10k DT from a SK

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Guld_Ulrish, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-symbiotics Guest

    I can't tell you how many times Purifier (brawler pvp weapon) has stripped divine aura. Or having the brigand "Cuss" line doubled up also easily removes Divine Aura, not to mention other classes with stoneskin items / mana shield using pumice stones on sk's to remove the 20% chance to reflect and then one or two shotting them.
  2. ARCHIVED-symbiotics Guest

    Wedge wrote:
    62% isn't high disease resist - and if you knew me and my playstyle I don't prefer to use harmtouch in most situations. How else does one manage to be good on a Shadowknight when it's not up? You need to check my /played time and perhaps ask my entire server just how good I really am. If once in awhile I want to doublegodspell and laugh at some newb with terrible gear I think I'm entitled to it.
  3. ARCHIVED-Wedge Guest

    symbiotics wrote:
    Well, I just did exactly this on Wedge. I'll be absolutely honest, 95% of the responses were highly negative. I also got tells telling me you played a key part in the exploiting of Kraken's VP instance while in Resurrection to gain Mythicals while your guild couldn't clear the gatekeepers in exile.
    Is there any truth to this?
  4. ARCHIVED-Proud_Silence Guest

    Look at how many people are starting SK's. Ever wondered why that is ? because every hillbilly can destroy most people in pvp. That alone is proof that something is seriously wrong with this class.

    I've read all 9 pages of this thread and everytime someone defends the SK they come up with silly excuses as to why SK's are not OP.
    - Dispell the SK ? not every class has dispells, and last time i checked Pumice stone it dispells what...68 levels of beneficial effects ? not really a very reliable tool at lvl 80.
    - get some raid gear; not everyone is in a raiding guild. Most classes are beatable by just playing your class right, no need for extraordinary gear, why should it be different for this one particular class ?

    The overall dps of SK's is just ridiculous, what justifies a Crusader to be way up there on the dps chart ? In my books they should be doing more dmg then Guardian/Berserker, at the cost of tanking slightly worse. but atm it's totally screwed up.
    Equally geared SK and Warlock; the SK does pretty much the same dmg if not more, talking heroic PVE content and pvp fights, not raids. This just doesn't seem right, why should a plate tank be able to compete with a cloth wearing mage ?
    DT is just the icing on top of the cake. Even without DT SK's are ridiculously overpowered. why is the Assassin's Execute on a 15min timer when DT is on 5min ? it doesn't make sense. Assassin has to be in stealth to get his best attacks off. it's not that hard to throw a dot on an Assassin, even with concealment it's pretty hard to get a good string of attacks off as Assassin, it's just too easy to break their stealth. SK on the other hand just instant DT you. Hello ?

    yeah yeah tell me i suck, or need this and that gear. But common state of game proves me right. pvp is not just about the top geared raiding people. Fine if they find it easy to kill SK's. The vast majority of players most likely just plain hates how easy SK's destroy them.
  5. ARCHIVED-Azekah1 Guest

    Proud_Silence wrote:
    I thought it was like 130 levels?
    But I think you are right on the second part regardless.
  6. ARCHIVED-Proud_Silence Guest

    Hm to be completely honest, i'm not 100% sure on the exact lvls. I remember that I quit using Pumice a while ago on my 70+ toons because it wouldn't dispell Manashield reliably anymore. Might have to check that Pumice stone again. I'd appreciate if it had it's effects adjusted to the "new" highest lvls tho.
    PS: apologies for the failed quote...thought that was the command for quotes...my brain is getting old :)
  7. ARCHIVED-Kayriie Guest

  8. ARCHIVED-symbiotics Guest

    Death Touch doesn't hit for 10k in pvp unless your base spell mod is at 100%, even then - I debuffed your disease resist 2k prior to using two godspells. I know of ways to get it to hit harder than 10k through the use of different godspells however I have to go through about 6-7 temps to make it hit that hard. Which takes quite awhile if you're engaged in pvp combat - and even then there's a small window of opportunity.
    Furies / Wizards / Warlocks / Coercers can godspell to the same effect, and for some like Warlocks / Wizards they have normal abilties that hit people for upto 14k in pvp and if it's a double attack maybe about 16k.
    It's not Death Touch that's the problem it's the use of Godspells turning a fair sized nuke into a 1 shot when used against your ALT.
  9. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    symbiotics wrote:
    Truer words have not been said in this entire thread... Without GodSpells DT doesn't come even close to 10k Even with Debuffs...
  10. ARCHIVED-foolscotton Guest

