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Art- Crazed Mount Rant! BLARG!

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Katanallama, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Jack rabbits with lop ears is just so wrong.
  2. Plinc Active Member

    i will park it next to my flaming rhino..
    in the mount tab, unseen forever...

    .. until you give us seperate appearance slots for grounded and flying.
  3. Qixil Active Member

    I'm pretty sure we can already use any other type of mount as an appearance for ground mounts. It's the other 3 types that can't have another appearance. I'd be happy if the leapers, gliders and fliers could use any other appearance excluding ground (although wouldn't bother me if they could use ground). Still keep the minimum level reqs of course. There are so many mounts..it's kind of a shame not to be able to see the ones you prefer when quite a lot of time is spent in the air anymore :)
  4. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    What about some hotkeyable toggle from ground mount to flyer? Land- hit your button, switch to ground mount, jump in air, hit 2nd button - change to flyer.....
  5. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    This would be a plausible solution for sure, but 2 slots would be far more appreciated :D [We are all lazy and pressing buttons sounds like effort]

    Slot 1: Stats
    Slot 2: Ground Appearance
    Slot 3: Flying Appearance

    Slot 1 - Always Active.
    Slot 2 - Active if on ground.
    Slot 3 - Active if in air.

    As long as Slot 1 and 3 Always matched the same type, it should be fine?
  6. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    The problem there is knowing when you are on the ground. What happens when you jump? Are you going to blink to flyer for a second ?
  7. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Valid point. Would be fun seeing my meatbeast change from Pink to with wings every time I jumped.

    Toggleable hotkey it is :D

    Then back to duck mounts?
  8. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    We ran out of imagining on the rabbits.
    Katanallama likes this.
  9. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    I get the 'single click' experience with macros, one for each type of mount [ground, leaper, flier]. Macro has command /summon_mount [it's a toggle, so it essentially dismisses my current mount], then 'use item' and drag the mount from my inventory [has to be in a bag, not in the Mount tab].

    Makes it easy to switch to faster ground mounts when in non-flying/leaping zones [and back again when the skies are clear].
  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    We'd still need apperance tabs for both.. and we'd lose the stats from our flying mounts. (Example, I don't display my 'stat' flying mount, I've got an appearance for it, so if I swap out they states flying mount for a ground mount, I still have the appearance of the flying mount in my apperance tab.)
    I like the idea of a mount for stats, a mount that determines your movement type and an appearance mount that Errrorr mentioned.
  11. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    Yeah I get that there needs to be an appearance tab for both. The switching of them on the ground or in the air is the trickier part that will probably have to be controlled by you clicking a hotkey.
  12. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Should just remodel all ground mounts with jetpacks :D
    Katanallama likes this.
  13. Anghammarad Well-Known Member

    So don't need a hotkey... If the bovochs can fly with that lil wings they have, then mister floppy eared bunny can fly twice as fast.

    But only the floppy eared bunnies =P
    Avahlynn likes this.
  14. Plinc Active Member

    the easiest solution by far would be to remove the type restrictions on the appearance slot.
    having like 50% crit rate because you noticed to late that you still have the appearance combo equipped is rather killing the enjoyment.

    flying bunnies, rhinos, spiders and rats everywhere..
  15. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    There are no flying animations for those characters. They would just be idling in the air.
  16. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    Sorry to exhaust so much of your imagination on these rabbits :3

    I'd be down for having a second mount selection / appearance option and a casted ability to toggle in between the two mounts with their respective appearance. Then you can have your raid / flying mount and the omg bunny / fun mount (or ground mount for those lame people), cast means you have to be on the ground / not moving, and it's something you can hotbar. Win-win-win-win.

    Also, ETA on duck mounts? I accidentally deleted my purple wings so waiting on the duck for my new flying appearance, til then I will be hopping through Guardian's Edifice.
  17. Alenna Well-Known Member

    speaking of which why doesn't the nose twitch on the bunnies. Rabbits noses always twitch can we get that please pretty please?

    and I have a suggestion can you fix the nose ring or get rid of it from the horned bunnies it is cliping the bunnies in the mouth and it looks very uncomfortable.
  18. Anghammarad Well-Known Member

    for the floppy eared bunny you got one... the ears flopping up and down while jumping... or turning... =P
  19. Tabri Well-Known Member

    The rabbits are so cute too bad I cant get one because I have a stat flying mount in my main mount tab. My squirrel(favorite mount actually ever in EQII) has sat in my bank for years because of that already :(

    I have never seen a jackrabbit with floppy ears though and I'm from Jackrabbit country(north east Texas). seems kinda strange lol
  20. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    I approve.