10k DT from a SK

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Guld_Ulrish, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Wytie Guest

    Ahlana wrote:
    Do you remember his name by chance? I dont know many non-freeport sk's.
  2. ARCHIVED-symbiotics Guest

    Wedge wrote:
    You're absolutly incorrect. Necro's have no form of an "i win button" and harmtouch doesn't even come close to that unless Godspelled. The difference between the two classes is night and day (wizard / necro) You can resist / cure / become immune to the necromancers crowd control - as a wizard though who needs crowd control when you can manashield and have stoneskin items? - you can't simply cure it or resist it. The necro has no one shot's in pvp - the wizard has two. Do you fail to miss the difference between pressing 8-12 buttons as a necro to kill someone, and the simplicity of pressing 2-3 buttons as a wizard to kill someone?
    What you're attempting to argue is that if both classes were played correctly the necro would be just as viable and overpowered as a wizard in solo pvp - however that's a terrible idea that's easily dispelled. If you care to argue more rediculous points of absurd logic [Removed link. Please do not link to EQ2flames, thank you. -- Kiara] welcomes it.
  3. ARCHIVED-Wedge Guest

    symbiotics wrote:
    Grats on writing all that while completely missing my point!
  4. ARCHIVED-symbiotics Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Pail@Venekor wrote:
    It has been awhile but I am pretty sure it was Asmodai. Very close battle but alas at the end of it I was deaded!
  6. ARCHIVED-foolscotton Guest

    symbiotics wrote:
    anything over instant is pleanty of time for an SK to burn you down.
  7. ARCHIVED-SLPigKilla Guest

    Ahlana wrote:
    Not true with Sk spel reflect AA. Last fight with SK I had it was resist resist reflect reflect reflect resist dead. seriously no exageration.
  8. ARCHIVED-Demon575 Guest

    Wedge wrote:
    i come in 2nd on the parses in our 6v6s usually, we had an awesome group last night
    Warlock troub Sk Coercer Illy templar, Lol ive never seen people die so fast
  9. ARCHIVED-Wedge Guest

    That's like the ultimate caster group, must have been fun
  10. ARCHIVED-AtlantisCalz Guest

    To the people who don't have a t8 wizard don't pretend like you know what your talking about
    1. Majority of wizards don't even have there myths
    2. Wizards have a casting cap on there big nukes
    3. Manasheild was already nerfed to the point any class with constant knockbacks,stifles and stun can get threw
    4. You can resist a spell, you cant resist a melee or ranged attack
    5. We wear cloth for god sake.
    6. You have the ability to cure all our dot's
    7. Its do or die, if you spell dont land 9/10 chance your gonna get eatin alive.
    8. You got to have good gear to be a good wizard. If you near 1220 int thats not enough. If you don't have base damage gear the other person resist usually takes care of damage. If you have a low spell mod, same issue. Plus wizard gear is not nearly as good as other classes. Argue that one please!! I can link the best of a mage vs some of the regular drops your get for scouts and fighters and there is a huge differance.
    9. This one really doesn't make add up to me, why is it you take a legedary geared wizard vs a legendary geared scout throw up a parce an the scout can just about auto attack higher than him casting spells along without using half the mana.
    Now to ShadowKnights
    1.You got a aa line that allows you to do basically all crit damage and heals
    2. You can reflect spells
    3. You wear plate.
    4. Death March mine as well be Sanctuary x10
    5. You got HUGE lifetaps
    6. You do more dps than most other tanks with half the effort.
    7. The all might Death Touch is under the lines of a spell so under your int aa line you an make it crit all the time on 5 minute recast.
    8. You get insane amounts of knockback and stuns and intterupts
    9. Reaver allows you the ability to kill more people in aoe room because you can get more heals the from stuff you hit.
    (Although it is funny to make them engage an kite them until they waste there own health)

