stop saying that I can't solo heal expert/heroics

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Earar, Apr 26, 2017.

  1. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Frenzied Feeder.. nope. unless the group has massive dps, I can't keep the whole group alive.. for the simple reason I can't keep people above the threshold for long enough for my cure curse to come back. Nobody dies from damage.. they die from me not being able to cure the second curse.
    DoomDrake likes this.
  2. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Ghost are easy part btw (tracking rulez :D) in group I normally clock with 12M HP and speced for persistent self ward and have ability reduce damage to self by 60% up to 20s. My point been different thou (even thou general rule of PUGs who has agro is the tank :)) - not every healer able to deal with large spike damage even if it not kill ppl outright (with my wards/HP I can tank experts you know just not as a good as guardian do :)). All I am saying success or fail of group with druid depends on how well geared group/how well it speced into HP/how much DPS it have to burn through the script before **** hit fan
  3. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    Maybe we ought to go back to RoK's two-healer format, then.

    Fury and Inq can both contribute DPS until their heals are needed, unless something changed DRASTICALLY since AoM, and then you have rotatable Cure Curses. 1 Tank, 1 Main Heals, 1 Sub Heals, and 3 DPS should be able to clear content, I'd imagine.

    Solo healing feels great when it's possible, but I feel like sometimes the Devs EXPECT a two-healer cell, given the mechanical side of some fights as opposed to the perceived DPS races a lot of people see them as.
  4. Vunder Well-Known Member


    Try being a channeler were there is NO FAITH in the community for you to heal anything.
    Tajar and DoomDrake like this.
  5. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Lucky thou more and more PUGs have massive enough DPS to burn through I'd say safest bet for warden in that fight have as a tank Zerker who snap AoE agro before "squishy" got "squeezed" :)
  6. captainbeatty451 Well-Known Member

    There keeps being blame thrown around, when the reasons of blame do not get at the heart of the issue. People want the healer that when things go wrong, it doesn't even matter. To look at your example from Shrouded Temple.

    During the first boss, rocks occasionally spawn and murder people in the group. Except if you have a mystic healing the group. Then rocks spawn, even right on top of the squishy dps, and no one dies. You barely even feel it. The fight continues as if the rocks aren't even there. In groups where a different class of healer heals that fight, people die. Sometimes the tank dies. Can it be healed through and completed? Yes. Does it require more effort? Yes. Do people always trust their pug groups to play exceptionally? No. You don't always know what you're getting. So because you can't guarantee that everyone in your group is take the healer you know can do it even if they are undergeared and don't meet the resolve check.

    During the next boss, haze hunters in the expert heroic are a pain in the behind. You pretty much have to kill them, as compared to the heroic version where you can pretty much ignore them. And if they happen to aggro to a dps rather than the tank, well, that dps is dead. Except for when a mystic is healing. Now sure, someone getting hit by a haze hunter on the exact other side of the map is still possibly going to die if they can't get back. But.. I've been in groups with a mystic where the haze hunter continues to pummel me in the face while I'm trying to get him back to the tank and healer, and yet my hp bar stays green. No wipe occurs and the dungeon progresses smoothly.

    And for the final boss, if someone blames the healer for dying to their curse... well that person has a lot to learn.

    So again, I agree with you that it is lame for people to be so anti-warden. But... there are some clear experiences that show where warden can sometimes make the dungeon run slow or tedious, whereas bringing a different class keeps it smooth and less annoying. Factor in that most groups like to also SLR when in there and that the mobs can take a while to kill, and you can start seeing why it's just more efficient to desire another healer class than the one that requires more teamwork (that you can't always count on) and slower pulls that will probably feature more deaths. This becomes more of an issue when you're working with people you don't know.

    In my own guild, if the couple of wardens we have are the ones available to group, well you can bet that I'm going to go with them and ask them to heal. I know they are capable healers. But when I group with a warden, I know that I have to watch my playstyle a bit more and be lenient about things if they go sideways.

    The thing I feel bad about, is that wardens still haven't been given any skills, other than their own dps, that benefit greatly from getting gear. It must be so unsatisfying to play a warden right now, as your stats may keep going up, but your actual heal potential doesn't change much at all, since your heals already have healed people to full for quite a while now, but yet your heals don't protect people from death as well as a 100million ward that will keep getting bigger as the gear increases. It would certainly be enough to make me play something more rewarding--and seeing as my first class was a warden, that's exactly what happened.

    edit: it is VERY nice to have a warden in Shrouded because of their mana regen. So it's worth having one. I was just explaining some of the reasons, based on experience, that people have a negative bias.
  7. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Or ToT variation - 1 AoE/DPS tank and 5 DPS :) worked nicely
    /sarcasm off
    In reality once x-pack comes to the end your set up 1 tank 2 heals 3 DPS shifts towards 1 Heal 5 DPS or 1 Tank 5 DPS
  8. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    That been true :( sorry when you see solo Channeler as a healer its a little scary even if Chann keep everyone alive with easy
    Vunder likes this.
  9. Vunder Well-Known Member

    Its not easy to do, so there is some bases to the fears, I usually run with a fury. It may not be "fast" as some people like, but it works.
    DoomDrake likes this.
  10. Laaw Well-Known Member

    I have solo'd all 25 classes. they can all be solo'd just have to be patient. it has been something that one has been able to do since 2004
  11. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    It does end up varying depending on the timing and tiers that most people are running, for sure. But I still think it's manageable if that's how you can best keep your group alive. Channeler, I feel, also is a means by which we've gained some new options. We just have to choose to use them instead of falling into a mindless-faceroll mentality.
  12. DoomDrake Well-Known Member

