Anyone else lost the drive to level alts?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ealthina, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    At least it is during the evening.

    If it was during the day it would be a different matter.

    Perhaps something like:

    SteelPiston, Alenna and Deveryn like this.
  2. Raff Well-Known Member

    I make, play, delete and re-roll alts all the time. That said, I could never play just one class / race. Once I get them to 95 and geared, I rarely touch them again unless someone just needs a mystic or brigand or whatever.
    Spindle and Mizgamer62 like this.
  3. Ladymist Well-Known Member

    i hope the heroic toons get a special symbol by their name so I know who not to group with lol I like grouping with people who have a clue how to play their class
  4. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    This is my only level 95 adventure toon. All of my alts were created to pursue a tradeskill (those 4 are now level 95 tradeskillers). With Mysstie (while working on Transmuting and Adorning at the time) I basically quested through every open area possible that I had missed before (while mentored down).. to both get items to mute and to make all the exploration and doing X quests in a zone achievements.

    My evil Warden is the only one I've put much effort into leveling up adventure wise so she can do the quests in Freeport that Mysstie couldn't. Just got her to 80. I mainly wanted the Freeport appearance armor LOL.

    I just never felt like doing the adventure quests with them cause I'd been there and done that already. Most of their adventure leveling has been a by-product of doing event quests and such.

    If I was able to learn multiple tradeskills, not sure if I'd have any alts other than perhaps my single evil one and the one "warehouse" toon I made to store extra stuff I didn't have room for. But, they've kind of worn on me and glad I made them. :)

    I doubt I'd do anything with the level 85 heroics. Will have to see exactly what can or can't be done with them. Would make harvesting easier with new low level crafter to have their adv level be 85 and grey out the mobs.
  5. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Well, at least i got every class i wanted to play on set for end content, no need to role one more :)
  6. Estal Well-Known Member

    Do they really learn how to play if they level the normal way? Because all solo content is so easy at low levels you can literally kill all level appropriate solo content as any class in grossly outleveled gear by just enabling auto attack.
    Deveryn likes this.
  7. Thalador Active Member

    I have lost all desire to level alts or do anything else in EQ2. With the upcoming (assuming) $40 expansion I cannot justify it again. After 8 years it is just too much for the same old, same old.
  8. Vagrant Storm Active Member

    Yeah, this is a rather ignorant statement...

    I've just solo'ed a Berzerker from level 1 to 90...Do I have any clue how to play that class in a group? I have not managed to be in a group for more than maybe three hours during that whole time and it was not for lack of trying.

    I am a returning player so I do have some experience so I sure I will manage to do the job if I ever get the chance, but my leveling I just did over the last month or so will have absolutely nothing to do with me knowing how to play my character in a group. Plus even if leveling the slow way did add some sort of valuable experience, none of it would be worth anything in a can barely get a group together at level 50 - 90...I highly doubt any one is getting a raid together at those levels either.

    Even in the past I don't think any one truly learned their class until they were max level.
    Mizgamer62, Estred and Deveryn like this.
  9. Ealthina Member

    More power to you all who can have multiple 95/320's. I just can't do it. Killing 10 rats for 95 levels? I'd rather eat a shotgun. The only good thing I for see at least I can whip up a raid alt super quick and aside from any back questing it will be limited to epic pre-requisits (that we know of so far). If I want engrossing questing I play Skyrim.
  10. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    For me, it's not that the journey from 1-95 is difficult or anything. I could easily pick up any class, but I just love playing my necro so much. I love playing the summoner classes in general and it's most of what I've done for the past 12 years in various MMOs.
  11. Ladymist Well-Known Member

    Ever grouped with a newby who had their toon power leveled up to 95, or a player who had a new class power leveled to the end. I have on many occasions and the difference in them knowing their class or how to play is is phenomenal. They dont know half of what they have and half of what it means

    When you level through the game you get new spells/combat arts and use them over and again until you get the next set. repetition is helpful to learning 28+ types of attacks defenses debuffs cures ect whichever they are. now have that all just dumped on you. good luck with that
  12. Vagrant Storm Active Member

    Well, these toons will only be at level unless you are doing a lot of grouping for level 80-90 content it won't effect you. I would hope that in 5-10 rather long levels they could learn the basics of their character. If they can't then playing for 95 levels won't help them learn either.

    ...unless you've heard something about SOE speeding up the leveling for 85 to 95. I know they've said that the characters would gain AA xp at an accelerated rate, but not XP. If some one rolled the toon and then hired a power level from 85 to 95...well, then it is no different than before.
  13. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I've played with people who have played this game or another for years and they still don't know what they're doing.
    Alenna likes this.
  14. Feldon Well-Known Member

    With the announcement of Heroic characters it was inevitable that people would feel this way about Alts.
  15. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    Bah so you dropped out of highs chool, and finished college while working three job and worked your way up through the ranks at your current job. And you resent the kid fresh from college being made your boss, and now you do not want to work because it is demoralizing? As they used to tell us in the Army "Suck it up and move on." And on a personal note if this is how something that is pure fluff in your life affects you then I am glad you don't work for me. Because a real issue happens and you would be useless for the rest of your life.
  16. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

  17. Foretold Well-Known Member

    I have totally lost the drive to level alts - because I can't do the 1-90 content again for the millionth time. Just the thought of it makes me want to shrivel up into a ball and cry. I can't wait to be able to create a toon and start at 85. I'm hoping we can create many of them, as there are a ton of classes I want to try.
  18. Loch Well-Known Member

    Bad analogy. Better, but still not fitting would be: OP is the one who worked his way through college, gave it his all and now can't find a job. Meanwhile, the dropout comes along and gets hired immediately for a job in OP's field with no experience whatsoever. The college kid in your example still put in the work and time to graduate college. The argument here is that these instant-85s for brand new players involve no work whatsoever.

    And I'm pretty sure that your "personal note" about the significance of his complaint in regards to real life is pretty much null and void considering you're discussing a video game on a forum along with the rest of us.
  19. Kaiv Member

    I rolled another toon this last weekend. Even though I have eight other toons, I've never played a short race, or a good race, or a non-chain healer, walked the streets of Qeynos without sneaking, spent any time in Greater Fay, or crafted jewelry. Guess I still have a few things to do and see .... :)
    Alenna likes this.
  20. Davionx New Member

    If this were the case then people would have lost the desire to level alts after double xp weekend # 813.