Thieves Guild nerf at Patch 17.01.

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Andronak1989, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. Reshi Member

    350k potency for 24 people OP. It needs the changes. Also it not in line with Brigands class role. They are not bards.

    Their debuffs need huge boost to keep in line with their class original role.
  2. Tyrval Active Member

    What I don't get is I heard this was from raids running 4 brigs and double stacking, when the original patch notes last year for thieves guild being buffed to help brigands was that it wouldn't stack, so if it was double stacking on groups that's a clear cut bug?

    And it's just silly since there's so many ways to approach this that aren't just destroying group content also. Like you could have it be a single target buff as well as the brig, or you could have this 88% nerf but stacks go to 100 rather than 10, so you have an incredibly slow ramp that makes it insignificant in short fights but meaningful if fragile in long ones. It's just a sledgehammer approach, and it's worth noting that brigs under max level had the old one nerfed as well, so they are buffing hundreds of potency, while other classes in the same level tier are buffing hundreds of fervor.
    Stixx, Kenway, Perciful and 2 others like this.
  3. appathy Member

    To add most of are attacks need adjusted like Assassins got
    and dont get me started on AA's
  4. appathy Member

    It is a group buff if Conditions where met by the caster and who ever they decided to cast on was not a raid buff you can cast it on anyone in raid but still a group buff
  5. Ionized New Member

    I don't even know what to say the brig has been broken for so long and it finally looked like they filled a role or at least had something desirable for raid setting. To those of you that think we are stealing the utility role we have no mana feed in group settings we don't take up the utility slot and TG was big enough not to run an additional assassin or pet class in group instead. Now, you would be stupid to grab a brig over a t1 dps. Does anyone even talk about the fact that before auto attack was broken our buffs were awesome for melee? So if you say we never buffed before and its not our role obviously you didnt play a brig back in the day. Just do us a favor and remove the brigand class from the game. I am over 10k resolve and over 1250 fervor which is top 7 in guild on both stats and im being asked to sit or switch toons to do progression raids (the new raid zone) with my guild, because i take up a spot for a productive class. Up to 7 assassins at raid now 6 pet classes and yet the brig is who you want to nerf ......just disgusting. And ill put this out there, on my server i bet there isnt over 8 raiding brigands all last xpac across all the guilds. Please keep in mind the difference in the best mount now vs someone who bought standard addition and using a regular mount is over 200k potency + way more stats. And this nerf came because the buff stacked, no one was throwing a fit at the 11 brigs on server that 130 gave 2 groups a good buff at raid. Only class i see less than brigs is warlocks. Until now
    Stixx, SolarFaire, Kenway and 4 others like this.
  6. Ionized New Member

    But we don't replace the utility class at all since we dont have mana feed. So in a single group setting, how else would you add a brig to group when they have no mana feed, no hate transfer, and every single other buff is for auto attacking and they're just above tanks on damage. Tbh the super shards and hearts from summoners replaces utility more than a brig ever would and thats the real truth.
    appathy and Stixx like this.
  7. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    Again, I do not believe it should have been nerfed into the ground. However, we did run a Brig over running a troub. Actually, in both the H3 zone and the raid content, it was far more beneficial to bring a brig in than to run a bard.

    *Again - I am NOT saying that the ability should be nullified* I think the ability giving 150k-200k potency is fair. The issue is balancing the brig with the bards in raid as 2 brigs became mandatory.
  8. Noel New Member

    An 87% nerf is absolutely obscene, you should give those who bought the premium expansion back their celestial option and a free to betray if this is how you intend to roll. No wonder this game is hemorrhaging players. Very badly done!
  9. appathy Member

    just got done raiding on my brigand what a slap to the face
    Kenway, Perciful and Jrox like this.
  10. appathy Member

    anyone that mains a brigand can tell there was more changed then just TG /logs from soloing can prove that
    Kenway and Perciful like this.
  11. Ionized New Member

    I guess I’m little slow and don’t get what you’re saying. If a brig replaced a trouby then that means the group already has power feed, brigs have no way of feeding power. Especially on hard content. Why would a group of 5 that has mana feed go after a troubadour for its 6th? Wouldn’t they just take another t1 damage class. I know they would. You’re competing against all other mana feeds. I can’t see the difference in a group replacing an extra mana feed with a brig is different then just grabbing a t1 dps class. If I’m wrong about that then explain it to me. And if most raids have 2 brigs is that to many. We are the third lowest played class on live.
  12. Jrox Well-Known Member

    7 Assassins in raid 0.0 lol, that should tell everyone here something... Just to be fair... ROFL
    Kenway and Perciful like this.
  13. Reshi Member

    To be fair, they did say "AND 6 pet classes" as well.
  14. Chath Well-Known Member

    If the abuse cases involved using the raid target aspect of the spell, wouldn't the simplest change be to go from:
    "Raid or Group Target"
    "Group Target"
    Jaden, SolarFaire, Tyrval and 2 others like this.
  15. Andronak1989 Member

    Yes they could change that. For years this spell was for only one target and self...not group...or two groups.
    In this forum there were good and constructive Ideas...and many easy to implement too...
    appathy likes this.
  16. Jrox Well-Known Member

    To be fair lol...
    Pet Classes include, Mystics/BL/Conjy/Channeler/Necro Their is a lot of support/heals & Dps to be had for the potential of pet classes. There is only ONE reason to have 7 assassins. And good on them for making use of it lol...
  17. Perciful Active Member

    I felt the same pain today during my first T2 raid. Very bottom of the parse. I felt embarrassed.
    Kenway likes this.
  18. Perciful Active Member

    If you simply go back to the BOZ beta class channel, you will see the many posts campaigning for Brigand improvements. I was a bit mystified on how devs came up with the TG enhancement, especially when most of the beta channel recommendations revolved around improving Combat Mitigation debuffs, which is what brigs traditionally bring to a group / raid. I liked the TG upgrade, of course, but the upgrade was an anomaly suggesting that a dev simply made a mistake, maybe. In addition to needed mitigation Debuff improvements, the Brigand Epic 3 "Poisonous Plan" still needs work. It does not have correct mitigation debuff scaling. Comparing the brigand Epic 3 "Poisonous Plan" combat mit/poison proc to a Swashbuckler version epic 3 buff shows just how bad the Brigand epic 3 spell is. When using brigand dispatch/holdup/entangle/epic3.0, the target's mitigation is not impacted at all. A large number of classes, today, have so much utility and so many debuffs built into their other abilities that they can cover most debuffs, that render a Brigand less useful.

    Apparently, the EQ2 leadership did not like the TG upgrade. Well, one outcome that could make this right would be to make a massive increase to ALL Brigand debuff related CAs. Another course of action would be to increase Brigand CA damage by an effective percentage in line with say the Swashbuckler or Assassin.
  19. Smashey Well-Known Member

    Its obvious the TG nerf was going to come. Yelling for celestial refund is never gonna happen though, this has happen to way too many classes and players throughout history after releases with zero compensation, so might as well give up there.

    What this massive nerf should have been accompied by was big increases to their debuffs that would benefit an entire raid as advocated for the entire beta.
  20. Reshi Member

    I have been away from the game for a while and maybe I am missing something but I am completely lost as to how swashbuckler's raid wide fervor buff is allowed to stand but brigands got nerfed? they also have a reset on 7 minute cool down... their single target dps is above some T1 mages and their AE potential is well....