Dagger Storm

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Bolbir, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. Buba Active Member

    Just for fun logged in my troub on HoF server and did a search for all bards today now that they do almost no damage. Surprise surprise only 14 bards on the entire server. 2 classes and only 14 log on now. Maybe they are going to change the classes all together. Make just 3 Fighter healer and generic DPS and then only allow ascension spell.
  2. Tekka Well-Known Member

    Fair point.

    Though I do think a LOT of issues could be caught through regular play in a 'Live' (Test) environment, rather than shove untested (completely?) content onto the actual Live servers.

    I'm not so much concerned about discussion as the <apparent> lack of testing.
  3. Adoninilol Well-Known Member

    Live has been beta for like seven years now, test hasn't had a real raid guild on it in like ten(?) years or something like that, i fondly remember that because of how everyone was upset they got transfered to live.
  4. Samtpfote New Member

    I am really impressed.
    Impressed how DB seems to care for problems that have an massive impact on the gaming of nearly a whole subclass.
    No reaction in any form in this forum for two days. Not even a short reply like "We are investigating...." or any other reply that show players you really care.
    Maybe it is because there is no time for it ?

    This i can ceratinly understand.

    Posting messages about SantaGlug Mailboxes in a Bureau somewhere in SanDiego or some new, superimportant items in the Ingame-Store is much more important. Who cares about some frustrated players.....peanuts.
  5. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Been said lots in Discord Caith is working on it, but it requires a patch until it can be pushed to live. ETA early next week hopefully.
  6. Samtpfote New Member

    Nice that there's "something" out there like discord, twitch, twitter and so on. Not alle people have or ant to have acces to those channels.
    THIS here is the official Daybreak EQ2 Forum.
    Is it really too much to ask for an official statement here ?
    I run my own business and if my company makes a mistake my customers can expect a statement at short notice and an apology for the inconvenience. This does neither cost much time nor much money.
  7. Denon Active Member

    Sounds like the fix may not come till after the holidays. I don't understand why they cant revert the change until they have a real nerf ( I mean fix) .

    Thinking I am just going to find some other game to play during the holidays - who knows maybe I'll find a game where they actually test changes before going live.
  8. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Reverting would require a patch, in the same way a fix would. Sadly the game is fundamentally built that way and I don't think that can be changed easily any more.

    The problem is that they have limited number of patching opportunities, as the patching team is a DBG wide team and caters for other games as well. It was previously suggested that only major progression blocking changes would get a Pre-Xmas patch (It's not uncommon for companies to have a change freeze over festive period), but I think Gninja suggested they are going to aim for one early next week.

    If this is the case, and it's fixed next week I think most will be ok with it. (Balance changes aside).