    Anyways, caster have been punished enough leave them out of this
  11. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    Spartis@Nagafen wrote:
    1. 69%. About 2/3rds. Far cry from "basically all"
    2. Yes. and it is easily dispelled. Oh, didn't i mention that before btw? SKs are ruined by dispells. all their saves are dispelled easily if you just look at what the sk is up. I know, tactics and all that is so hard.
    3. Yes. And so does 5 other classes, not really anything flabbergasting about it really.
    4. Yeah, its nice. Other classes get other nice spells.
    5. Huge? WTF? did you even play a sk? The only hugeish lifetap we get is tap veins and upgrades, and its only huge if its 4+ targets. And with that many opponents the sk should be dead in 2-3 seconds or those 4+ people is teh sucks.
    6. Nope. But it is better than it used to be when we had to work our ***** off to even come close to the other tanks in dps and aggro, even though we were *supposed* to be a dps tank.
    7. Two points about the same AA? anyway, sure. Make HT a radical heal spell instead for pvp. I'd be fine with that.
    8. Insane? 3 with aas is not insane. Look at the other tanks before you call that insane. And oh, yeah, those stuns and interrupts? 3 knockbacks with a short stun (like 2 seconds) is all we get. No other stuns. And Im pretty sure no other interrupts.
    9. Not really. you know. I think you *really* need to try playing a sk you have so many misconseptions on how the class really works.
  12. ARCHIVED-Wedge Guest

    Had groups rolling round in KP today with 3 Shadowknights. Everyone seems to know their immensely overpowered apart from the Devs.
    And on the subject of dispells, I had every single buff I had on me bar 1 ripped off me fighting a group with 2 of them in. Know what happened when I casted my dispell magic on one? It reflected and took my final buff off. *facepalm*
  13. ARCHIVED-AtlantisCalz Guest

    Ulvhamne@Nagafen wrote:
    I did play one till lvl 50 then all of a sudden that update comes out an the whole game is sk's.Lol even before the update you could kill whole groups. Caster about the only classes that stood a chance. What you are arguein about all stack up together it doesnt matter if 5 other classes have it, its the fact of ALL the other things you can do_Only thing you class is missing is track. Then the shadowknight have just about every classes benefits all in one.
  14. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    Spartis@Nagafen wrote:
    I kill sks just fine on my assassin.
    Just because most people in this game cant seem to bother figuring out how to fight other than just spamming buttons randomly doesnt mean it cant be done.
  15. ARCHIVED-Ajjantis Guest

    Fraps or it doesnt happen
  16. ARCHIVED-Azekah1 Guest

    I have a 34 SK...
    Full MC, adept III's, HT master II'd.
    Its just funny fighting ppl. Ht usually hits for at least half of thier health.
    I fought an orange assassin the other day. After fighting him for about 5 secs, I hit him with a couple spells/cas and autoattack, hes under 50% already. I hit HT and bam he was dead, while I sat there in the green.
    Now I know this assassin at least had some MC gear cuz I could see his proc buffs.
    But yea, this is pretty regular stuff. If there's any argument about SK not being OP in t8, there is no question they are OP in the lower tiers.
    I honestly can't remember the last time I fought against a group that didn't have an SK in it.

    Of course the word about coercers has gotten out and I'm seein almost as many of them as SK's these days.
  17. ARCHIVED-draxhellion Guest

    Guld_Ulrish wrote:
    HT and all sk's spells just like any other classes are a combo of MR as well. So to make a long story HT is a combo of disease and MR. Just like the wizzy IC, its a combo of cold and magic its NOT based on just ONE primary if its a spell
  18. ARCHIVED-Wytie Guest

    Punox@Venekor wrote:
    Do you have anything that supports this opinion? Just courious..
  19. ARCHIVED-threat111 Guest

    Spartis@Nagafen wrote:
  20. ARCHIVED-AtlantisCalz Guest

    Cesium@Nagafen wrote:
    My point was to leave wizards alone, I dont have problem with sk's lol, there just another kill, my problem involved the whole nerfing this, an how many times do you parry an atttack as a caster ??? I want to see some real pvp act on that. Fission being usied in immunity poit is not even on point here, its the fact that all of it can be intterupted,i dont care how many potion you pop or how many symbols u have lockdown will happen, a regulared gear wizard does not compair to a regular geared scout nor fighter, I would love to argue that one, and yea yor right we get to one shot, because if we get resisted we are dead, So all this you can parry and you get mansheild bs is garbage you cant just make a wizard an bring him to 80 an possibly think you know what your talking about.Dispersion got nerfed I dont know if you been reading or not. The no other class can kill a group in one spell is bs a warlock can. Then when we got to sk's you start talkin about your gear funny....

    Do research dispurtion doesnt stack anymore lol, and my problem was never about killin a sk as a wizard hell i dont have problem killin tanks much at all, my problem is you tryin to say we need to be nerfed