Combat Mechanics and Player Progression - Feedback/Questions

Discussion in 'Spells, Abilities, and General Class Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-DuneWarrior Guest

    Any chance we could get a 'chart/list' of the Agility vs. avoidance factor?
  2. ARCHIVED-Pervis Guest

    Two questions, personal experiance tells me the answer to both is "yes", but I'd like to ask and find out before I put the time in to test it propperly.
    1: We all know that mitigation and resists are dependant on the level of the item they are from, but what about crit mit? Is crit mit dependant on the level of the item it is on?
    2: Mitigation granted via Alternate Advancments seems to work oddly. It seems as if mitigation granted via the KoS tree is being applied at a lower level than it should to a level 90 character. My assumption is that this mitigation is applied as if it were from an item of your own level, but caps out at level 70, the level cap at the time these AAs were introduced. Is this correct?
  3. ARCHIVED-ErikGunner Guest

    So, any word on crit bonus in respect to wards?
  4. ARCHIVED-Oakum Guest

    LightCC wrote:
    I do not ever remember seeing that. The only thing it has ever affected is the power pool size of the priest and (now) PVE resistance only, not PVP resistance. Ministration only affects the power used for healing spells. The more you have, the less your healing spells cost power wise. Just threw that in as a bonus, lol.
  5. ARCHIVED-Azzad Guest

    Xelgad wrote:
    So umm...this was like a 6 weeks ago.
  6. ARCHIVED--=Hoss=- Guest

    Yeah, I think they've spent the last 6 weeks getting thier own crit mit up for the F2P announcement, becuase they knew it was going to be critically hitting them right in the jaw.
  7. ARCHIVED-Harowen Guest

    It's kind of funny how this thread name has "Feedback/Questions" in the title, yet after about the 4th day of the thread being up there hasn't been an answer to any questions. SOE needs to equip some items that proc Followthrough.
  8. ARCHIVED-slippery Guest

    By definition feedback is a two way street, it is something oft forgotten.
  9. ARCHIVED-hortefoutre Guest

    I restarted to play my mystic and i have quite some issues, my warden as lesser gear a blows her up. Sure she has a two big wards, but the group one is eaten by even a 2-3K Aoe (12-15k), that one tick on my warden "instant" fast group heal.
    For sure ancestral channeling help to heal back a group but the recast is over 2mn, and in 2mn in a raid you get hit by much more aoe than that.
    Our large group heal is nice and strong, but again recast is enormous, my warden can alost spam her fast group heal.
    In the cure department we are BAD, even we have a full line of AAs for it (stamina & herbal expertise). Druid get tunare grace that is 10 time better. Two group cure is way better than a single group cure with lower recast time.
    All of regenerative wards have been nerfed to oblivons, i need 5 AA is runic armor to get it as strong as before the ninja nerf.
    What remain is torpor, oberon and our single target wards, the first two were nerfed badly, and unlike a warden that can cast hierophantic genesis almost at wil beron may raise mana issue.
    Our mana regen (myth effect) is on a quite a long timer and cannot be compared to permanet mana regen of other priest.
    We also miss totally proactive curing, anti aoe and anti stun.
    It seems that our only main asset are now torpeur, amplify and spiritual leadership not too exiting.
    I would lke to know why our regerative wards were nerfed.
  10. ARCHIVED-Meisa Guest

    Is there a place on the forums or is there someone that could tell us which of these: % Crit chance, Crit Bonus, Potency, and Ability Modifer are the most important for specific classes? We would especially like to know which is most important for Wardens (or healers in general) and Shadowknights (or crusaders/fighters).
    Meisa (and on behalf of Runegar, as well)
  11. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    How much mitigation does a level 90 in level 90 gear need to hit the cap vs. a level 98 opponent?
  12. ARCHIVED--=Hoss=- Guest

    Meisa wrote:
    Class forums.
    there's also another site with higher end players which is not allowed to be linked here because ... well because half the people there have been banned from this site for cussing and flaming and such. So its not really safe for work.

    Edit: But if you want to PM me I'll send you a link
  13. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Can you explain how accuracy is computed into hit chance?
    I understand that s/c/p/r skill is contested against a combination of targets defensive skills and level con for a computed hit result.
    How does accuracy react with that contested check?
  14. ARCHIVED-Davngr1 Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    a dev was asked this very question and they said that the exact values could not be discloused since they were subject to change.

    he did say there was an order and that "accuracy" was the final variable.
    here is something i put together to explain how the system "might work" maybe me posting it will inspire a dev to post the actual formula :p

