Anyone else lost the drive to level alts?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ealthina, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Ealthina Member

    With the upcoming "Heroic" debacle I have lost the drive to level alts. In fact I've deleted everyone below 85 because I'm just going to re-make then with "heroic" versions. Sure, I'll have to go back and re-quest a lot of crap, but thankfully I can blow right through that content on the way back to 95/320(soon340). There is virtually no reason to play a toon under 85 at the moment. No that there is anyone out side the guilds to group with anyways.
  2. Mimixx(2) Member

    I will still level up my brigand (and inq of course) since I feel like I will miss a lot if I jump to 85, and I dont have tine to mentor down and do okd dungeons. Surely I'll roll a new toon thats 85 and check other classes.
  3. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't rush to delete anything under 85. We don't even know if we're restricted to a certain number of them or certain classes. My alts are all top level tradeskillers with lots of items in storage, so they wouldn't be anywhere near the chopping block.

    That content is at least two months away. What would you do in the meantime?
  4. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Deleted? That's a bit drastic. I guess you aren't much for Lore or just plain old fun.
  5. Veeman Active Member

    I'd buy an extra slot before deleting any of my 85+ toons. But yes, leveling up new toons has become tiresome.
  6. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    With 28 at 95/320, I definitely do not want another. But will probably level a 'channeler' just because.
  7. Deago Well-Known Member

    I got a warden coming up at the moment. I am sure they will make whatever I am lacking (I should not be by the time expansion comes out) up for sale on sc. I do not see them offering heroic potions to only new toons...they should offer them to anybody under 85 etc..
  8. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    Not at all. I'm excited about the prospect of a future alt(s) not having to go through the drudgery that is leveling. No offense meant to anyone that wants to level up the old fashion way. I have done it, am doing it and will probably do it again. I like to take part in most things in the game. This will be one more exciting way to get to where ever I'm going and be excited about it.

    The thing people forget is that (afaik) the option to level in any way you want to is not being taken away. Why should someone else pl'ing or using a bauble to get to 280 aa's or using an item to be level 85 affect your game play? It doesn't mine, I will still play the way I play, won't you? (using the royal you :p )
    Spindle likes this.
  9. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    All I said was that OP deleting all his toons that were under 85 seemed to be a bit of a drastic move.
  10. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    Oh that wasn't directed at you or anyone in particular :) Was trying to ask a question, put a thought out there to have some folks think about when they want/don't want things to happen in the game.

    And I totally agree, I can barely bring myself to delete toon(s) that I only created to do a collection reward item on :oops: It's horrible, let me tell you when you have no open character slots :p
  11. Ealthina Member

    True.. For me Eq2 is grouping and raiding. I did the quests once. Thats enough. I can't kill ten rats over and over. I only have one main and was trying to get another class or two raid ready. I can;t craft. It's so boring. Yes I pretty much, with a few exceptions, log in for the raid and then don't log back in again until the next raid.
  12. Malleria Well-Known Member

    My wife is leveling an assassin as of yesterday, but it's probably not relevant to this discussion because it'll only take me a few hours to get it to 85 o_O . I'd agree though I wouldn't want to create a new character and level it slowly through questing right now.
  13. Skyce New Member

    I think pretty much everyone that experienced the high end content lost interest in putting time into leveling, thats why we see so many power leveling help going around in chat and i think that the opportunity to create a 85 character in the future is a really good idea..the game starts at 90 in my opinion, once you have already leveled 2-3 characters.. you dont want to redo it over and over..
  14. Qixil Active Member

    With people able to start at 85 right off, it seems it would only be fair to give players with toons under 85 free boost baubles of some sort to 85 (as an option), thus keeping whatever skills already gained to the current point and not having a need to delete/remake
    Feara likes this.
  15. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    The high end content is what drove me to rolling more alts.
    Liral likes this.
  16. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    working a trio up right now, 1-90 is a cake walk, 90 to 95 with out a couple of experience potions and a couple of hours in SS with a decent group is a bloody nightmare. People are going to be a lot more frustrated doing that level range because a lot of them have never experienced that type of pain and boredom
  17. Spindle Well-Known Member

    The lemming like drive to end game and then constant complaining about nothing to do is not my play style. I enjoy lore, heritage quests and, gasp, dying once in a while. The 85 gig is optional not mandatory...well, maybe it is if you're a lemming.

    No problem here with leveling alts.
    Alenna, Ahupu, Deveryn and 1 other person like this.
  18. Feara Well-Known Member

    I feel ya on that. I just rolled a Pally and was pretty excited about it but since the news I'm thinking, why...

    I had my mind made up (so I thought) on taking the Golden Path for the first time but it just doesn't seem so Golden now.

    Might just park her for now and see if the want to comes back.

    They could throw some high percent leveling potion at us, give us a fun ride. I'm so good with that.
  19. Liral Active Member

    Nope, haven't lost the drive at all. I'm an altaholic so I never lose that drive. I actually get bored when i get to the higher levels. I know my very first toon I deleted was in his early 70's when i deleted him and I only now got a wizzy DE toon to 74. I usually gte bored with a toon in like the early 60's or whatever and delete them.

    Not even sure i'll get this toon to 85 before we get the ability to do this.. lol
    Spindle likes this.
  20. SteelPiston Active Member

    Sadly, I must confess that for the first time in years I've actually been looking around for something else to play until EQN comes out. With 10 level 95's with 320AA and 4 level 90 somethings, I've finally run out of drive. I don't know what to do with myself on the evenings. I've even started going outside....
    Mizgamer62 and Spindle like this.