Secret Santug Holiday House Swap 2015!

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Jazabelle, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. Moonlit_Evening Well-Known Member

    I'll see if anyone in the Norrathian Homeshow Group on Facebook can x3. Hopefully so, but thank you Uwkete. ^^
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Merriel like this.
  2. Trixwynter Well-Known Member

    I can't sorry :(
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Merriel like this.
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I need to find one myself for Skyfire and Storms, and hope that the Storms person knows English better than I know French. :-/

    Trixwynter likes this.
  4. Spextasy Well-Known Member

    Finished checking and re-checking mine today and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I was a little nervous, with the house I was given to do, but I think it came out pretty nifty! Super excited for my swappee to see it in the big reveal. :D
  5. Vichane Well-Known Member

    I am ALMOST done with my swapee's home..most everything is in place, I just gotta add detail. Though if anyone has spare SC on Antonia Bayle they are willing to gift me something for his/her house....please hit up Vichane. I will pay plat for your trouble!

    Naturally I am trying to keep it super vague, so if you're wondering what it is I mean by something, please just ask!
  6. Moonlit_Evening Well-Known Member

    Mine is almost done x3 I was able to get the keys I needed. Now it is a matter of small details and special tiles x3.
  7. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    Scrambling! I have gone through a re-do about 4 times. They are going to find a lot more stuff in their moving crate than they started out with!
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Heh! What I usually do for my decorator is just pack just about everything into the Moving Crate for them to access; hope it isn't too much, but better that than have everything sitting in the House Vaults and inaccessible to them. ;->

    Trixwynter and Moonlit_Evening like this.
  9. Moonlit_Evening Well-Known Member

    Just an update I was able to get my Holiday keys x3. Thank you Mairzy if you reading this. Just gotta get a few more tiles and I'm going to be done soon x3
  10. Jazabelle Well-Known Member

    Greetings, decorators!

    This is a reminder that you have 5 more days after today to finish up your Secret Santug Holiday House Swap house. December 23rd is the last day to decorate.

    If you wish to save a layout of the home you built or to take screenshots of what you’ve done, do so before the 23rd, as some homeowners like to remove trustee shortly after the event.

    DO NOT tell the homeowner when the home is done. The home reveal is on the 24th of December, no sooner. Don’t ruin the surprise!

    If you wish to leave a note for your homeowner, feel free to pick up a notebook and to leave a little something for them to read when they come home. You can do anything from tell them what you were thinking when you built, to explaining various features of the home, to giving them a book walk-through of the house--whatever catches your fancy! However a book is NOT required.

    The house swap isn’t anonymous (unlike a “real” Secret Santa exchange), due to the fact that your names will be on every piece of furniture you crafted if you’re a carpenter. There’s no need to remain anonymous after the fact--in fact, revealing yourself is encouraged, as that way if the homeowner decides to publish their home, they can do so and give you credit for the decoration.

    HOMEOWNERS: when you enter your home for the first time on the 24th, please DO NOT remove Jazabelle’s trustee IF YOU WANT YOUR HOME SCREENSHOTTED BY JAZABELLE/VIDEO TOURED!

    You have two options for screenshots. Screenshot THE HOME YOU OWN yourself, and then email them to the HomesAndTomes Gmail address in a .zip file. Make sure that your graphics settings are turned up to HIGH QUALITY at least, or your screenshots won’t turn out well.

    Instead of taking the screenshots yourself, you have the option of having Jazabelle do it. However, because there may be quite a few people asking for screenshots, this can take quite a bit of time. If you want Jazabelle to screenshot your home, please REPLY to the HomesAndTomes email, stating that you wish her to do so. Screenshots will be taken in the order she receives the requests.

    If you want Jazabelle to do a video tour of your home, please REPLY to the HomesAndTomes email stating that you wish her to do so. As with the screenshots, this will take some time, as each home takes a minimum of half an hour, even if the end recording is much shorter. Videos will be recorded in the order she receives the requests.

    Please REPLY to the HomesAndTomes email when you’ve completed the home you’re decorating.

    Thank you!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Spextasy like this.
  11. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

  12. Merriel Well-Known Member

    Ugh, only five days left? Was thinking today my SSHHS house is almost done though, but I still need to go through and make some minor adjustments using the layout editor. Still have a bit to do on the other house I'm decorating though, but I think I'll be able to get both houses done on time. *Keeps fingers crossed* :D
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Good luck! :D

  14. Merriel Well-Known Member

    Ok, my SSHHS house is done, but I was not able to align things using the layout editor, due to the odd angle of the walls in this house. Everything was laid manually, and I lined it all up as best I could, and I don't think it looks just could look better, if I were more intelligent and could actually manage the layout editor. :D

    Give me simple N/S/E/W coordinates, and I am fine. Anything more complicated, and I'm totally lost, lol. It really was fun decorating this place, however, and I hope my Santee really enjoys it. :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Moonlit_Evening Well-Known Member

    tis that time of the month x3 I should be done today x3
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I'd better be; I thought I had a simple idea that's taken entirely too long to realize. Good thing I was only planning on doing a couple of the rooms. X-P

    Moonlit_Evening likes this.
  17. Trixwynter Well-Known Member

    I hear you on this one. I just can't do the lay out editor. I've tried a few times but it just doesn't make any sense at all to me LOL
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  18. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    Are we talking the actual layout editor program or the one inside the game with the arrows? I have to click on every arrow that turns. . but I eventually get it. The program itself though. . .I couldn't use that to save my life! Having to be outside the game to use it. . . I didn;t know which was left, right, up or down. . . I am so glad they implemented it inside the game!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    The Notepad Method is kind of a no-frills version of the Layout Editor; if you can follow the NM, you can start getting the LE (though I must admit, I've never tried it that hard...).

    Basically, the key thing to remember is that the first three numbers with decimal points (or commas, I guess; just a Colonist here :D) are coordinates, like in the game. There are big scary-looking numbers, but you can winnow them down to only two numbers after the decimal, if need be (really, the only one that cares that much about the rest is usually the computer):

    123.45678911, 10.11121314, 15.16171819

    can be shortened to:

    123.46, 10.11, 15.16

    where 123.46 is West or East, 10.11 is how high off the floor it is (in this case, pretty high up; I think, though don't quote me, that each whole number = 1' in real life with regards to height; seems to be that way), and 15.16 is how far North or South it is.

    The next three decimal numbers are the various angles (in degrees, so use big numbers to see any results) for Rotate, Tilt, and Pitch, which might be easier to do in the in-game Decorator Mode first and then nit-picked in NM; then I think the last one is just Size (the bigger the number, the bigger the item). Brief pause whilst I double-check that... ;->

    Yep. There's only seven numbers to worry about, and they can all be pared down to two decimal numbers after the point (or comma; whatever).

  20. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    OMG that is just too much for my poor little brain to handle. You lost me at decimal point!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.