Channeler epic

Discussion in 'Priests' started by DanzMacabre, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Mae- Well-Known Member

    No, I remember it quite well, Flames was so busy with people talking about epics on release, and that's how one of the most epic bannings of people happened, because one person said the word "Confirmed" about the defiler epic. I am 100% positive that the devs at the time said straight up that they were not putting the epic quests on test/beta because they did not want anyone to figure it out early. Thats why they came out so horribly bugged (think: Illy mobs only spawning once per server reset, defiler quest broken because mobs weren't dropping the items, etc.)
  2. Banneloria New Member

    I don't see anything so far in new tunaria, myself.
  3. Thetmes Active Member

    I checked my thoughts and no joy on any of them o_O
  4. Espero New Member

    I was able to get the channeler prelude and did the quest along with the truespirits quest.
    I did notice in the dialog they said channeler's in the future would need to come back.. But how..
  5. Espero New Member

    We need to figure out how to break the arrow open to release the spirit.
  6. Sylke Well-Known Member

    I highly doubt that the prelude quest is required to start the epic quest, because it is only possible to do it with a Channeler through goofy workarounds.
    Feldon likes this.
  7. Juion New Member

    Okay, so, the channel has made the discovery if you do not have the arrow from the prelude quest, Daleen Blackwood will give you it in the Fens. This implies that the arrow might be required to start the epic.
    Feldon likes this.
  8. Sylke Well-Known Member

    First meaningful information:

    If you hail Daleen Blackwood in Fens of Nathsar and do not have the Arrow of Spirit on your person or shared bank, she will give you one with the text:
    One of my greatest students has come to visit me. I have been meaning to give this to you for a long time now...Here, take this arrow, it is a memento from the very founding of the Channelers. Keep it close to your heart, and do not forget where we come from.
    Juion likes this.
  9. NayHomey Member

    Word has it (because I am a lurker in the channeler chat channel) that Daleen in Fens (Just above the world bell) will give you the arrow if you don't have it. Also some have speculated that you need to destroy the looted or bought one that you have and get hers, due to a suspicion that the one she gives you has a hidden flag for quest starter in it. Which kinda makes sense since the channelers were not supposed to be able to get the arrow as a result of the shadowed creature quests. Some others have said that it was not offered to them, though I suspect that maybe they just had it somewhere in their bags, which will prevent her from offering it to you. And someone noticed that she was wearing the bow of the underfoot at the time they spoke to her in fens... with a cryptic message when she hands out the arrow "One of my greatest students has come to visit with me. I have been meaning to give this to you for a long time now. Here, take this arrow. It is a memento from the very founding of the Channelers. Keep it close to your heart and do not forget where we came from" and if you hail her after you get the arrow from her, she says: The Lake of Ill Omen... it's so much worse than I had heard. I only wonder how I can help."

    Further speculation is needed and I am just trying to relay information from in game so that someone here might read it and say "AHA!" and then share what they (think they) know :) Any corrections to my translations and interpretations are welcomed and encouraged!
  10. Yaslin Member

    "The Lake of Ill Omen... it's so much worse than I had heard. I only wonder how I can help her." Is what she says without having done the cloak. Also, you do not have to destroy the arrows from the prelude, you can just put them in an alt's bank.
  11. Hexcentricity Member

    I hope someone links the epic when it is discovered. I am not going to make one until I see what type of a difference it'll make. Raidwise, I just don't see what the benefit of the class is whatsoever.
  12. Andariel Member

    Just curious if anyone has checked the underwater zone in Fens after receiveing that arrow. Cant remember the name of the place for the life of me tho lol.
  13. Yaslin Member

    Yes, someone checked Veksar already :(
  14. Andariel Member

    What bout Kor'Sha just trying to follow along the lines of problems with Ill Omen
  15. DanzMacabre New Member

    I am on Splitpaw and can no longer join the channel :( Any useful info yet?
  16. Yaslin Member

  17. alQamar Active Member

    I know it's off topic but, is this true for all worldwide channels? I can't seem to join channels anymore on valor. When did they change that?
  18. Eileithia Active Member

    So, has anyone hailed her after completing the cloak on their channeler?
  19. Eliken New Member

    what cloak?
  20. Eileithia Active Member