All Access Labor Day Sale

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Ashlanne, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Xillean Well-Known Member

    My biggest problem besides the near ninja change is, well I mean what did the items run low on their pixels? o_O

    Seriously the only time there should be a adjustment is down not up for pixel items imo, if things aren't selling lowering the price as a far better shot at getting people to buy then raising it. Like some others I thought the old price for unattuners was far to high and I was hoping for a sell, but then they raised it.

    I would pay 30 or heck probably even 50 for a permanent unattuner that I could use daily, but for a one use item to be 30 is just crazy, that's really close to the cost of an expansion. I know the 30 has 7 n them but still I mean I cant get past o_O really
    Kurisutaru, Clover4, Rhodris and 2 others like this.
  2. suka Well-Known Member

    maybe you should read the post i was replying to:
    they didn't say they had gotten the bonus weekend, only that they had nothing against it and that they wanted free players to have it too i don't see where anything about experiencing double xp weekend is apparent - but it is way apparent they think free players should be included. if free players are given anything, they should simply say thanks and no griping. the fact that paid subscribers get something special should be a given - not an exception.

    however, i do agree with you. i would have expected to see one day of the holiday weekend all inclusive. and may be one day of the double xp.
  3. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    Nobody would care about the price increase if people didn't hold off on buying items just to get them on sale. Sale comes along and the price goes up lol. Sounds like something the dude on the corner that sells perfume does. I personally held off on buying it because I figured I would get a discount over the weekend ( With Labor day coming up). I'm pretty sure 90% of the people here held off. I usually go through 15 unattuners every couple of weeks. Now, I really don't feel like buying anything at all.

    Should have been smart and bought all my unattuners last week. Silly me for holding for a sale.
    Kuulei and Kraeref like this.
  4. suka Well-Known Member

    it is human nature to wait for a sale and even to save money in anticipation of it
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Xillean like this.
  5. Arabella Precari New Member

    One thing I do not understand, nor like, is that if you must have enough SC to cover the full price of an item to get the sale price! How is this fair?
  6. Baphmistra Active Member

    Just a question, might sound like a complaint though. What are you doing for the rest of us? It's great that Gold members (still detest calling it All Access) get a Labor day sale, but what about the silver and bronze members, we haven't had anything in a while, the last double XP weekend was for the gold members too. How about a 5% off sale for the rest of us?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Noctew Active Member

    I don't understand some people. Yes, the timing was absolutely horrible, but the price increase affects only items almost everybody would have agreed should not be in game when items like those were introduced in EQ2X. Remember? "If they add X from EQ2X to the 'live game' I'll quit!!1!!"

    Spell research reducers? Why would I use these? They devalue crafted spells and master drops. Unattuners? I don't care, my alts are not mains and can live without hand-me-downs. Not using them increases the chance I can actually use a drop I get when running a zone with my alts.

    The only price increase that affects me very slightliy are merc unlocks, and I don't mind 150 SC for those.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member thing I would like to see is a full list of these "six items" that were affected; I'd briefly glanced at House Actor bundles before, for instance, and the last I remembered is that they were 800 SC for 5 of them (correct me if I'm wrong)? Now they're up to 1,200 SC, and even with the discount (25% total, not the usual 10% + an additional 25%), that's 900 vs. 800. Not much of a difference, perhaps (and not really a "sale"), but the whole "let's raise the price right before a sale" bit (on anything popular, and apparently just services and/or charged items? still not sure how appearance/fluff/etc. items will be "obsolete" once the new expansion hits [if they're not "fluff," it's skirting close to Pay-To-Win], and game expansions haven't been offered for SC for quite some time [it's probably the reason why the Powers still worry about the Marketplace]) is, indeed, troubling, and that's 100 SC less than I have to spend on something else I had my eye on. It does add up. :-/

    who saved up enough, back in the day, to afford Server Transfer Tokens for all 9 of the Splitpaw toons, just in case, and eagerly jumped at the chance to get them, finally, when they went on sale...
    Clover4 and Xillean like this.
  9. Foretold Well-Known Member

    Wow, researching a level 90 master went from 600 to 1470 SC. Are you freaking kidding me? I used this service all the time, I won't be any more... my god. That's just greedy.
    Clover4, Kuulei, Xillean and 4 others like this.
  10. BlueGrass Member

    At first I thought it was a bug on the skill research, it went from 20 to 49 sc a day.

    On my fresh 95 I wanted to update a few skills , to make it easier to do the veeshan content. Considering you need to update 4 times each skill the cheapest at around 750sc for a 14day skill, going up to over 1470 for a 30 day.

    I could buy several subs with that much. That starts to make for some expensive skills .
    Yes I could buy just a skill level off the broker if there was one there and I could afford it, Not everybody has bags of plat floating around. or cash.

    Perhaps it is time to find a cheaper game to play.
    Clover4 likes this.
  11. Feldon Well-Known Member

    For the first what -- 6 years this game was around -- there were no research assistants. We got masters in raids and dungeons or bought them off the broker. I guess I'm going back to that, because the convenience of one-click master upgrades does not equal $14.70 to me.

    I forget if we'll be able to research Grandmasters this fall. I bet they'll cost $25 a pop.
    Kurisutaru, Clover4, Kraeref and 6 others like this.
  12. Morfydd Active Member

    So far the list includes: merc slots, unattuners (single and bundled), spell research, and instant revival. Anybody notice anything else?
  13. suka Well-Known Member

    you don't. i just bought something that before sales price was $10. i had 775 in my account. it accepted the buy and charged me 750.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. BlueGrass Member

    If you assume a grandmaster doubles to 60 days it would be 2940 sc or so, start adding them up and your getting closer to 50$ to upgrade one spell. yah not going to happen here.
  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure, but maybe the House Actors? Has anyone bought the bundle fairly recently (before the sale announcement)? What was the price then?

  16. santargria Well-Known Member

    Actually - I believe this is no longer true -
    closed the sale last month.

    However to the topic, it is pretty underhanded of any company to raise prices before a sale - but they ALL do it - anyone who thinks they're getting a deal buying an item at a sale is very much mistaken. The problem is most consumers don't do their home work and track pricing which is how these companies get away with it.

    You're all educated consumers - so show your disapproval/approval with your purchasing power.
    Clover4 likes this.
  17. Torin New Member

    'Course, part of the problem with showing approval/disapproval with purchasing power is that they already have our money for the SC and AllAccess. I had thought to finally buy a prestige house this weekend though and that would likely mean putting in more SC. I can't see paying money for SC at least for the near future...
    Alenna and Clover4 like this.
  18. Luanya New Member

    I worked in retail in the UK for quite a few years and there is a law that states that the original price that the sale price is based on should be the most recent price, which has been available for at least 28 consecutive days in the last 6 months. I am not sure if virtual items are included, especially as this is a discount for members only and you are based in the US but selling in the UK, but might be worth considering in the future.
  19. Malleria Well-Known Member

    The spell research hike is incredible. I thought 600SC was asking too much o_O
    Feldon and Rhodris like this.
  20. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    That sounds like a very good law.