.

    The chest was empty and instantly disappeared after clicking it.

    Achievement is broken. Killed with 2 Soulwells and it gave us Shorthanded 1 Soulwell.
  3. Gninja Developer

    Will be taking a look at the chest disappearing issues today first thing. Not sure how that stopped working but it likely has something to do with him absorbing or trying to absorb soulwells when he isn't supposed to. You likely only got one actual ability set from what I was seeing in the logs. So the encounter likely thought that no soulwells were selected for some reason thus why no loot dropped.

    I will try to get some priority fixes put in asap.
  4. slippery Well-Known Member

    That would be likely be because of

    Those are the two Soulwells we had, and he did them both up till he went in his bubble.
  5. Gninja Developer

    That is intended. He changes strategies after he gets to the top of the lift.
  6. slippery Well-Known Member

    Well, he didn't do anything at all after he got to the top of the lift.
  7. slippery Well-Known Member

    Exhaustive Souldrain shouldn't hit tanks

    When the tank has to pick up the mob or all the tanks die, he shouldn't mem wipe off them when they pick it up causing all the tanks to die........

    Again, Exhaustive Souldrain needs something so that you can easily see hey I got this and need to do something, and leave you a realistic amount of time to do that.

    He still falls through your wonderful elevator.

    You still can't port to his soulwell teleporter.

    Why in the world 5 seconds after curse lands does it tick for 100% health in unwardable damage? And then when it kills the person it gives the mob a buff that makes him impossible for you to kill? (Congratulations 0% crit chance) So a curse that when you cure goes on someone else, you have to cure within 5 seconds of it landing or the person is likely to die, and if a single person with the curse dies you can't kill the mob.

    I guess I should just bring 4 Templars, 4 shamans, and a prayer.
  8. slippery Well-Known Member

    The curse thing is the worst really, because it wasn't like that initially. You had to intentionally think that was a good idea and change it to that. It's just lol. I mean really. Nothing like an effect that you can't spam cure because you'll out of curse cures ticking hard enough to one shot someone and causing you to fail the fight.

    Also. Like I said before. He still does nothing when you get to the top (except the curse that kills you and causes you to fail, which is especially amazing on the way up while you can't do anything).
  9. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    The curse makes no sense whatsoever.
  10. Estred Well-Known Member

    So wait has he realistically been killed with working loot yet or is GuildProgess totally full of BS now? So far we haven't managed to kill him because no matter what he is nigh invulnerable by the top of the elevator regardless of HP due to Deathly Gallows buffs from that curse 1 shotting people.

    We even did 0 Soulwells just to test the curse and still had no dice even with all healers in the raid focusing all their stackable stuff on that 1 person who still was dying. Drinal feels like a shell of Rohen Theer with a totally unnecessary mechanic that just makes fighting glitchy and coding the fight harder. Dynamic movement during the fight such as a rising Z-axis are more challenging to properly update.
  11. Gninja Developer

    There is no 0 soulwell fight. If you destroy all 4 of the soulwells he picks a random one.
    The curse is hitting very hard on second tick yes. You will have to protect the 1 person in raid that gets it. It is doable without changes.
  12. Hennyo Member

    Well first off, do you know that people are getting a SECOND curse once the fight reaches the top?

    Next, I am going to have say with the way the fight currently works, at best someone could get a kill in with 2 soulwells, maybe by some miracle 3. Basically the way the curse works with the death penalty makes the whole script not work, because if the person with the curse takes much of any damage at all right before a tick, they die and make the mob unkillable.

    I will agree that this fight should have significant challenge to it, but this curse mechanic is quite frankly, the worst possible way you could add difficulty to a fight.
  13. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    If the curse were wardable or mitigatable (via phys mit, since iirc it's crushing) it would be fine. But it's not. It's a straight up 100% tick after 5 seconds. There aren't enough damage reduction temps to last the entire 6-8+ minute fight of constant curses. It's currently killable doing the first and fourth soulwells, but once you add second or third in the constant aoe damage makes keeping people with the curse alive impossible. One death of a person with the curse means game over, and you'd have to have some godly luck to pull off a 3 soulwell kill.
  14. Hennyo Member

    There is a reason I used the word, "miracle" .
  15. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Also Drinal still stops using any abilities tied to soulwells after he gets to the top.
  16. Atan Well-Known Member

    I gather that was intentional.
  17. Gninja Developer

    I believe you when you say he does nothing at the top. Which soulwells are you trying. It will help me track down why. He should indeed change his strategy once he gets to the top and I am working on tracking down why he is not. Unfortunately I won't be able to get any fixes in for this till next week sometime. I would take this time to get used to his other abilities or find ways to cope with the abilities he does use until I can get the rest back to working order.

    Him casting a second curse on the raid once he reaches the top is intended.
  18. slippery Well-Known Member

    This would work so much better if you'd stop trying to insist the players are wrong and you know better, that we are blowing things up that we could easily deal with, and actually listen the first time things get said. The answer is in this thread, you blew it off.
  19. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    After doing this fight (Or attempting to) for the first time tonight, We concluded that the whole design of it is totally ridiculous.

    First off, the lift. Why? All it does, it mess up the fight 50% of the time as the named falls through floor and CST at all.
    Secondly, the curse. I'm in a guild where we would never consider DPS our strong point, we are 3rd/4th on server, but have still killed 4 nameds in PoW (So not totally incompetent). We started off tonight with 2 Soul Drinal, and somehow first pull we made it to top of lift before things went bad. Lucky pull.
    After that, we went back to 1 soulstone, every single pull, no matter what we tried, keeping the person with curse alive (And curing it every 15s or so to another person), was just near impossible. Unless everyone in raid specs to full DR stuff, or we try keep the curse on very specific classes at all times, how on earth is a casual guild ever likely to kill this mob in the state its in.
    Thirdly, the curse penalty. I can understand there being a penalty for the curse, but one that makes the whole raid wipe basically? Its just mind numbing and makes me never ever want to go to the zone again.

    Suggestions (Constructive Criticism rather than just Criticism.)
    a) Either ditch the lift completely and make the named port the whole raid to the top at 50%, or fix it so the mob won't fall through it ever.
    b) The Curse - Reduce the hit to 90-95%. This way, you will be punished for not dealing with it quickly, or being hit with it when other damage is occuring, but it wont kill every time.
    c) The curse pentalty - Make it so the person who dies with the curse only gets the penalty. That way if you let someone die, they basically become excluded from the fight.
  20. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    I sure can't wait for that extra 5 potency on our healers somehow making the curse not one shot someone and causing a wipe!