Container Depots? Good idea or bad idea?

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Deornwulf, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. Meirril Well-Known Member

    The funny thing is this is probably the first time I'd personally get a huge benefit from one of these depot proposals (other than the harvest depot)...and I can't see it being worth the effort. If they could do just Thick Bear Hide Backpacks that would be great for me. But you can't do just one container. Especially when there will be new (cheap) containers eventually. I usually keep 30 backpacks in the guild bank because people that make a new alt need 18 bags (6 for inventory, 12 for bank. Actually another 8 for house vault and 8 for broker if we're going to be picky). 30 backpacks actually doesn't go very far.

    While long time players don't need to get free backpacks from their guild, actual new players need help. 16 gold is nothing to a level 90. But when your on your first toon, 16 gold is a huge amount of money. There are a few quests and as long as the 1-9 items remain strong in sales you can get the gold for a bag....if you have broker access. Again, the importance of guilds being able to help new players. And as far as helping a new player, some cheap bags are a lot better than a full set of gear. The gear gets outgrown in a few days, the bags don't get out leveled. Also the more inventory you have the longer you can adventure. Less book keeping, more fun = a better player experience = a better chance at retaining a player. Bags are important. Honestly, its the one thing I've always given new players.

    So maybe a bag depot isn't a good idea. Maybe instead give guilds an extra page of bank space that can only hold containers? Maybe make than an amenity? That would be a lot less work and basically the same benefit.
  2. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    No, no, no...not backpacks for the broker! Sales crates, and specialty crates. Unleash the carpenters! Heck, eucalyptus is easy to get now with all the harvest buffs we have now.

    Which reminds me...those carpenter made crates really really really could use an update to more current rare wood.
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