Beastlord Spiritual Stance - must be brought down

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Cropster, Feb 9, 2022.

  1. Cropster Active Member

    Nah keep the chat up. Because people who play Defiliers for instance may get an overhaul to debuffs. Just putting a blind eye to something doesn't make it go away. There's been more work into classes this year than any that i've seen. You just need to open your eyes to the possibilities and not limit what you think is possible. Why even get up and live if we're going to die anyway mentality? is a terrible outlook.
  2. eastsidewiz New Member

    Where do you people come from? Don't do talk about this, don't talk about that? Do you think you control everything? Find a hobby. Stop trying to control people cause you're little egos.
  3. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    First of all, read the whole thread of this post, without prejudice. It may make more sense. Some discussions makes sense, and some don't. Calling for a nerf on Beastlords for Spiritual because they "dominate" the healing parse is simply ludicrous. If they dominate any raids you're in, I might suggest you review who you're hiring into raids as a healer. And at the risk of pointing out the obvious, maybe you should just follow your own advice.
    Maviarab likes this.
  4. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    We'll agree to disagree on the amount of work being done to classes where class balancing is concerned. One could argue that all the work being done is primarily to rebalance a sweeping nerf of whole collections of classes that was more destructive than anything. In other words, don't talk about remodeling your car after you just slammed into a mountain wall.
    And stop being patronizing. Open my eyes to the possibilities? Limit my thinking? You have no idea of who I am, what I've seen or accomplished in life. I loved your last sentence--especially since you think it describes me.

    Let me give you a taste of some real insight into life. There's only one "have to" in life. You have to die. Everything else in life is a choice. Every time you use the word "have to," you take away some of your own incredible power and diminish who you are. That said, choices have consequences. People say, 'well, you have to pay taxes." You can choose not to. Maybe you'll go to prison. You could try to escape. Maybe that works. Maybe it doesn't. If none of those look attractive, then CHOOSE to pay your taxes. CHOOSE to go to work, CHOOSE to visit your in-laws. Stop using the 'have-to' phrase and start choosing to do. You'll be surprised at what that will do for your self-esteem.
    Maviarab likes this.
  5. eastsidewiz New Member

    I don't care about specifics. You're a disgusting person to think you should get on here and be so nasty to people. Just go away.
  6. Cropster Active Member

    Your posts started ok, but you've really gone into a really weird turn I care not to engage in. Have a good night.
    Melt likes this.
  7. RubyHOF Member

    I swear that ruins the game more than anything are people's incessant need to hide behind their inadequacy while calling for class nerfs.
    Maviarab likes this.
  8. Cropster Active Member

    This is laughable.
  9. Karsa Active Member

    What he said
  10. Miauler Active Member

    Just chiming in, as Spiritual is my favourite stance, and I'm most often in it.
    Basically, we can't out heal most healers. We can do about 60-70% of a healer if we're specced into spiritual in terms of wards and raw heals. However, that's ward heavy, so you put us in a team with a non-ward/reactive healer and yes, we'll steal a lot of their numbers. They still do numbers though, and that's everything that a Beastlord can't actually cope with. The numbers are usually significant.

    To achieve this, we also have to be constantly in melee, and only come up to speed with full Savagery. Any break in melee, and savagery drops, and Beastlord effectiveness tails off rapidly. This is not true of any other healer class. We also cannot cure or rez, both critical parts of a healer. So comparing us to healers simply on the basis of one metric is essentially the "Cherry Picking" logical fallacy. Especially when that number, and sustaining it is dependent on a horde of restrictions that a regular healer doesn't have.

    On a good day, inside one team, I can possibly match an Illy for feed. However, no ability to feed outside the group, no ability to self-reboot in hard mana drain territory (and see note about savagery), no crowd control, no damage shadowing or any of the other cool stuff in those classes.
    So, again, Cherry Picking.

    Then, of course, the parse in a group is effectively lying about the capability of any one person. The performance of individuals is heavily influenced by every other member of the team (or raid).
    Stick a Guardian in a group with a Templar for example, and the Templar's heal parse drops. Compared to being in a team with an SK, it drops like a stone. The reason being, damage absorbs/reductions. Stoneskins. That kind of thing. It doesn't make the healer any less useful or essential. It just does something that interacts, resulting in emergent behaviour for the group (which is why in group/raid situations, I tend to look only at 4 metrics that can be parsed. Group Heal requirements, Group Power requirements, Group DPS output and Group Death Count).
    All of those metrics change by altering the composition of a party. A party with a high heal parse isn't so great possibly, as it's receiving a lot of damage that needs to be healed. A party with a low heal parse may be great, as it could well mean that the damage isn't being received that needs to be healed (thus I note the death count; with a low heal parse and a low death count, that group is solid, as is a team with a high heal parse and low death count, it just means something's going on, such as an SK damaging themselves and life tapping to keep things going).
    A party with a low powerfeed parse may be because there's someone like an Illy who's actually reducing the power requirement for the abilities in the first place (so a good illy is essentially handicapping their parse by reducing the amount they actually need to feed).
    DPS is DPS, but are the group lowering a mob's max HP? Preparing for some ability that'll instakill at a particular percentage of HP? That needs to be factored in to the raw number.
    Death is death. The less of it the better really, and that's what it's all about.

    It's really why I hate the parse being thrown around so much. People sit at the top of it and feel good about things, but it's demoralising for people further down. And yet quite often, those people further down are providing buffs and abilities that've enhanced the top parser, so they become the top parser. Potentially, without the contributions of the low parsing, the team may have ended up dead, which does the parse no good at all.
    Once you leave the realms of the solo parse, the individual's numbers become less and less representative, and you need to do far more in the way of complex analytics to see what's really going on. And considering that's part of what I do in the day job, I'm less inclined to be doing it in my spare time. I can see the complexity of the interactions, but really haven't had the time or motivation to work them into an analysis. As the quote goes, "other data scientists are available".
    Essentially, as a realistic picture of a group, the parse is a lie.
    Illindria and Maviarab like this.