Call of Storms - new level 65 spell

Discussion in 'Fury' started by ARCHIVED-sorinev, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-quetzaqotl Guest

    Yeah i always use it at the willow wood docks and kill some lvl 1 fish with it.
  2. ARCHIVED-Shadowgrey Guest

    CoS = Call of Sorrows
  3. ARCHIVED-mr23sgte Guest

    With all the fixes/nerfs ect would think "Call of Stun" might atleast get looked at
  4. ARCHIVED-vochore Guest

    nope dosnt look like they are ever going to fix this...but they sure as hell can screw with our debuff spells..."iritating swarm and maddening swarm" on test
  5. ARCHIVED-quetzaqotl Guest

    seriously if they change the new irr swarm a bit lowering the recast and upping the dur a bit this spell will be much better than it used to be.
    Irr/mad swarm is useless they made it useless once lu13 went out, this change will be good imo in the end.
    As for Call of [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] yeah well see if they can do anything about it, on a side note about this spell i was able to cast another spell in the time i was casting stormbolts every second (couldve been lag), but it seems this spell doesnt really stun us as but it makes it impossible to cast anything with more than a 0-0.5sec cast time lol.
    So yeah once again turn this spell in a pet and be done with it, easy fix and then it would be a nice added spell instead of this pos that it is now.
    Should put in the description: a spell that could be useful (when the moon is standing rightly alligned) to do ok dmg when you pull at least 6 groups of mobs.
    But yeah

    Fix call of storms!
  6. ARCHIVED-mr23sgte Guest

    I'm going to start /bug everyday----
  7. ARCHIVED-mr23sgte Guest

    Fix Call of Storms ..............
  8. ARCHIVED-Budgiette Guest

    Lol....I did that once....though more testing out how it impacts on the very low levels - end result was two mobs still standing in front of me! And my spell is master upgraded! I did more damage hitting them with my pris2!
  9. ARCHIVED-markdevox Guest

    Pfft. Still no fix. it's scary to say that ring of fire is more effective than call of storms. SOE will no doubt nerf ring of fire to keep it in line.

    Please fix call of storms so it hits things.
  10. ARCHIVED-mr23sgte Guest

    Looks like some adjustments were made -- :smileyhappy
  11. ARCHIVED-quetzaqotl Guest

    Yes pwease test furies tell me it got fixed...
  12. ARCHIVED-catweaver Guest

    what sort of adjustments? details please!!

    Lubij, Ethereal Legacy
    70 Fury
  13. ARCHIVED-Shadowgrey Guest

    As noted in Test forum:

    Priest changes:
    - Fury: Call of Storms: Each Stormbolt cannot be interrupted and has an increased chance of striking compared to before.
    - Inquisitor: Invocation: Removed Stifle Effect, Power cost reduced. 50% to interrupt target.
    - Templar: Sign of Pacification: Increased reuse time to 30s. Casting time increased to 1.5 seconds. Daze effect does not break early.
    - Templar: Smite: Removed Daze effect. Reuse timer lowered to 2.5 seconds. Power cost reduced.
    - Warden: Verdurous Journey: Removed upgrade information and spell scrolls.

    We can only hope !!!!! On the other hand, how worse could it be. :smileyvery-happy:
    Message Edited by Shadowgrey on 05-18-2006 04:36 PM
  14. ARCHIVED-Sunlei Guest

    hehe, I may make 65 this week and have a chance to see Call of Storms for myself :) If not, I'll trust you people to let us know if the increase to strike is good enough.
    Good to see the developer has seen the posts and made an adjustment.
    Wonder now if that nurf of dumb pets will also include a ring of fire damage cut too. They have already cut the hit points harshly and the damage.
    Hope they don't do anything to cheetah speed when they add the unroot thing to it.
    Made screens of all my spells...I'm watching them for unstated 'changes'
  15. ARCHIVED-Bulzie Guest

    Ruta just curious from your last post why you cast Porcupine in that sequence? Grey mobs probably won't be hitting you much for the dmg shield and mit benefits or porc and as you are stunned you could be casting other spells or melee during that time. :)