Do Quest Rewards make you LOL?

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Dexella, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Giggilie Guest

    Are we allowed to post our entries here?
  2. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-Dexella Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-Pengefinchess Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Juggercap wrote:
    While I agree the link between quest rewards and this contest is tenuous at best... I just wanted to point out there are a number of meme sites out there that you can upload this image and create a submission with no photoshop like skills required.
  6. ARCHIVED-Iza Guest

    Was wondering myself if there was a way to change your entry, but I don't see any way to edit. Meh.
    Just that I was thinking about it, and I like this one better cause it's base on a true story:

    Rather than the other I entered with. Oh well. ;/

    Oink@Blackburrow wrote:
    My first thought was: "Forced meme is forced" // Milhouse is not a meme. I did it anyway.

    Pengefinchess@Splitpaw wrote:

    And this one for EQ1
  7. ARCHIVED-Giggilie Guest

    There are a lot of wonderful entries! Good luck to all!
  8. ARCHIVED-Rampage Guest

  9. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Rampage wrote:
    I'm curious as well.. though I'd assume that mine didn't as I haven't heard anything yet. ;)
    Not seeing a timeframe on the contest guidelines for when they'll announce winners, so.. someday when they hear back from all of the winners, I guess?
  10. ARCHIVED-Dexella Guest

    Cyliena wrote:
    Working on it! A lot of our team is out at PAX and Dragon*Con this weekend, so we'll be doing the announcement/reveal after Labor Day
  11. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    Dexella wrote:
    Any update on this?
  12. ARCHIVED-Dexella Guest

    Cyliena wrote:
    We've got some paperwork that's in process (legal stuff). Once that's all cleared, the winners will be notified and announced.
  13. ARCHIVED-Dexella Guest

    Update! The winners have been notified!
    I can't share who they are yet...they have to accept and fill out paperwork. Once we hear back, though, we can share the news with everyone.
    Sorry for the delay on this. Reminds me why I didn't go to law school. Contests require a lot of paperwork and legalese.
  14. ARCHIVED-Dexella Guest

    Congratulations to our "Make a Meme" winners!
    Grand Prize: Cyliena
    Runners Up: Jethal and Islington
    Community Team Favorite: Ainaree
    We will be sharing the winning entries here and on Facebook in a future feature.
    Also, keep your eyes peeled for details about another Facebook contest launching today!
  15. ARCHIVED-ChrissyFaey Guest

    Thank you so very much for running the contest and the compliment of liking my entry! :)
  16. ARCHIVED-Mohee Guest

    To answer the title of this post...
    yes, quest rewards make me LOL, specially stuff like relic armor and A Mark of the Awakening