    Always better to be wealthy and healthy you know :D so no matter what been said - faceroll setup always takes precedence (and Devs seems to be looking forward for that with faceroll proving grounds and coop dungeons runs).
    Sadly than group looking for the heal - mystic will have a lot more chances to picked up than say fury and if group advertising - looking for high T1 DPS whom you think group will pick Ranger or Warlock? :)
  13. Kalika Well-Known Member

    I left a few weeks after AoM came out because i felt that the game was going nowhere and that mystic would again rule the world, My mystic became insane, sure i could solo heal with my warden (in those days), but the mystic was just totally insane. First she could bolster the tank or the weakest member of the group, second she was given a totally OP regenerating group ward that was on 50 seconds over 60, third with her cap reuses her mythical mana drain was up for almost each boss giving the group 30 second god mode (i think it last 30 seconds nt sure it has been so long), and last she had ancestral channeling and she could fire it twice in a row with some reset aa. And yeap wards got back their full crit value.

    It was therefore very clear that the Dev team had totally lost any sense and they were just randomly adding things and making the mecanic more complex without going anywhere.

    So well tey destroyed my favorite class but it's just a side effect, it is the whole game that is under destruction.
  14. captainbeatty451 Well-Known Member

    I just think the devs' idea of when balance is needed is different from the player expectations. It feels like the healers are balanced around a raid setup, where a warden/fury is still awesome to have along with a shaman. The 2 together make a potent combination. But then you move into heroic content--or you remove the shaman from the pair in the raid, and you can quickly see which one is doing more of the group/tank protection and which one is acting as more of a buff healer rather than a straight solo healer. Point being, which one suffers more in a solo healing situation over the other? Warden suffers much more.

    I also think that ascension hurt the non warding healers the most. Now, not only do they have fewer tools to combat the incoming damage, but they ALSO have the desire to hit some damage numbers with 3 second cast times. When they should be watching scripts and anticipating cures, many healers and stoneskins and group death prevents and so on, many are now looking at when they can fit in some ascension debuffs or attacks, and for the non-shaman, they don't have as much room for the errors that could occur. Warden requires the healer to be at the top of his/her game WITH proper AA setup in order to solo heal well, along with a team that works together, is supportive and understanding, and communicates. Because of this, they face an uphill battle when competing with classes that have stronger tools that progress much more significantly as more gear is obtained.
    Mermut and Kalika like this.
  15. Canth Active Member

    No, they're not balanced in raid. The shaman can solo heal everything. I can't. That's not even close to balance. And ascension didn't hurt or help the fury at all. I don't have the stoneskins, group deathsaves, etc. that even a warden does, so on fights where I'm required to be with a shaman who can actually solo heal the encounter, I can just dps, cuz what else am I going to do?
    Kalika, Yoube and captainbeatty451 like this.
  16. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Well it' s not by lack of feeback, i know many wardens usually knowledgeable that posted our issues long long ago.

    AoM was insulting since we got another big heal while our wek point was dealing with spikde damage.

    Solutions were easy and many : make our stone skin groupe wide and lower a bit the asting time ? turn our tree/faery into something useful ? let us share hibernate with furies ? Make death save healing be a percentage of the total Hp (say 20%?) , give us a concetro-like ward that woukld actually work ?

    Options were many many ... instead i think that they again added aoe that would bypass our aoe blocker ;-)

    Just a question I have those toon at level 100 : Warden, Furie, Mystic, Inquisitor (she may be only 98), Paladin and necro ..

    Which one can still play ?
    captainbeatty451 likes this.
  17. captainbeatty451 Well-Known Member

    I meant balanced in the sense that it is nice to have both in a raid. But I totally agree that when you pull them out of the raid (or even just pull one of them out) the lack of balance between which class is stronger is readily apparent.
    DoomDrake likes this.
  18. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    I still think, and unless the next Expac does something big, that RoK was probably the second-best era of balance between all Healers, with an advantage to Temps and Wardens due to the way encounter damage and curses were spread at that point.

    Kinda hoping we get that back.
  19. Kalika Well-Known Member

    It is a huge mistake they did because i cannot remember any era in which my warden could not solo heal almost anything heroic, sure when a new expansion got released and when tank were not yet equiped i had to duo (as example the corrupted eldolion in HoF simply was one shooting the tank when we went there the first time long long ago).

    Indeed for a while the increase in HP pools made our huge average HPS shine since they tried to balance a bit between spike damage and sustained damage.

    It is really terribleto see that they broke everything again and on top they apparently made everything horrible (so what you need 10 adept to make an expert ? WHAT IS THAT ... for ten years we lived in a system in which getting a complete expert book was simple enough and in which getting the master was the quest ....

    And on top they still refuse to fix anything : NPCs in Kylong appear under the ground and you have to \targer dudename and \hail to get them out .... the raid window is still this silly array and you cannot drag the MT the OT or anyone of importance out ... feature that existed in other games 10 years ago ... and well since target arrows are considered as particule or shadders I i use raid setting they dissapear like a lot of visual information that may be of importance during a fight ...
    --> i never saw the flames in the room of ToV last heroic boss, i just saw the debuf in my det window and ran randomly to get out ...
  20. Tajar Well-Known Member

    It always amused me to get tells after a group, going along the lines of, "Wow I didn't know Channelers could actually heal." It was also very sad at the same time.

    My two main toons are BL and Channeler, I can get PUG's pretty easy on the BL, but never on the channeler lol.
    Fairin and DoomDrake like this.