Curse of Darkness - Varsoon

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Chrexx, Jun 20, 2023.

  1. Chrexx Active Member

    It's been months now since Curse of Darkness was nerfed and no further changes have been made to the class.

    You're essentially eliminating an entire class from the game. Please do something here to fix it. Either buff curse of darkness so that it's the same as Frigid Gift, but does disease instead of cold damage, or find another way to make the class useful.
    Cappy, Alkaline, Smashey and 7 others like this.
  2. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Make CoD feel good to push. A copy paste of Frigid Gift but disease damage is an easy win.
    KaitlynnAM101, Naavin and Liberal like this.
  3. Liberal Active Member

    I strongly agree with this feedback.

    We have tried warlock in each expansion so far on TLE and it seems to fall short of all other choices of mage. Even another enchanter, or a rogue in the mage group outperforms this class as it currently stands.
    KaitlynnAM101, Naavin and Zenji like this.
  4. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Looking forward to the class balance forums that were referenced by Kander back in April.

    There are some very simple adjustments that could be made to put all the DPS classes in a good place.
    SolarFaire and KaitlynnAM101 like this.
  5. Zenji Well-Known Member

    2 Simple changes that could "fix" Warlock on Varsoon.

    1 - (the above suggestion) A copy paste of Frigid Gift but changed to disease damage
    2 - Change the Warlock Mythical weapon clicky effect (Negative Void) from 30% to 60%

    Neither of these will cause the Warlock to be top DPS, but they would no longer be parsing below Enchanters and a hindrance to the raid.
    SolarFaire and KaitlynnAM101 like this.
  6. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Dev team, it's time to give Warlock some love for RoK. This class has been dead and forgotten for the last year, how about you all don't ignore it for another 4 months.


    This is the 7/12/22 post

    and silence since then.
  7. Zenji Well-Known Member

  8. Crabbok Member

    There's got to be a way to make CoD desirable again without it "lagging out the servers". Maybe multiply the damage? Or just have it only proc once per spell cast?
  9. Zenji Well-Known Member

    RoK Beta starts tomorrow for Varsoon, great opportunity for the Dev team to show they are listening to the community by fixing Curse of Darkness and buffing Warlocks.
  10. Zenji Well-Known Member

    The silence is deafening. Guess 4 more months this class is unplayable.
  11. Zenji Well-Known Member

    How great would it be for Warlocks to be Tier 1 DPS? Rather than parsing below Enchanters.
  12. Zenji Well-Known Member

    It's now September, This started with the CoD nerf back in July of last year.

    How is it acceptable that a T1 DPS class has been parsing less than Enchanters for over a year?
    Something other than silence from the Dev team would be appreciated.
    Tridav likes this.
  13. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Mid content is coming for Varsoon in a few weeks. Would be a great time to give Warlocks some love.
  14. echooo Member