An Open Dialogue Regarding Forum Moderation

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Apr 10, 2015.

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  1. Pipsissiwa Well-Known Member

    I agree about the posts bringing up a valid point about forum moderation - "silly, innocuous comments" that added nothing to the discussion, showed ignorance of history/fact, made sweeping statements about players from a particular country & caused some to be offended/angry/upset are exactly the sort of thing that would have been moderated in the first place.

    I'm done with this nonsense. Once we get back to constructively discussing moderation again I might join in again.
    beagley likes this.
  2. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Ukraine got itself divided by civil war. Russia technically has nothing to do with it.
    You have to learn the history of Ukraine to understand really what is going on there.
    You knowledge about this subject comes from american media, lol.

    My comment was off topic, but I had to reply. I wish you all guys who are not connected to Russia in anyway stop talking about things you know nothing about.
    Pipsissiwa likes this.
  3. beagley Well-Known Member

    Congratulations. You see and acknowledge that a non-constructive off-topic post can kick off a huge amount of work for the moderators. However, that wasn't really up for debate as its true of most forums. What we're trying to debate (in the 30+ earlier pages that you alluded to, that you may, or may not have read) is whether the usual moderation employed by DBG is adequate or over-zealous.

    Comparisons in forum moderation to certain bodies in history probably isn't the most useful of gauges we can employ.
    Pipsissiwa likes this.
  4. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    Overreacting to obvious overtly tongue-in-cheek jokes would essentially render these forums on permanent police mode.
    konofo and NickStern like this.
  5. Pipsissiwa Well-Known Member

    I guess all this does highlight something I pointed out earlier - the intention of a post isn't always how someone else reads it. That is one of the problems of moderation.

    Without voice/tone or facial expression is is nigh impossible to tell in many cases whether something is (a perhaps poorly judged) joke or a deliberate insulting/inflammatory comment. Thus violations can be inadvertently made by posters, or posts are moderated (possibly leading to bans) when they were actually OK, if you were talking face to face and could get the intended meaning properly.

    I think the thing to learn from all this is to think carefully about your wording, and maybe we need to use emoticons more or something, I don't know.
    Mogrim likes this.
  6. beagley Well-Known Member

    And that is exactly the point that we are trying to explore here. Are we in permanent police mode or can DBG moderation allow sufficient latitude that threads don't need to get continually locked, because some confused/befuddled/bigoted* soul has gone wilfully off-topic and managed to stunt the flow of conversation?

    *Delete as necessary**

    ** Help me, I fear I may be turning Rotherianescque ;)
    Pipsissiwa likes this.
  7. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    Sorry friend, I actually am Slovic myself. My last name essentially is an English equivalent to Woodson. I'm not ignorant to the politics in the Slavic regions, and have many friends "on the ground" as well.

    Analyzing one-liner "zings" in order to determine one's source for news and simultaneously prove your supposed prowess in the area of European History is probably not a recommended path.

    My interpretation is that the debacle in Ukraine is anything other than a Russian power grab caused by covert destabilization of the region in order to incite unrest and swoop in, As a result, I opine that those who think this is solely internal unrest in the Ukraine must have overtly rose-coloured glasses when it comes to Kremlin politics.

    All this to say. Jokingly referring to our forums being under "Soviet" control (a high brow aside to the acquisition of SOE by Daybreak, along with a nuanced nod to people concerned about over-policing) really seems to have touched a nerve. That actually amuses me. Because essentially the people concerned about over-policing would do it themselves, if they have the power.

    Police brutality isn't as bad if you get to be the policeman, I suppose. :)

    Anyhow, I desire nothing but peace with the above people who disagree with my politics and do not enjoy my humor. I will trust (but verify) that they desire the same.
    Wanderingbat and NickStern like this.
  8. NickStern Active Member

    Just thought I would point out that everyone here telling someone else what they can or can not post are also in violation of the Rules. Only the mods can decide what is appropriate or not.

    • Accusing Others of Trolling - Calling someone a troll or accusing them of trolling is a form of trolling in itself. If you feel someone is behaving in a manner not consistent with these rules, please use the "Report this post to a Moderator" function on the forums.
    Wanderingbat and Caith like this.
  9. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    They should add "Accusing others of White-Knighting" to the list because that really hurts my feelings.

    I'm not sure that Mogrim was trying to prove anything, but he did wind up proving a very good point and I thank him dearly for that.
    Wanderingbat likes this.
  10. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    As a proper American Citizen, I claim nothing but the purest intentions and claim absolute innocence for any messes I may have caused. ;)
    Vainamoinen likes this.
  11. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    As a proper (polite) Canadian, I welcome our new Socialist rulers.
    Ambi and Mogrim like this.
  12. beagley Well-Known Member

    No nerve touched, other than its a blatant off-topic conversation and I don't want to see a valuable thread prematurely closed because someone decided to kick it off into the rough grass for their own amusement. This thread strictly exists due to the ongoing goodwill of Radar X and whatever relaxed moderation rules he's applying to this thread. I for one do not want to explore his tipping point any further than we strictly have to.
    Losadunai and Jeeshman like this.
  13. Pipsissiwa Well-Known Member

    I'm actually seeing this thread as an interesting exercise in trying to spot what the mods would usually be deleting - we never get to see an (mostly) unmoderated thread usually. A lot of us need the practice as we aren't too sure about our own posts sometimes, hence the need for this thread. :)

    I do, however, think some topics would perhaps be better off discussed elsewhere - that's far from wanting to be the "police" - I just don't want this thread locked, there is only so much off-topic etc that even a minimally moderated thread can bear.
    beagley likes this.
  14. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    As to Radarx's tipping point, I have it on good information that they have been known to get quite tipsy from time to time. ;)

    Cheers and good will to all.
    Pipsissiwa likes this.
  15. Prayos Well-Known Member

    Then stop doing it. I was gonna write more, but then noticed you said you were Canadian, and felt you've already been punished enough.
  16. Dethdlr Active Member

    We're at 32 pages and 635 posts. I kinda thought Mogrim was trying to give RadarX a good excuse to call it. :)
    Losadunai and Kittybock like this.
  17. Prayos Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I give RadarX my permission to shut this thread down. I'm sure that he's gotten all the valuable feedback from those of us who care enough to give it to him. The rest has been drivel in some form or another(not gonna mention Vainaiojdsfls's (don't care enough to spell it right) name).
    Kryvak and Feldon like this.
  18. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    You'll find that saying mean things to Canadians results in one of two things:

    1. Sorry
    2. Very sorry
    I hope you've learned your lesson. Now, head back to /r/EQ2 a hurl more obscenities at me, please!
    Katz likes this.
  19. NickStern Active Member

    Funny thing is one tongue in cheek comment caused so many other comments that were are off topic....
    Hmm sometimes the less obvious Trolls only pop their heads up at the smell of a little troll bait.

    Really a single innocuous 2 line comment caused such a reaction...Like ripples in a pond from a tiny stone.
    Wanderingbat and Moonpanther like this.
  20. Prayos Well-Known Member

    I feel threatened! But then again, Canada.
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