Adornment solvents: How would they affect our Business? Should we oppose them?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Deson, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-AinaFV Guest

    Being able to remove adornments is a bad idea from every angle, even for the average players too poor to afford them. Here's why: 1) The developers decide to make adornments removable. 2) Players start removing and saving their adornments for upgrades. 3) Transmuters see a decline in new adornment sales and cut back on production 4) As a result of production cuts, transmuters stop buying as many transmuting raws (like adepts and treasured items). 5) As demand drops, so do prices. 6) As prices decline, the average players selling those treasured/adept items find themselves earning less money than before the change.
  2. ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-Chaly Guest

    Somebody gets a better weapon/piece of jewelry at the same tier, they need to buy a new adornment. You'd remove that need. Every class makes adornments. Nobody is going to buy 14 different adornments for their gear to hot-swap as needed. Raiders raid, PvP'ers PvP; requirements for each type of gameplay aren't going to suddenly become fluid. I guess we'll just have to disagree on this as havign two differing points of view regarding playstyle. ;)
  4. ARCHIVED-Valdaglerion Guest

    Bloodfang@Nagafen wrote:
    [p] Raiders raiding, PVPer[/p][p]s PVP'ing etc has nothing to do with adornments though. Currently each adonrment adds a different stat or resist. As I dont play PVP I cant speak to the usefulness of these for that style of gameplay; however in PVE - knowing your mob and their attacks can be significant to the higher end of gameplay. [/p][p]Adornments can add +100 mental, or +100 heat, or +14 INT or +14 AGI, etc. What good is a +100 COLD adornments against heat damaging mobs? Being able to hot swap adornments is useful and would be done. Knowing you are raiding a zone with mobs that primarily use MENTAL damage and being able to hot swap your adornments to match those resist is very useful.[/p][p]Right now, most people arent using adornments until they find a piece of gear they dont feel they are going to upgrade because the cost of adornments is prohibitive in doing such.[/p][p]If you dont see the usefulness of this then I do suppose we will just have to agree to disagree on this one.[/p]