Smedley speaks on the future of MMO's

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Skitterfast, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. Almee Well-Known Member

    I think it is hard for any of us to make any rational predictions when we don't have access to their data or plans for the future. I think there is still a lot of adult interest in EQ2-type games but I think younger players find it intimidating as it requires a lot of research, a high level of reading comprehension, and the patience of Job.

    Smedley is probably right about the 45-minute attention span of the new gamers entering the market. Most of my family won't play EQ2 because they think it is a time sink.

    EQ2 is a time sink and you need lots of time to play it and get anywhere unless you are a raider or you obtain your level through power leveling or out-right purchase. It becomes an even bigger time sink if you craft or decorate.

    With wages being stagnant, and good jobs scarce, there aren't a lot of people who can afford to invest a lot of time in a MMOG anymore. Just financing an AA account is a struggle for a lot of players.

    So I understand where Smedley is coming from but I hope he doesn't summarily discount all the loyal players EQ and EQ2 as being a vanishing breed. New players are on the horizon all the time.

    I know most of my kids will become seniors within a year or two. Nights out on the town have already dwindled and TV doesn't have much to offer anyone with an inquiring mind.

    If Smedley would just advertise some of the many benefits of playing mature games, like EQ and EQ2, he could turn these pre-seniors into paying players. These are people who have already run the gauntlet of mindless, arcade type games so they should be ready for a more full-feature game with immersive content.

    There is also the ever-growing handicapped population that already makes up a good chunk of current players. Playing EQ2 can open up a whole new world to them and give them back a feeling of being a part of something vital and exciting. It is also excellent for pain management as I learned early on as a player.

    So there are still massive numbers of potential players but Smedley has to reach out to them. The huge, initial outlay of cash has already been spent on EQ and EQ2. He can now turn them into high-return assets if he uses creative advertising for target markets.

    That's just my two-cents worth of analysis. Whatever DBGs decides to do, I hope it works out well for them so they will be more willing to keep investing in EQ2. I love this game and want to play it for years to come.
    Shiba and Moonpanther like this.
  2. Jalek Active Member

    He frequently pointed to his sons keeping him informed. They didn't seem too interested in EQ or EQ2, but he gave an interview where he said that he enjoyed playing WoW with them. As the head of the division, he usually focused on the next thing anyway; he was talking about F2P games as the future just a couple of months after EQ2 launched.
  3. Katz Well-Known Member

    The senior market is a large, growing market. A wise CEO will keep that in mind and market appropriate games to them.
    Belenos, Shiba, Spindle and 5 others like this.
  4. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I agree. I've been gaming for over 25 years and I remember playing some of the earliest games up to BG 1 & 2, PT. Neverwinter 1 & 2, etc. I may be nearing 60 but I still like playing games. Give us older folks the games we want and, also. give the younger folks the games they want.
    Belenos, Shiba, Spindle and 4 others like this.
  5. isest Active Member

    Well Smed saying the days of the MMO are over, what exactly does that mean for us. So I demand that Smedly show up and explain himself. If the days of the mmo are over, why are you still developing EQNEXT, and what happens to EQ and EQ2. Those kind of statements does not bode well for us.
    Leloes likes this.
  6. Kalderon 2 Member

    True, if you see what games do popup in the last few month. Most are pretty casual and easy to handle. With a short budget of development. But, they sell well.... best example, FnF3 (and those before). My kids barely stop talking about it.

    Where i just cant understand whats so exciting about this game is... well, i didnt realy spend time to play it, to be hones.

    But this will be the way, games may lead.

    Did you see many new players in eq2, as a side not? (I dont, some returning ones, but no new ones)

    -Edit- Maybe EQNext will be something like "You can achieve what you want, in a span of 45 minutes", who knows ;)
    Leloes likes this.
  7. Elinea Well-Known Member

    This right here.

