Cross Talk in Palace of the Ancient One.

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Cloakentuna, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cloakentuna Guest

    So tonight my guildies and I ventured into PoAO to take some pulls at Anashti Sul in an attempt to learn the encounter. However, the lag in the zone was so terrible not much has been accomplished so far The source of this lag? Well, Palace is just normally laggy in general, however, this lag we were getting was of epic levels. In between one of our pulls, somebody in the raid was looking at their combat logs and we see...
    Now...a void glider is the add that spawns in front of Mynzak. Odd how we would be seeing that all the way in Anashti's area. Not to mention the fact that Deamonseed is somebody in a completely different guild in a whole different Palace instance. How is it that somehow we were receiving combat spam from a different guild in a different instance of Palace? Perhaps fixing this problem could solve some of the lag issues associated with palace.
    Anybody ever noticed this before?
  2. ARCHIVED-Macross_JR Guest

    had it happen the other night as well, think it was tuesday.
  3. ARCHIVED-ashen1973 Guest

    Not sure if this is related, but we raided TotMC last night and everyone seemed to be getting a lot of lag (mainly small lag between hitting a button and spells casting).
    There where at least 2 other guilds raiding TotMC at the same time, which isnt that rare and doesnt normally cause any issues.
    The lag seemed to suddenl stop when we where about half-way through the night.
  4. ARCHIVED-Zexxii Guest

    The important bit from tuna's OP is we were seeing logs scroll by in OUR logs from another guild in another instance of the same zone.
  5. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-Zexxii Guest

    no, not neat, the lag was terrible
  7. ARCHIVED-Cloakentuna Guest

    I now know what it felt like to be Steve Irwin...
  8. ARCHIVED-Zexxii Guest

  9. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    The huge manta ray add before Anashti isn't called a void glider right? So its not from that?
  10. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    I'm curious if a /who would have shown more than 24 players.
    Remember trial of the awakened where the solo instance and the raid instance was in the same zone? You could zone in and COTH someone in dragon form into the raid area to tank/slaughter the x4's?
  11. ARCHIVED-Zexxii Guest

    i did a /who to check just that, there were only 24 players registering, none were the other guild
  12. ARCHIVED-Cloakentuna Guest

    Gage wrote:
    Nope, it is a Void Annihilator, or however you spell that word. The Void Gliders are the ones that spawn in front of Mynzak.
    We were standing in that hallway that leads into Anashti's room when this was happening.
  13. ARCHIVED-Kruhl Guest

    This one bug is making it almost impossible to raid any zone....
    I'm kind of surprised the devs haven't responded to this yet, or addressed it.
  14. ARCHIVED-YeldarbSpiritblade Guest

    So we're fighting "A Void Annihilator" and one of the raid members that went LD earlier comes through the portal to Anashti's room. After the fight, we would just invite the ld'd person back and fight Anashti. It's happened before, no big deal... right? Another script of the same fight starts in the middle of the encounter, and another, non-encounter "A Void Annihilator" spawns. Hmmm.
    No big deal. Everyone leaves the instance, and we'll just reset the encounter, go back and fight him again. Well, that's what we thought anyways. After coming back into the zone, we notice that both encounters are still going. Adds are still spawning, and 2 Void Annihilators are up. We also keep getting this "The encounter is no longer worth any experience or treasure" messages. But the adds still come and kill people anywhere in the zone.
    We figure, ok, we'll just leave and do something else and come back later... We came back to the same zone instance a day or so later, and one of the raid members zones in and there are literally hundreds of adds in the zone. Everywhere, there are "a void manipulator(?)", "a void savage", "an arcane horror" in the zone. The zone is completely overrun with adds. You can't even move off the zone in pad without dying instantly to dozens of adds.
  15. ARCHIVED-DerFunkBlaster Guest

    WTB Dev response plz
  16. ARCHIVED-Cloakentuna Guest

    Stivan@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Give em a month or 2 to acknowledge that there is a problem. Then another 2 or 3 months to fix it, by which point the next expansion will release and traffic in the zone will decrease, and a new zone, with the same exact problem will come out and eventually be fixed towards the end of the new expansion!
  17. ARCHIVED-nickydean Guest

    YeldarbSpiritblade wrote:
    On top of this "bug", we've also experienced one where it's simply impossible to close the void portals. The option is simply not able to be clicked. There's also been times of the harvestable item being below the actual terrain and impossible to harvest. Makes for lots of fun!

    I'd also like to buy a "Dev. Response" for $5000 Alex....
  18. ARCHIVED-dirtymeat80 Guest

    We encountered some lag in Palace a few days ago as well. Think it was Friday. Seemed everyones combat arts/spells were taking two & three times longer to cast/refresh. It'd kinda go in and out and coupled with the voice issues, it didn't make for a fun night. Was fine the next day though when we went back for some vengence.
  19. ARCHIVED-chainsaw Guest

    Our guild left three boxes open and we didnt get to kill anashti, so can we get those boxes back and a clean shot at anashti. I dont know why my name is light blue liesure.
  20. ARCHIVED-Eveningsong Guest

    The cross chat issue sounds similar to something that was noticed when testing the live event solo grottos. When people were grouped, they could see the hails and chat text of the other people who were in group, even though they were in a (supposedly) completely separate instance of the same zone.