    Ulvhamne@Nagafen wrote:
    yeah the squishy has to stand still in range for almost 4 seconds...
    if the [win] button is down move finger to the [get out of jail free button]
    t3-6 sks out self heal paladins, out tank guards, and out dps zerkers and guards... no wonder so many t7-8 raids fall apart do to the fact me and the 5 sks cant find a guardian in channel chat to mt for us.
    HT needs a massive range reduction, thats all, if mages have to stand there and wait for the cast to drop, and scouts have to position themselves for the big hits, sks should litterally have to "touch."
    If thats the case they wouldnt lose any pve emergency, not too many encounters run from you when your in an emergancy situation, and not too many classes have arts for emergency situations, if they do its running.
  11. ARCHIVED-Wedge Guest

    Ahlana wrote:
    How hard should it hit? I mean, with SKs in their current state, they don't really need it at all, unless they're going 2-4v1. I'd say anything over 3k is too much on an instant cast spell.
  12. ARCHIVED-Wytie Guest

    Wedge wrote:
    Honestly 3-4k is my average seriously, and that ranges from 25-35% of the targets health(depending on the hp of the class) unless its a under con mage then it seems about 45-55% of there health which may seem high but everything will, to an undercon mage tbh.
    Really its very close to the Bruiser's D-fist move which I have seen do some crazy things in pvp.
  13. ARCHIVED-Slowed Guest

    we all know it takes days and hours of pvp experience to play a sk! let the HT hit up to even 15k! dont nerf the class! give em love <3
  14. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    foolscotton wrote:
    Only 2 out of 6 squshies have to stand still for 4 seconds. Strangely enough the two that get their very own get out of jail cards.
    and if pallies cant stand up to the SKs, dont blame the sks, blame the crappy pallies.
    sure, I dont mind. HT isnt what makes the sk nasty.
    And I wasnt refering to emergency skills. Just tricks you have up yoru sleeve. Most classes have those if you bother to learn the class.
  15. ARCHIVED-symbiotics Guest

    Hold on to that thought.
    A wizard's cast time on Fission is what 4 seconds? That's plenty of time for you to see it coming and interupt them is it not? I mean it only hits for like 14k in pvp on upto 3 targets without the use of Godspells. Now here's what's awesome. You're fighting a wizard in a 1v1 and manashields a few seconds into the fight and with all his stoneskin gear it's not an easy burn. Then he starts by laying on dots / aoe's / magma chamber, quick cast spells until he gets his "Shiny Metallic Robe" to proc which increases spell casting by 100% for a few seconds. That's just an HQ robe, nothing too difficult to obtain, no large raiding guild required. Which then turns fission into a 2 second cast and I don't even know the cast time on Bolt of Ice, but I'm sure it's less.
    I honestly don't know why more people aren't wizards on pvp servers.
  16. ARCHIVED-ElephantonRU Guest

    symbiotics wrote:
    Because they all play SK.
    And because your assumption about easy-mode wizards is just plain wrong.
  17. ARCHIVED-Wedge Guest

    symbiotics wrote:
    Yup, and all a Necro needs do is cast their Long duration fear, land their root in that time, pop gluttony up, hit life burn and send in their pet once it lands. Follow up with a few dots and their stun, maybe kite the class for 10 or so seconds, then loot the chest.
    By george, why isn't T8 just full on Necromancers! Oh wait....
    I believe my 50 IQ comment was more applicable than I first thought!
  18. ARCHIVED-symbiotics Guest

    prove it sir - you have range - you can't be burned down - no matter what hits you there's a fair chance it will be stoneskinned - you have the largest nukes - and can without the use of godspells 1 shot upto half a group of players with critical mitigation and even above average max hp. Not to mention double attacks on bolt of ice for 16k or just normal attacks for 8k and sometimes more. Now that's easymode -
  19. ARCHIVED-Wytie Guest

    symbiotics wrote:
    This is true, my warlock is a god, with godly gear and can be owned by any joe moe wizzard with a mythical and a bit of bad luck....
  20. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Wedge wrote:
    But the problem is people keep acting like every SK in the world is DT for 10k+ when it simply isn't true. Get rid of god spells in PVP and that number is around 3-4k (4k being the high end on debuffs and such) on average. Is the 3k too much on an instacast? Perhaps, but there are plenty of people that hit ovver 2k on auto attacks alone... so 1k more for a spell that has a 5min timer?? Yeah, that doesn't seem to be the crisis people are crying over.
    And a well played Wizard, heck even coercer, can take down any halfwitted SK. The FoM SKs don't stand a chance against many well played classes. I think I have been beaten by one SK on any of my classes that I 1v1 and that sadly was my own SK the other guy was very well played. My Coercer and Assassin though I have yet to lose to one, HT or no HT /shrug