Drake Taming Removal

Discussion in 'Beastlord' started by ARCHIVED-Miapa, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    Did they get a drakota thingy or a drake thingy cause, assuming there was any logic involved, it should be a drake thingy and yes! There should be equal access available, so mebbe it;'s outt here and just hasn't been found yet?
  2. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    I asked about it, and people in the channel said it was a little black drakota model. hopefully they weren't mistaking the two, and that means there's a little black drake out there with the drakota model that can be tamed.
  3. ARCHIVED-Aevarine Guest

    I got told that the SoL lion is being taken out soon too.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that SoE plan to put the removed warders on the Marketplace.
    See what's popular, take them out, then make people pay for them. I know i'm not the only one that will be REALLY mad if we see them show on the market.
  4. ARCHIVED-gotalotaqs Guest

    Dhaunven@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    You can only hope they wouldn't be so stupid.
  5. ARCHIVED-Mystfit Guest

    The three removed so far have had logical reasons for being removed.
    1. sea turtles need water.
    2. Meatbeast is a named. (This does not explian why the hiding bovoh isn't tamable)
    3. Drakotas are intelligent and he's realllllly big.
    The lion doesn't seem to fit any of those rules....so would be the first I call suspect on.
    Having said that, I fear i would buy a Meatbeast warder if available. I have no Meatbeast morals.
  6. ARCHIVED-Gomora_Toad Guest

    The model for already tamed drakonine guardians was indeed changed to a smaller, grey drakota. I'm completely puzzled. If the EW mobs are no longer tameable because they're drakotas and it conflicts with lore, why change everyone's pet into another drakota model? If it was a size issue, why not adjust the mob so it scales down more when tamed?
  7. ARCHIVED-Lempo Guest

    Lisail@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Nothing wrong with hope. Carpenters were hoping that they wouldn't put yet even more SC blocks on the marketplace. (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2...topic_id=513357) didn't work well for them, maybe for the beastlords though. Of course the building blocks were a cough,cough honest mistake (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/...=513357#5701096) that were not intended to be listed. LOL please.
  8. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    darn it I just got my SoL deer and lion today! they better not remove them...unless they intended them to be 'exotic' which would make sense, since they are spiritual. maybe along the line of 'magical'
  9. ARCHIVED-Xordar Guest

    I just liked that drake because of his frosty stone look. I would have been thrilled, if they'd had just shrunken him after being tamed.