Devs moved to Reddit

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Kinya, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Delishus Active Member

    I don't have numbers and this is by no means scientific but I get the strong sense that reddit, while the coolest thing ever to half the internet including the game devs, that the EQ2 playerbase isn't even in that galaxy which makes it even more frustrating that DB staff would start using that as some better(?) way of eliciting player feedback??
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  2. RadarX Community Manager

    It actually does believe it or not. On this forum as a community member you don't have a voice in terms of what is surfaced and what isn't. I've been working with a few Reddit communities over the past 2 -3 years and I'm not going to sit here and tell you the system is perfect. What I can tell you is downvoting works most of the time.

    When someone says something completely off topic or offensive, people downvote it and the standard preference is a -5 score will hide that post and any responses. You can tweak that obviously to your preference but it means in general the community dictates what they like and what they don't.

    I see regular complaints about moderation here, so this your opportunity to say what you want within the confines of the what the moderators allow.
    Deveryn and Xianthia like this.
  3. Gharyn Well-Known Member

    Thank you, I feel so much better now and will be moving to Reddit right away.
    Charlice and Dulcenia like this.
  4. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Radar, for me the issue is more accounts, more passwords, another fake email address (I wouldn't even bother to create a gmail one) because I'm not going to give them ANY way to contact me. And for what? So I can up/down vote? Right.

    BTW, any word on upgrading the forum software here? Did you get stonewalled, or is that still a possibility?
    Tkia likes this.
  5. Atan Well-Known Member

    Until you realize your trolls out number your contributors, then you'll find when reddit becomes just noise.
    GrunEQ, Charlice, Thalador and 3 others like this.
  6. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Anyone else find it bizarre that there is a link on the side panel - List of EQ2 devs and their verified reddit accounts - which if clicked gives you an "forbidden " error message. If reedit is indeed the future forum, why block access to something like this.
    Wirewhisker and Moonpanther like this.
  7. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    WoW's official forums have an up/down voting system. Guess what? It isn't very useful. There's always a bunch of players downvoting every single post on the first few pages, and others upvoting. Almost like a competition to see who can get what buried the fastest. In fact "hot button" topics often get buried so fast by the opposing side that they never see the light of day, so to speak.
    Moonpanther and Hijinx like this.
  8. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    WoW is its own cesspool of the least common denominator.
    flameweaver likes this.
  9. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I didn't say it wasn't..../shudder @ what goes on in the city chat channel....very glad there is no server-wide chat channel in that game.

    My point was that up/down voting is a double-edged sword, especially when you open the voting up to anyone on the internet (reddit users), and don't restrict it to simply those who play your game and actually have some clue what the topics are about.
  10. Atan Well-Known Member

    I've seen the same on some other game community sites.

    It is my opinion, that down voting offers no value what so ever, cause down voting is biased and more frequently a representation of the readers opinion of the poster and not the value of the content. Sorting discussions based upon these weightings is also not terribly effective as only popular community members are able to have their threads read. I also don't particularly like how you can create multiple accounts to 'vote more'. But my most significant concern is, reddit will represent and even more tiny segment of the user base than the forums.
    GrunEQ, Wirewhisker, Zeffran and 5 others like this.
  11. Feara Well-Known Member

    We should have a voice here and it should be heard here. So why have the Test Forum anyway if we are not going to use it? I'm no tester (no time) but I do read that Test Forum and appreciate all the insight I learn from it. I'm sorry Radar but I wish you would of been working those 2-3 years on setting up a good system here where some of your devoted players are.

    Surely there was some way to achieve what you seek right here.

    P.S. Maybe I don't realize how many Raiders prefer Reddit.
    GrunEQ, Mezaka and Wanderingbat like this.
  12. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I see no difference between downvoting and the kind of nonsense that has gone on in this forum for years, burying actual informative posts in piles of ridiculous accusations and general trolling.
  13. Prayos Well-Known Member

    Most complaints about the moderation here have been about how particular red names(not mentioning RadarX's name), have been deleting criticism's about the game/company in general. If you would let your community be a community, and stop creating such a toxic environment where all you want to hear is how great the game/company is, then there would actually be very little need for moderation. As it is, you take every little thing as a "he's just trolling" and delete it. Most of us have been playing this game since the beginning. We have stuck around because it's a great game. But you've been slowly destroying the community of players by your excessive moderations, forum deletions, and general jackassery that no one really wants to come here anymore. I mean, damn, if we'd wanted stupidity in the community, we'd go to Flames.

    Of course we are going to criticize the game. We love it. We want to see certain changes, and we don't want to see others. But if you're going to muzzle us when we offer our words, then you'll lose us forever, and the game will cease to exist. Most of us are legitimately worried about the direction this game has been and is going lately. We don't want you to fail, yet you seem dead-set on doing so.
    Tkia, Wirewhisker, Zeffran and 7 others like this.
  14. Wanderingbat Active Member

    OH I am in a mood right now to tell them EXACTLY what I think, in a place they can't miss, using words small enough for them to understand , carrying a punch that will in all likely get me banned. So be it. I've had it.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  15. Wanderingbat Active Member

    So what has downvoting got you? A one-sided conversation perhaps? Maybe the voices of only what you want to hear and not what is actually the voices of those that make the most differences.? Or perhaps you guys enjoy spreading your dirty laundry to the entire reddit community so they can point and laugh at the "old fogy" Everquest II crowd getting pissed off by emotionally 15 yr old adults. That is always a grand good time.

    GRow up and keep our game in-house radar. WE are NOT looking for points when it comes to discussing our game. We are looking for honest discussion and FEEDBACK from you Radar, Not them. THey don't count they do not have a dog in this race.
    Wirewhisker and Feara like this.
  16. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Feara likes this.
  17. AlienShine Member

    Reddit, really, seriously ?! Next forum expansion will be on 4chan ?!
    That site that was created by a kid as a dorm project and still looks like a dorm project...
    The comments on that site are insulting my sanity, it's very toxic and everybody just screams things.
    It is the last page on the web I would look for information, let alone information on my current game.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  18. Wanderingbat Active Member

    PS,,,,YES I am TICKED OFF about this change in forums. I feel slapped in the face. DO it again and I will start slapping back.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  19. Moonpanther Well-Known Member

    I would love a dislike option on these forums :D
    Siren and Deveryn like this.
  20. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    In-house? You realize we're still in the sony domain here, right? All of this is going to have to change at some point.

    You should take a step back and read what it is you're posting. You're the one that sounds like a 15yr old adult, being all kinds of irrational and kicking and screaming over a small change in how we communicate. All of this is nothing but conspiracy theory. There are no shills. There are only people who honestly love the game and want to keep playing it. If you don't want to join in the new conversation outside the Sony umbrella, go ahead and remain in your little hole.

    How long have people been asking for the team to be more involved in the conversation?! (so many years) The moment is finally here and you turn around and start saying you don't want to be a part of it. Who's really acting like a child now?

    A slapfight! It doesn't get any more juvenile.