Channeler healing difficulty

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Vapur, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Ogdinmar Active Member

    Tbh my channeler doesn't seem to have any problems solo healing any of the heroic zones. That's not to say that some fights are more difficult to heal than others. My channeler bar normally only has the reactive and the until canceled for the healing on construct absorption. on the last named in halls I use healing barrage and rift primarily and sometimes the reactive for the scout tanking the side add.

    I don't ever use any dissonance based heals outside of the slot 3 which is normally the reactive. That however is my personal preference but if have found that healing barrage, rift, salubrious and the slot three are more than enough to the job. Especially healing barrage, its like the bread and butter considering the benefits of casting it are a chance for no dissonance on slot 3 heals.

    However on a final not some fights are going to be more difficult for some healer classes than others. Its the nature of the beast. I have a warden and a channeler, and there is definite differences in the healing of some fights. And not all tanks are created equal so where some are easy to heal others are not. due to play styles, class comprehension, and gear
  2. Solzak Member

    Don't forget, if you specced for it, Barrage and all your other AoE arrow hits can proc some decent heals.

    And I've rarely seen Salubrious actually cancel the zero recast on Healing Barrage. I think its well bugged.
  3. Leasha Member

    The Slot 4-8 Heal-Over-Time should be called "Truespirit Restoration" with an icon of a hand.
  4. Vapur Member

  5. Tajar Well-Known Member

    I actually found healing Fherin on channeler easier than my druid. I leave my pet with the tank and position myself between the tank and the dps and use barrage etc, and keep the pet topped up.
  6. jordash Member

    Once you get a better understanding your limits with your class, you can pretty much just DPS and let your pet take care of the rest and throw a heal here and there.