    I used to let my son play on my accounts for both EQ and EQ2 when he was young and lived with me. When he grew up and moved out, the only computer he could afford wouldn't run either game. Guess which game did? Guess which game he and his wife still play? It ain't this one.
    Belenos and Shiba like this.
  8. Elinea Well-Known Member

    Shiba, Terrius and Feara like this.
  9. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    Well catering to those with short attention spans only validates that type of behavior. Would it not be best to encourage them to take time to play more games like eq2 which does take some thought and does have so much to offer. Would that not help them get over the "I want it instant" mentality? But nooooo....lets just throw our fast crap that validates mediocrity and the I want it yesterday mentality with little thought or purpose. :rolleyes:

    Did you know that games like eq2 are being used to help some of our injured vets from Iraq and Afghan? From those with physical defects to brain injuries? there is a good reason to support these types of games. I'm so very sick of things like twitter where you have only 140 characters to get your message out and which forces one to write in abbreviations or acronyms rather then proper spelling, of games that can be beat in minutes rather then by playing.

    We are doing a great deal of harm to future generations with this type of thing. Does anyone take time to do anything anymore? Do they read books? Do they or can they grasp the concept of critical thinking and concepts? Can they have the patience to work for things and enjoy the satisfaction of doing so? I could go on and on and on with this...and I apologize now for the rant, but man when is enough enough. We live in a world where if the power goes out people cannot give you proper change from the register or total up a bill without a machine telling them what the answer is. Again, sorry but it's true and it does a great disservice to future generations.

    Eq2 does take time and work to accomplish things, but it also is the type of game that you can play a hour here, a few hours there, or longer and still be able to accomplish goals along the way. I feel sorry for folks who download this game and then race to cap level just to be able to raid for a few weeks and then what....they've missed out on the best part of this game.

    So forgive this old lady for going on and on, but I don't think we need to encourage short attention spans in this world and I think we need more games like EQ2. But then that's just me.
    Griff, Belenos, chattie and 3 others like this.
  10. Atan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, like I said, he's painting the picture he wants to believe, and is incredibly short sighted to think that an MMORPG can't be made that caters to the time-slices modern PC gamers are looking for.
    Xillean, Mizgamer62, Feara and 6 others like this.
  11. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    the problem with what smedly saying is not that he is wrong, its that he is deceptive. I think his statements say " we are done with this small niche market that EQ has become. The majority of players have shorter play times and attention spans, and we believe that it is a more lucrative market." So basically smed is starting a self fulfilled prophecy.

    I think there has been a major problem of how this company has thought in terms of profits for the last few years. They always look towards the latest fad, or gaming craze and dont just try to be passionate about a new idea and they never seem to really iron out any ideas with potential. Its all a short term gamble investment. They have no concern or desire to make a game that is a good long term investment.
    Malleria, Terrius and Leloes like this.
  12. Iadien Active Member

    Smedley is clearly not wrong, most people want to play games in smaller time chunks these days.
  13. Leloes Well-Known Member

    That represents the teens and 20's group but us older folks want something with depth. Something we can spend time building our character , exploring a real not zipping through to the finish. Most of us want a game that lasts not a few days and isn't re-playable.
    Belenos, Mermut and Spindle like this.
  14. Strigon New Member

    This whole issue is a monument to the colossal stupidity of any president that would make this statement. Smedley, you are your own fool.

    To make your statement while simultaneously promoting a less than worth while MMO "campaign" should get you fired.
    Malleria and Leloes like this.
  15. Strigon New Member

    In other words, Smedley just said "buy my junk, but I feel it's worthless". Way to go.
    Leloes likes this.
  16. Yoube Active Member

    What I see and read on this thread is the opinions of many loyal and supportive players of this game.

    What I don't see is the CEO (John Smedley) responding to any of this in an attempt to either explain what he means or expound further upon what was said in the original posters link.

    How bout it Smed? You gonna come on here and actually try and defend yourself or are you just going to leave us hanging like you usually do?

    We are waiting....
  17. Iadien Active Member

    Well, I'm in my 30s, and I completely disagree with you. When I was younger and had all the time in the world, I wanted to play games for longer stretches of time. Now that I have a career and far less time to play, I still enjoy these games, but I simply cannot play them in larger chunks than an hour or two at most. I want games with depth, but I also want to be able to play and feel as though I accomplished something in what little amount of time I do have to play.
    Kraeref, Taivr and Feara like this.
  18. Gninja Developer

  19. Leloes Well-Known Member

    I said kids who are in their teens 20's now. Most of them want games that can dashed through and then onto the next game. You are currently in your 30's so this doesn't apply to you.
  20. Leloes Well-Known Member

    Besides, I'm talking about today's kids.