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Drinal raid feedback

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by slippery, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Uncle Active Member

    well i know we just started taking 4 sw poulls and fr what ever reason the bottom start seems to keep going or does one round as we get up top.. seen this happen on 3 sw as well so you mght want to look at that i think it happens roughly halfd of the time as we make it up top
  2. Chronus Active Member

    Known bug, if the frontal cone (Temporal Soulquench?) deathtouch is going on when he hits 50% then the script will continue as you go up. Hold for it, wait for it to finish, burn to 50.
  3. Silzin Active Member

    Also if he Just did his Tank Call (can not remember what it is called) and hits 50% before he checks, then you still have to do the tank call script. I.e. the tank that got called must get target on a non attackable named in 1-2 secs after he ports every one.
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    Which means that person just has to be the closest to Drinal. If anyone remembers the days when the Guardian's Plant skill rooted both the Guard and enemies AE to use that effectively you had to make sure that the Guardian was the closest to the mobs.
  5. Uncle Active Member

    Thanx ill make adjustments on our next raid night