Class balance right now...

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Kielex, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Kielex Well-Known Member

    What bothers me is how some classes are quite weak compared to their competition. Are all dirges supposed to go troub? Are all coercers supposed to go illy? What about assassins, are they all rangers yet or are there a few just sticking to their weaker class? Ranger hawk nerf... 7% less damage, really? Meanwhile conjurors are already ahead on dps compared to necromancers, especially with the fire seed epic util they bring and now they also get a stupid overpowered class cloak rune?

    Finally sorcerers got buffed to good levels, but what about rogues? Rogues are the sorcerers of the scouts. How about an equal buff?

    Start buffing or start nerfing daybreak. Class balance has never been this awful even after having implemented ascension abilities which were supposed to make the gap between dps from weaker classes compared to stronger classes smaller (yet you ruin it by creating pets that do half someone's parse, or adding a solid 20% extra base damage to all sorc abilities including ascensions). Get it together, come on, some classes are so weak that they are no longer fun to play and changing classes is made impossible with heirloom PG stuff. tithe, epic grind ETC ETC ETC.

    Another solution is a daybreak market potion that allows you to change class, like betrayal but then to any class.
    VGScastaway and Ponderous like this.
  2. Evguenil62 Well-Known Member

    Can you please tell us who exactly must be buffed or nerfed?
    Do you want to say that all spell and abilities of dirges must be buffed 10% and all spells and abilities of troubadours must be nerfed 10%?
    Or do you think that this kind of information is already known by DBG and they don't want to do anything about just because... who knows why.
  3. KythosMeltdown Active Member

    The issue with balance is that there is no clear baseline to compare classes at.
    dirgenoobforreal and Snikkety like this.
  4. Kielex Well-Known Member

    There are several abilities/pets that are just a bit out of hand. Sorcerers, summoners, rangers and beastlords are so extremely far ahead on other dps classes atm. Yes, those bunch of classes should all be at/around the same level but the gap it creates with other classes like rogues/util/healers/tanks except for sk is just becoming TOO big. My brigand friend was parsing the same as his wizard/conj friends at the start of the xpac who both had hammers. Now he parses less than 2/3rd of them individually, simply because some classes keep getting spoiled (well, wizards were trolled really hard for longer than a year but conjurors and beastlords on the other hand...). A dps buff to all classes BUT sorcerers/conjurors/rangers/beastlords would be great.
  5. Earar Well-Known Member

    It's because there is no class vision anymore.

    and too much stats on gear.
    And reforge which makes it easier to optimise

    And so on.

    But classed will wait next expac. They won't do anything now. All hands are on next xpac.
    U see that with class orange runes, not much effort into changing them from ToT at all

    Feldon likes this.
  6. Melt Actually plays the game

    I'm going to have to kindly disagree that sorcerers are out of line. Wizards are STILL getting trolled. Warlocks are STILL getting trolled. Sorcerers are below the other tier 1 dps classes. Unless they fix Fiery Blast and Focused Casting, there is not much to be done for them. Can totally agree with conjuror though. The conjy in my raid outparses me purely by virtue of speccing fully into dpsmod for his pet. Individually he does less than half my dps, and he is generally the only T1 DPS that consistently beats me.
  7. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    if you remove the 28-35 percent of added damage the ranger's hawk does, they'd be doing the same numbers as their assassin counterparts (if the assassin were truly working very, very hard on being good.) however, in discord, they have been asking assassins questions about their class, so I am going to take this to assume that they are working on it. So I will be patient in the meantime and stick with my lil sin.

    However, *squeak squeak squeak* the loose wheels in the machinery: dumbfire healing pets need to be fixed. They don't critically heal anymore, as recently as a month ago. The channeler's healing rift, the warden's fairy and tree (mana part works, heal part does not), the paladin's 2.0 pet, the mystic's lunar attendant, necro's vampirism; none of these critically heal anymore and could use a fixing. The mystic's 2.0 bolster spell is also a little broken I hear and could also use a tweak to work correctly.

    So while class re-balancing is happening slowly in the background, those should also be added to the list of fix-its and to-do's.
  8. Melt Actually plays the game

    Speaking of not critting, it seems that warlocks group power feed can't crit, making it worthless. So not even a semblance of utility there either.
  9. Evguenil62 Well-Known Member

    I don't think that anything is going to happen until there come a clear message from community about which class is overpowered and which class is a looser. But when someone says "we need better balance" it is not enough for developers to even start looking into the balance.
    Mercychalice likes this.
  10. Melt Actually plays the game

    Conjy. Ranger. Necro. Beastlord. Either bring them down or bring everyone else up. Defiler and Mystic. Not as drastic, but bring them down or bring everyone else up. Troub. Nerf them or buff dirges. Any tank can work as long as played well, so none of those are issues. These classes have been, for basically this entire xpac, recognized as stupid and these changes are not my opinion, but a generally unanimous thought. It isn't that we don't reach a consensus, it's that the devs are preoccupied with the new xpac, which I totally understand, but if our grievances aren't made known, they will not fix them. They may not even if we do voice our thoughts, but as that one inspirational quote goes, "You miss 100% of whatever no effort blah blah."
    Dude likes this.
  11. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Dps classes should be balanced. Troub/Dirge shouldn't just be measured on dps. Both should have unique utility to benefit their groups and not just be a case of which does most dps. Same for coercer/illy. Problem at the moment is utility isn't really utility. They are dps with a threat transfer and not much else.

    I don't see much point in making many changes until the expac if the restructure is going to be as big as proposed
    Mizgamer62 and Earar like this.
  12. The_Real_Wurm Well-Known Member

    Asking for nerfs always backfires, always.

