Asian Flat in Gorowyn - w.i.p.

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Geden, May 13, 2013.

  1. Feara Well-Known Member

    This is why I try my very best to stay away from this Forum, before you know it I will see something that totally inspires me and then I am lost creating for a month. Not good for my toons I tell ya!

    Like others I love your creations using Wantia, it fits perfectly and the colors you chose ties the whole theme together and pops with the surrounding colors outdoors.

    Loved your story.

    Awesome job Geden/Uthanuk!

    Feara runs off to locate her trusty hammer, with thoughts running through her head...
    hmmm... thinking Wantia Japanese Water Garden...
    Kusari is gonna love this!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Feara Well-Known Member

    Feara laughs

    Now we know!

    I will not tell my son about this, he would never forgive me for not knowing all along. His favorite game is Skyrim.

    Thanks for the posting the videos Cyliena.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Cyliena like this.
  3. crazyapples Active Member

    Really love the colour combination and use of the wantai end tables with red marble. The black and i think shinney japans wrighting on the wall..what is that is it?

    Oh is it the book writing and blue/black marble squares? If so very creative i love it. I'd so pay you to make a peace love n harmony ones for my bedroom hehe.
  4. Shalaia Active Member

    I visited your home months ago when the thread was originally posted--this has inspired me to visit again---a lot of creative genius in there!
  5. Geden Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your kind words, glad you guys like it!
    @crazyapples - I used black books for each individual Kanji stroke (turned outwards for gold trim) and black book again for background. This, by far, is the most time consuming part of the zone, and I used Layout editor to rotate very slight angles.
    @Feara - glad you like my story, this home is one of the oldest ones I have and, by the way of existing, it acquired one :)
    @Shalaia - there will be a small re-wamp coming on due to having more edge-less materials. Thank you for looking!

    Also, all my homes are open to RP parties for events big and small. I build for realism and immersion, and it makes me very happy when it people can immerse in the environment.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.