Best Class for Questing

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Balamar, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Balamar New Member

    Hello all. I am sure this is probably answered elsewhere but the topic seems to evade me. I am looking for more information on what would be the best class for questing purposes? This will include going into dungeons on my own (or with a merc) to complete these quests. What class would best fit this role? I don't really need anything to skim past mobs or anything, I don't mind fighting my way through the dungeons to get to where I need to go. With that said a character that can AoE yard trash and dungeon trash would be helpful. This character will also tackle any named/bosses that may be available to kill. My main focus is to explore and complete quests, nothing more.

    Thank you for your insight.

  2. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    I´m doing fine on my paladin, but i´m in a raidforce and mostly well geared. A monk could also fit, but tbh, lately every class that can take a punch will do after all.
    But, best bet, is paladin cause of some reasons: You can cure (single, at least some effects), you can heal yourself (on a huge amount of hp), you can destun yourself and had a lot of AEs (ok SK might also fit and do more dps).
    In other words, where my bard, coercer, bl did fail, i put him in front and go through ;)
  3. Markel New Member

    I'm still new (returning) player but my opinion would be a Conjurer/Necro. You'll have a decent pet tank which can be healed, also you'll have access to spells like Invisibility and Water Breathing. Invisibility is very usefull, you dont have to fight every single green mob on the way to your quest goal or any tasty collectible/harvestible you see. Other than that i would recommend a fighter archetype. Fighters tend to have most survivability of all classess. Personally i have only experience of a Monk class and its very good, also Monks will get an invisibility later on. But i would say Conjurer is still better for solo.
  4. Luhai Active Member

    Paladin, Monk, SK would be good choices. i wouldn't necessarily recommend conjuror although I play one myself. When it comes to survivabilty or handling unwanted adds a tank class has more tools to deal with these problems than say a summoner.
  5. Lucus Well-Known Member

    Also if you in a group and the healer bites it from an AE with the focus you can put up stonewall and then rez him to 100% health with no sickness (or if you are OT and have agro you can rez the MT while the healer keeps you alive)
  6. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Which i normaly do, if i´m in raid, but not only the mt. Best example, let one scout drop right next to the boss, a dirge would likely to be killed in next ae (yeah, you can time that, but not all of us ^^), a paladin will withstand the ae (most likely ^^)
  7. Sucuri Active Member

    Every class can solo the solo content just fine, every class played correctly with a merc can solo the dungeons just fine. As far as older content goes anyways. The newer stuff (group dungeon wise) you cant duo with a merc reguardless of your class / play skill.

    Every class gets the spells and AAs to make them effectively play this game without much stress involved. If you can read your tooltips and your AAs and use common sense you are golden. (this last part seems very hard for many players)
    Feara, Molly and Kalderon like this.
  8. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Sometimes i think, reading and understanding is a epic quest, at least for some of the players :p (j/k)
    But then, i do the explain any form of question, sometimes the questions did made me feel drunk ;)
  9. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I find melee specced healers (warden, inquisitor and mystic) the easiest to solo. They can put out good damage and they can heal themselves.
    Feara likes this.
  10. crazyeyes321 Active Member

    Tank classes and melee healers tend to be easiest to dungeon hop in nowadays as others have said. The combination of either being able to soak up damage or heal it makes it easier to grab multiple counters at once. Factor in many of these classes have decent and above AoE abilities and you can quickly see how these classes are above average quest/farm classes.

    Necro and conj used to be what I would recommend, but they are pretty limited on aoe potential, especially at lower end. Hard to compete with a pally/zerker/sk who gather an entire dungeon and blow it all up in a couple of combat arts.
  11. OverDoze Member

    well as a 65 mystic and 40 paladin equally geared with lvl appropriate items and master spells along with a max lvl 40 sk with more than applicable aa i agree melee priests and fighters are a sinch with mercs and the dps comes out more with the aa in combat arts or early amounts of multi atk and crit and potency so i would listen to people who have suggested these classes ive played every class to atleast 20 so maybe others excell at different playstyles but its just elementary
  12. ZachSpastic Active Member

    Monk, Shadow Knight or Paladin would be the first choice. However, if you later choose to play in groups as a fighter you will be expected to be the tank, which you may or may not enjoy. And getting into a raid force as a Fighter can be its own epic quest. If you want a class that is very good at solo questing, and welcome in groups for a non-tank role, then Inquisitor, Mystic or Warden would be the ones to choose. While the other classes can certainly solo quest the solo lines and can solo quest more challenging content with a mercenary, the Monk, Shadow Knight, Paladin, Inquisitor, Mystic and Warden top the list.
  13. Ragna Well-Known Member

    If you have enough funds for your character gears/spells/potions, one of the AE tanks is the way to go. Otherwise necro is probably the best "questing" class.
  14. Lucus Well-Known Member

    pally are a good tank class to start out with, sicne you can heal and if you get into a bad fight while leveling where you almost out of power&health you can pop the manastone to loose soem ehalth for soem power or a alchemist made power potion to heal yourself to a good amount with enough health that autoattack is enough to easily win the battle.

    also worth noting cursaders can spec for 40% AE autoattack i've found it quite useful for making encounter fights go a little quicker.
  15. m4v3r Member

    Well, since you're asking for the best class for questing and not just for pure soloing (that would be an aoe-tank or healer) I am going to tell you this:

    Best class for questing is without a doubt a Wizard.
    They have their own teleporting system (the spires) plus they have Evac.
    Both make questing a LOT easier and faster.
    An alternative would be a druid, but you said you also want to do dungeon quests and in a dungeon you will have a much harder time as a healer than a DPS-class.

    There you go. ;)
  16. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Wardens have the same.. though with druid rings rather then spires. They also have evac.
  17. m4v3r Member

    Yup, that's why included "a Druid" as an alternative in the previous post.
    But since he mentioned dungeons, I think it's a little harder to progress as a healer (unless you're a natural talent...),
  18. Mermut Well-Known Member

    For myself, I've always found healers easier then mages to solo. I suppose that is different now with the advent of moloing, but I'm too stingy to share my xps and gps with pixels ;)
  19. m4v3r Member

    Focussing on only the difficulty in killing mobs on your own (I mean without any Mercs)
    I totally agree. It takes somewhat longer, but you have a much higher chance to survive even harder mobs
    just for the simple fact that you can heal yourself.
  20. mouser Well-Known Member

    Every class has its trumps now.

    My main is a guardian. No, it's not the fastest killing machine out there, but when the **** hits the fan and the bodies start dropping, more times than not I'm still the last standing. My fury has a self-rez, decent survivability and very nice healing - another good choice.

    An easier question might be which class sucks for questing, as SOE has really gone and tried to make them all viable these days. Actually, that was before they even added merc's. A lot of the older content can probably be done by just pointing your merc in the right direction and following along behind (sort of like the skellymancer in D2).

    Just remember the golden rule: Don't stand in da' fire...
    Feara likes this.