    It is much better to ask for buffs, and only for buffs.
    Dude, quisling, Mermut and 2 others like this.
  13. Mathafern Well-Known Member

    The problem with nerfing something, anything, at this point in the expansion is that it takes away some sense of accomplishment from those affected. If a number of classes are nerfed, or a nerf is made to something like celestial gate, then an entire group or raid force may find content harder to access rather than easier, which is not how it is supposed to work.

    Buffing classes, on the other hand, doesn't hurt those not affected, except maybe in "DPS pride", but does benefit not only the buffed class but everyone who works with them.
    Juraiya, Sentrasia and The_Real_Wurm like this.
  14. Jhen Ro Active Member

    This I agree with, more than anything else. I've seen a very sharp upturn in general chats of raid forces recruiting - it's summer, and some forces are feeling it more than others. The ethereal event - whatever any of us individually may think of it - has not reeled people back in as much as some would hope. Taking away would hurt these groups at this point, while adding to would not.

    I'm 100% for balancing, and even some "stop gap" measures of buffing some specific abilities to bring a class as a whole up until the next expansion. I've seen some die hard assassins betray to rangers in the last few months - people who said they would never betray no matter what. Hoping with the new expac this will all be addressed more.

    Especially with accurate tooltips.
    Sentrasia likes this.
  15. Sentrasia Well-Known Member

    While there needs to be some serious rebalancing calling for nerfs is NOT the way to do it. All it will do is create more dissatisfied players and we'll just have the opposite classes crying for nerfs too!

    If you want to see class balance then request buffs to classes you are knowledgeable about. If there is an ability under preforming for a class then feedback that. Saying X classes out parses Y classes so they need to nerf X and boost Y does nothing for actual balance.

    In additional not ALL classes are intended to be parsing equally. Sorry for all the people who want a brig/swash to parse with a summoner/sorc/pred but it's not intended. From the mouth of devs (unfortunately in discord and no I will not hunt back that far to find it again) rogues are not T1 DPS.

    Same goes for bards. Dirges had their expansion of parsing with T1 DPS and it's done with now. Bards are also not T1 DPS. Don't expect them to be buffed up to T1 DPS. This isn't to say dirges don't need some TLC. They really do. A lot considering most of the utility they bring is not really useful anymore.

    Same can be said for coercers. They do not really bring anything to a group/raid that can not be obtained more efficiently elsewhere. Illy's are better off than coercers (For various reasons; including OP cloak) but they are a class that still needs their utility looked at.

    Unfortunately the game has lost its "DPS Tiers" long ago or they have been muddied to the point of being unrecognizable/inconsistent so every class thinks they should be able to top the parse. In part because their utility is no longer needed and in part because most players do not look at anything but the DPS parse.
  16. Mathafern Well-Known Member

    Parse in general is muddy because if I RisingTide->ReaverChain->Celestial->AscCombo->AscensionNuke I can do billions of DPS in a short fight. (Max magic hit 13 billion atm). If the fight lasts twice as long my DPS is cut in half pretty much. Basically any class can do amazing short term DPS if they know how, and some classes (my illy comes to mind) can do even more if they use their utility buffs just right. So DPS overall is a matter of timers on ascension spells, utility, and "normal" DPS.

    Lol just checked Kielex max magic hit- 60 billion. BOOM!
  17. Stach Well-Known Member

    Until you all play a Coercer, I don't want to hear the complaining about DPS. When you dps entirely depends on someone else doing awesome dps things are just wrong.
  18. kluxor Well-Known Member

    Assassins need a boost the most out of the T1 classes, followed by Necro. Wizards aren't half that bad right now but have no clue about warlocks cause I haven't seen one in ages. Dirge utility is garbage compared to trouble, can't speak on behalf of the priests since from what I can tell they can all keep a group alive rather well

    Almost forgot coercers...their utility is awful compared to Illusionist also
  19. Konc3pt Active Member

    Bring back Xelgad
  20. Earar Well-Known Member

    class balance first need to redefine classes.

    the vanilla classes had purpose .. that got lost with levels and AAs and stat boost.

    or if classes kept their purpose ... same .. they got destroyed by stat huge boost (dirges for exemple that are now weaker than troubs because of their buffs compared to troub buffs)

    for exemple my bruiser. during vanilla time .. it was a mix dps - tank ... and was designed to be played as a dps also. I have positional attacks and even in prestige tree .. some CAs deal more damage if behnd or I think the bruiser epic 1 spell is the only fighter spell with a positionnal proc (hate if front and just damage if behind) .. but who would take a bruiser as a dps now ?

    same, some spells used to proc or be stronger if under 50% health ... which almost never happen now.

    every class .. should have a purpose and be redefined with that purpose .. and make fights that are different and make some classes stronger over some. must be a bigger panel of named mobs ... where .. no class should be useless of course .. but where some classes would have an advantage.

    right now we just see some kind of normalisation ...between tanks .. dps .. utility .. even heals ... there are stillf differences but they are way thinner than before and it's a loss.

    I personnaly don't feel like I'm playing a bruiser anymore ... I'm just a tank. there's not close combat fighter feeling. I loved being able to KB mobs ... and it was the bruiser's way of fighting. avoidance and CC .. SK's or guardian's ways should be different. you're KB CAs had to be timed to prevent the mob from attacking you, now they are just CA's like others ... there's no meaning behind it anymore

    when they made all heroic mobs immune to CC ... a part of the fun of some classes disappeared. chanters, brawlers come in mind.

    and when a class loses its defining traits .. what is left ?

    and u can look that way for all classes ... there's something that is missing ... and kind of a normalisation ... which is seen with the ascension classes ... 4 classes with 4 different damages and that's it. no flavour
    Yannos likes this.