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Art- Crazed Mount Rant! BLARG!

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Katanallama, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Kcool005 Active Member

    Should make it so when you go into flying mode, your flying mount takes default, unless you have a flying appearance, and when you're on the ground w/e u have takes appearance.... allowing you to select w/e mount you want for your mount appearance. - This will fix all mounts that are no longer touched because everything requires flying now.
  2. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure that ttobey already responded to this request:

  3. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    ...that's only an issue if you have (equipped ground, equipped flyer, appearance ground, appearance flyer). Which I don't think they'll do since that lets you double up on mount stats.

    If you only have (equipped whatever, appearance ground, appearance flyer), it's not an issue. If your equipped mount is a ground/leaper/glider one, you keep the ground appearance when you jump. If your equipped mount is a flyer, you switch to flyer appearance when you hit the jump key, since that's no longer a "jump" key, it's a "start flying" key. You don't arc back down and land when you "jump" on a flying mount.

    If you're in a no-fly zone on a flying mount, treat it as a ground mount and keep the ground appearance when you jump, since then it's not a "start flying" key. If you've changed your controls from the default so that "jump" and "move up" are not overloaded, then you keep your ground appearance when you jump on a flyer, since that also doesn't make you start flying.
  4. Mae- Well-Known Member

    I would totally use the frog eating lizard thing as an appearance mount if I could.
    Prrasha likes this.
  5. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    Me too! I've got the "teal" one from LoN from... however long ago that LoN expansion was the current one. But I don't want to /claim it on anyone since everyone of importance can fly, and putting it on a lowbie-crafter/lowbie-adventurer who's going to stay a lowbie is pointless, since that means I'm not playing that alt and nobody will get to see it anyway.
  6. Mozil Active Member

    Am I the only one that switches to "lesser" mount types all the time if that's the one I want to look at? Unless you're questing someplace like Vesspyr Isles where you literally cannot go between the big islands without flying, there's nothing stopping you. I regularly get out my ground mounts or the tradeskill komodo or the skystriders or even one of the old leaping raptors, depending on what goes well with the appearance gear I feel like wearing at the moment. Or where I am; I like using the komodo when running the dailies for lazy plat gain in Moors of Ykesha, it seems like an appropriate environment for it.

    A number of zones are practically designed with easy leaping and gliding in mind, and I had a blast doing stuff like getting on my skystrider and jumping off the giant mountain in Antonica after doing quest stuff during Brewday.

    Just because you CAN choose to fly doesn't mean you can only use flying mounts at all times forever and lose the ability to equip the other types.
  7. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    That that works in places is nice, but it would be nicer to have "the mount I think is cool" available 100% of the time, not just the 1% when I'm putzing around in a place where I don't care about my mount's stats and don't need my flying ability. Most of my lowbie putzing would put me on my harvesting pegasus, anyway, so still no non-flyer appearance. (Really, spending time jumping off mountains in a level 20 zone at level 85+ is not going to be a significant part of most people's gameplay, and thus not a panacea for people who want more graphics available, I think you'd have to agree.)
  8. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    Meant to post this other day, but I came up with my own mount swap routine :)

    Mount Swap Macro!

    You will need:
    Two macro slots.
    Your stat mount (dumb sokokar) with appearance mount (awesome reindeer) in the mount tab.
    Your kick butt bunny mount in your bags (relocate from mount tab to inventory).

    Dumb sokokar, awesome reindeer:

    The Macros:
    The command in game to summon or dismiss a mount is /summon_mount. This acts just like the mount UI button, dismissing / summoning what ever the active mount is. Knowing this, you will have one macro to perform this command twice - once to dismiss the active mount, and again to summon your stat mount.

    Default Mount: what's in your mount tab.

    The second macro, and all subsequent macros, are for other mounts. To macro a mount, you must remove it from your mount tab and place it in your inventory. It must be in a bag! The first command clears your active mount, allowing the bunny to be summoned (or what ever mount you put in there - horse, glider, etc.) in one click!

    Awww yea, bunny time:

    Note: A little about macros, if you drag an item / ability / what ever over the icon in the top right, it will use that item / ability 's image. I dragged the bunny over the macro icon to achieve that.


    Now that you have your macros, you may hotbar them! Hotbar means you can set control keys in Options > Controls > Hotbar Keys. I have my default mount set to <NumPad 4> and my Bunny mount on <NumPad 6>, but to each their own. Now if I have a flyer mount active all I need to do is press NumPad 6 and I can go from my flyer mount to my bunny!

    Mount swapping win:

    One click to swap to your desired mount!

    For more information on bunny mounts, visit this website!
    Tariya and Katz like this.
  9. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Yeah, we know that. Problem is, we have to remove mounts from the mount tab, thus making the mount tab pointless. Also, it doesn't solve the dilemma of wanting to use a cool ground/leaper/glider appearance when on a flying mount but on the ground.
  10. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    Well, not everyone knows that, until they revamp the entire mount system and tab this is something you can setup in maybe 1-2 minutes to make mount selection a single keyboard key. The only draw back to my method is if you want multiple stat / appearance mount combos. Bags are so huge it's of no consequence to move one or two mounts out of the mount tab - and I carry like 8 different sets of appearance armors and some 6-7 years of pointless raid clickies.

    The major benefit though, and what I utilize, is the fact that you can macro mounts once out of the mount tab. If they ever do revamp the mount tabs I would love for commands to set the stat / appearance mount by code, macros ftw!
  11. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    I don't remember animating a smurf mount.
    Katanallama likes this.
  12. Avianna Well-Known Member

    You didn't us players took over and hacked that one in. Just don't tell Ttobey!
    Avahlynn likes this.
  13. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    It comes with it's own war cry "we are born of smurfs!" And then it giggles.
  14. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Any news on this in the pipeline?

    Also don't mind if you delay it slightly for the arrival of Duck Mounts.
  15. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    I believe there are some conversations going on right now.
    Mae- likes this.
  16. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    Probably conversations about the weird threads I get dragged into.
    Calthine likes this.
  17. Estred Well-Known Member

    But that's normal. Ranging from Sarnak anim-braking to giant bunny mounts or krakens bursting forth from your cubicle floor... I think Gnobrin may have had something to do with that last one.
  18. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Dragged? You mean jump head first into! (P.S - Penguin mounts would be awesome too, but Ducks first.)

  19. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    I'm really not seeing the awesome on that one.
  20. Avianna Well-Known Member

    Ttobey and Gnorbin both keep large bags of salt in their cubicles now just in case the kracken should return. I just don't understand how they keep getting away with feeding that flying meatbeast Braasse's beer without her noticing?