  15. ARCHIVED-hortefoutre Guest

    I want to compute the Max HPS (group and single target) of a mystic and of a warden, since i do believe that the even the single target one warden one is higher (the group hps being probably at least twice bigger for a warden). I cannot parse it since it would mean letting the tank in the red all the time. I m not even sure that examining the HOT buf gives the right information.
    So i need the formulae used for single target HOT, group HOT, single target ward, group ward.
    I also need to know the effect of the warden mythical, it is written that HOT heals increase tick per tick ...
    I will probably go for 1200 ab mod, 40% crit bonus, 80% casting speed, 40% potency, 10% reuse, 100% ++ crit (unbuffed)
    As far as i know, for a direct heal (with no HOT component ) we have
    mbheal = base heal * (100+potency)/100 (potency affect the base heal)
    actualmod= min(mbheal, abmod) (mod is capped by the modified baseheal)
    heal = (mbheal + actualmod) * (150+critbonus)/100 (critical is doing +50% +critbonus
  16. ARCHIVED-hortefoutre Guest

    Hene wrote:
    This is what i observed when comparing my warden and my mystic, a tick of the warden tempest or her instant group heal (with fast reload) does more than the mystic group ward.
    I even believe that wardens can output higher HPS on a single target too.
    But comparing the group ward to warden group heal is unfair, because of transcendence. This heal is very strong, especially with ritual loaded but reload is a bit big.
    I don't see any rationnal reason to bring a shaman in, they are there for historical reason and due to ACT (they prevent other to parse). Several other factors are in favor of druids : fast cast + high channeling => less interupt, a druid will actually cast in 0,3 second but the shaman will cast in 1,8 instead of 1,5 due to interuptions ... (the serenity column gives a passive talent that make the druid immune to interupt with probability 20% on a heal cast, and serenity can be thrown). Reliable Anti Aoe, infinite mana (no time lost clicking manastone, using a pot or a necro heart).
    In the few raids in did, the MT survival was usually not the main issue, curing and group heal was usually more important.
    The only reason i would include a shaman would be in the MT group if 3 healers are needed, and i would be a defiler.
    Mystic do not bring anymore dps, they used to bring STR but with the stat revamp and caps it's useless now, they used to bring haste or double attack but this is capped too.
    Steadfast is a nice boost, but the recast is very long.
  17. ARCHIVED-slippery Guest

    Shamans prevent spike damage, period. You'll regret not having a shaman as soon as you fight a named that has a decent strength ae and the tank falls over because he took the ae and a double attack within one second. You could clear a decent amount of easy content without a shaman, but as soon as you tried to make progression against something reasonably challenging it would be game over.
  18. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    Odys@Storms wrote:
    You really have no idea how this game works do you?
  19. ARCHIVED-bluedego Guest

    yeap... sorry i love my druid but your nuts. Druids can heal craptons. As long as whatever damage doesnt equal more then your hp. Thats the beauty of a shammy you can take more damage then your hp.. yes, I know there are saves for druids and ward procs.
    Because everyone thinks that lots of damage = challenge.
  20. ARCHIVED-hortefoutre Guest

    Well two year ago in VP a mystic was welcome, but they are much less now. It's due to mecanics and scripts.
    In the mecanic area none can discuss the fact that wards/heal ratio has dicreased a lot (criti, crit bonus, see a previous analysis with numbers). Additionnaly the relative importance of the mythical-wisdon added to ward bonus as also decreased. In the above computation (that compare a T8 ward with a t8 druid heal with low crit/0crit bonus and 100% crit high crit bonus) it went from 1 heal~ 1 ward to 1heal ~ 1,5 ward.
    But this is not all, VP fight were more stationnary and involved damage mainly on the MT or the OT. Encounters could be heavily scripted but AOE cure and AOE heals were not crucials.
    In SF Emode, the difficulty is took keep the raid alive, transcendance + the heal on group ward termination + solo warding some members may work, but what we do sweating can be done by a warden pushing 2 buttons. Take Perah Celsis as example, or the barrier, or almost any encounter.
    I failed to solo heal palace, i burned all i had, torpor, solo ward, group ward, ancestral channeling, transcendance, my 2 direct heals. Then we grouped our raiding warden and our lifes never moved. I checked her parse, she did 100% with tempest and group quick heal. My warden that is wearing mostly legendary would probably solo heal this encounter too (with more difficulties) and she miss the red ornement for wind of renewall (or others).
    Currently a druid tempest is way more pro-active than a group ward, and a druid cloro is probably more proactive than a single target ward.
    I cannot speak about hard mode, but as long as your tank does not get one shotted you don't need a warder. No if you really need bolster and a 8K ward (since the group ward wanna be eaten by aoe) for him to survive you may need a shaman for the MT. But i would probably prefer cyclon, the two warden death-prevention, tranquility, spores, turtle shell, serenity and hierophantic genesis.
    Content and mecanics have changed, but it takes time for people to understand.

    Ps : i mainly compare with wardens, but furies do probably as well.