Frostfell Neighborhood Contest AB

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by draidean, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Isn't one of the judges Oaky? She's a videographer... :)

    Breanna and Cyrrena like this.
  2. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much Schmet. I didn't know if I would get it finished and not have it still look like a tornado struck. It turned out better than I had hoped for. This is only the second contest I have ever entered because I am not a public decorator, it has taken me 15 years to learn to do much of anything.
  3. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    I don't know the name of the house or the house owner on HoF. I snuck over there but couldn't find it to visit your plot, Schmet!!
  4. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    lol I tell you when I win till than it's supposed to be a secret
    I found yours , because I's am a great spy ( and you left your name on there )
  5. draidean Well-Known Member

    House on HoF is Tenebrous Portal and owner is Hauteura evil side =)
  6. draidean Well-Known Member

    Houses are closing down today (Friday January 3) at 8:30 pm Eastern! Make your final edits before this time. Judging will commence immediately and be done sometime over the weekend. Good luck to everybody y'all did so great! I am super happy with the first iteration of this contest =) You'll be allowed back in to update your signs before publishing next week. Thank you all so much for making this project, my first, an amazing success <3
    Breanna, Cyrrena, Merriel and 3 others like this.
  7. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    Cyrrena wanted to know which one of the houses was mine , but I am not telling
    If I lose I will for sure tell you too Cyrrena.
    Breanna, Dude, Cyrrena and 2 others like this.
  8. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Thank you Schmet, I will still come over there and take a peek at all of the plots.
    Breanna, Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Dude like this.
  9. Cyrrena Well-Known Member

    Thank you for hosting this!! Even though I am terrible at decorating, it is great fun to participate in the smaller contests, just to participate.
  10. draidean Well-Known Member

    You are welcome and I know which house is yours :p and it is awesome! I am really glad I could offer you something to participate in =)
  11. draidean Well-Known Member

    Houses are officially closed to decorating and open to judging =D Will update here when I have winners!!! Should be by Sunday evening. Thank you all again participants, judges, helpers, and donaters. Could not have done a bit of it without you!
    Cyrrena, Breanna, Merriel and 3 others like this.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Can't wait to see them! :D

    Cyrrena, Breanna and Faeonara like this.
  13. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    you could have seen them all this time and watch the progress
    all the houses look lots look really nice and some were not filled till just 3 days before the end ,
    I think that's pretty amazing.
  14. Tenchigirl15 Well-Known Member

    yay! cant wait! are you going to publish them after you announce the winners? I would love to visit them in other servers too. :)
  15. draidean Well-Known Member

    Yes I will be publishing them as "Frostfell Neighborhoods 2019" Sometime in the next couple of days.
  16. Ocarinah Well-Known Member


    I am not a judge. I haven't been directly asked to do video(s) of this event either or judge (I haven't been watching forums really). There is only one event that I told the host of event that I would do videos if nobody else volunteers and haven't heard anything since then. I think I have seen that one or two want to do more videos but not specifically for this event. I haven't been watching to see if anyone volunteered or not. I didn't volunteer since husband was going to be on vacation and we both have been really sick. I also had a very sick kitten butt that I lost on Thursday (Mars was 20 years old). My two baby kittens are only thing getting me through this really sad time.
  17. Breanna Well-Known Member

    OMG Ocarinah I am so sorry for you loss. I know that feeling! I fact I have 2 of them sitting on my desk right by my monitor so they are still with me :(
  18. draidean Well-Known Member

    Oh I am so sorry to hear that you lost a furbaby and had so much sickness! I would love for you to video the houses if you would like to and are able. If I missed any communication with you I do apologize, I am new to this and have been a bit flustered here and there. I have new respect for all y'all that run these events now.
    Celestiell AB
  19. Misstake Well-Known Member

    OMG Oaky I am so very sorry for your loss.... that is so hard. Sending hugs and <3
  20. Aneylee Well-Known Member

    Oh Oaky, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I just had to make that hard decision myself 2 weeks ago on my 14 yr old Pup. I cried for 3 days so I understand losing a furbaby. On a positive note, you got to have 20 years of loving and I am sure they were happy ones! Just hold onto those memories! That is what I am doing.

    I want to thank Celestiell for running this event. She had a lot of coordinating to do with the zone set up on different servers and then setting up prizes. Plus getting everything ready for us to just go in and do awesome sauce stuff! Then she had to get some folks to volunteer to be judges. I thought this was a wonderful idea and maybe some of you will come up with an event as well! Remember they do not have to involve prizes, just an idea!

    As far as videos, that may not have been a thought with this one. Trust me, she had a lot to do with just arranging it.
    And like me when I first starting hosting events, she may not know who to even ask to do them. I have had some hiccups, I am sure you all remember that ONE event that did not get videos done for a week :p So now we can forget that ONE time, but if she wants to arrange videos to be done, awesome. If not you can probably contact someone to do yours. Just remember they do the videos on their own time and we always appreciate their time so be sure to let them know!

    I think everyone had a great time and that is what counts.

    Looking forward to more events with all of you!
