Daily PoP TS Rewards

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Pengana, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Pengana Active Member

    I've done a few of the TS dailies now, and received an advanced carpenter and an advanced tailor book as a reward. So this seems an inappropriate and inadequate reward for the effort of a quest. If I did an adventure solo this would be a drop off the trash, not the final quest reward. I can also just kill trash in the overland and receive this kind of reward. Instead I had to do 4 very difficult and long crafts, I think the TS equivalent of killing the names in a solo, for which I would get an ornate chest each.

    I suggest the following as possible rewards:
    - far seas coins
    - the reward set that is given by the TS apprentice, rares, potions, shards for making ammo
    - essence of magic
    - rare books (not the common trash mob drops in PoP overland) such as the grandmaster, ancient, infuser, adornment books
    - crafting or harvesting gear (like that from mara)
    - books that have a limited number of uses, such as the books sold by the vendor in valor for poisons, tinkered items.

    Others may have additional ideas.
    Juraiya, Geden, Kuulei and 16 others like this.
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Well thought out and well said.
    Lucus and Rosyposy like this.
  3. ConcealFate Well-Known Member

    Would be nice. All the suggestions are doable except the crafting or harvesting gear (doubt we will see items like that again) and the rare books (those are for high end adventurers to find in raids and heroics..::sigh:
    Lucus and Gnomesandhairyfrogloks like this.
  4. Alphonsus Well-Known Member

    Add Potion of Progress and Potion of Innovation.
    Currently only drops from TS Apprentice which no one really uses anymore since they haven't been updated in quite some time with anything useful.
    Lucus, Deveryn, Karsa and 4 others like this.
  5. Quillyne Active Member

    Agree that TS mission rewards in no way reward the effort involved in completing the mission.

    I can complete an adventure solo in significantly less time than needed to complete a TS mission zone, suffer no deaths and get a bundle of loots. Loot from trash, loot from names, loot from quests. All kinds of loots. Infusers, status items, random vendor trash, fodder for my shiny guy, gear...loots!

    The TS missions take far longer, cost resources, may result in a death and I get (at least so far) a single standard infuser as my sole loot item. Each time I have done a mission...a single standard infuser.


    How about a meaningful shot at a stupid rare 101-104 advanced recipe book? How about some progress/innovation potions? How about some of the ideas listed above? How about something...frankly, anything...that actually reflects the effort involved in completing the zone?

    edited for typo
    Juraiya, Pengana, Lucus and 5 others like this.
  6. Gnomesandhairyfrogloks Active Member

    I'd like to see orange rune recipes added to the loot table as individual recipes for each rune to make continued farming worthwhile, as the current rewards are not fun.
    Juraiya, Rhodris and Argosunited like this.
  7. semisus Does not play this game

    Id like to see recipes for white adornments we can put on tradeskill/harvest gear that gives + to progress / durablity / experiment etc
    Recipes for making oranges like relentless convition/bolstered attributes and something entirely new
    Even perhaps chance for Ancient lvl ascension recipes

    Also drop the 5 min time to make combines , we learned the recipes in the tradeskill line and 30 second would be more meaningful
    Juraiya, Pengana, Lucus and 6 others like this.
  8. Mathafern Well-Known Member

    You might want to wait and see what actually drops before requesting changes; there hasn't been time for one person to see the entire loot table just yet.

    I've heard of some interesting things dropping- some from your list even. None for me yet, but I'll give it time.
    Lucus and Deveryn like this.
  9. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Advanced recipe books, infuser recipes books, GM recipe books and infusers.. lots and lots and lots of infusers.

    The default/most common 'reward' is completely useless to toons that are below lvl 100.. for a tradeskill quest....
    Juraiya, Pengana, Kheldar and 3 others like this.
  10. Suzze/Barshen/Baratroub Active Member

    Well said, Well thought out! Apparently more than others thought about Trade Skill.
  11. Gharyn Well-Known Member

    FYI, I got a 101 book last night, so they are on the loot table. But they definitely need more rewards than just the books.
    Rosyposy likes this.
  12. Furyatchu New Member

    Ancient teachings dropped in daily (hate), so its a wait and see for what else will drop.
  13. Mathafern Well-Known Member

    I have now had two of the recipes for Planar Infusers drop, and have seen Ancient Teachings drop twice in guild. The GM recipes are also dropping and I finally have the complete set.

    So the loot table is pretty shiny in that regard.

    Infusers and moonstones for crafting alts though, hmmm, I personally can use them but I'm not sure they are quite right for crafters in general.

    Advanced recipe books... I really wanted these three months ago or so. Now I drag and drop. Not even worth selling.

    But as long as you keep the hope of Ancient Teachings alive, I'm not going to really complain. It's going to play merry heck with the Masters market but that's ok, shakes things up a bit on the broker.
  14. Kheldar Active Member

    Still not worth it for me. I was hoping for an actual tradeskill quest line, and that was simply not delivered. I haven't run any of my crafters on live through it, and the very thought nearly makes me just want to pull the plug once and for all.
  15. Mathafern Well-Known Member

    Maybe some crafters have the philosophy that if it has a real use it is worthless (I had a calc prof like that in college) but for me, there is not much in game worth more than an Ancient Teachings atm, unless it is the top heal/damage spell master to go with it. So, basically, some of the most valuable items in the game have been made available from the TS solos, and you're going to complain? I understand that your complaint is more general, but on this specific topic, while some rewards are out of place, the overall value (to me as a practical user of crafted items) is more than I had hoped.

    As to the general complaint, that's for another thread IMO and while I also always wish for more, sooner, I still find this game more worthwhile than all those other games out there.
  16. Seni Active Member

    Are Tears of Ro also given in the dailies? There's some yummy faction house items you can get with those if one of your Adventuring characters has finished the factions in the sig line.

    There are some top-shelf rewards in the loot table.. but as with all loot tables, there must be some boring ones to even it out. Maybe the % for the good stuff to drop could be increased, though.
  17. Beee Well-Known Member

    Did the crafterweekly once.. and that's enough for me
  18. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Those tokens are completely worthless to toons that haven't finished the adventure sig line. Even the furniture you can buy with the tokens is locked behind the ADVENTURE timeline for some undisclosed reason.

    The price for turning the moonstone gems into useable gems would also be rather steep for somebody without max level adventurer toons.

    Having the purchase of PoP token furniture unlockable by the adventure OR tradeskill line would give tradeskillers who are not adventurers a use for the tokens.
  19. Roxxlyy Community Relations

    We've seen the feedback surrounding this topic, and we're looking to make some improvements to the current rewards.
  20. Kander Developer

    Essence of Magic and the rare books are actually on these tables. Progress potions are also available on the dailies as rewards. We'll look at adding some more frequently givem rewards of this nature.

    - books that have a limited number of uses, such as the books sold by the vendor in valor for poisons, tinkered items.

    We also think this is a good idea and we'll look into it.
    Cheallaigh, Seni, Pengana and 5 others like this.