Am I who???

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Ocarinah, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I can't remember who gave me the idea, think it was someone in the AB Homeshow chat channel, so could've been literally anyone from anywhere, but one of my faves for sheer simple brilliance was the "clear gel soap dish" bit, where you take a Gigglegibber Cranberry Sauce (and THIS, o devs, is why I was clamoring/nagging/whinging/etc. for us to be able to make Frostfell items year-round for 7 years) and any other plate that strikes your fancy, and you sink the Sauce down into the other plate until it looks like a palm-sized disc of clear but colored soap, like you might have for guests. :)

    Whoever that was, thanks so much! :D

    Unfortunately, with a lousy memory (I'm there, too, believe me), I can't tell which of the things I'm proud of I actually originated or just vaguely recalled having seen somewhere else, but not being able to place it. :-/
