New merchandise on Loyalty Vendors

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Sareene, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Wurm Well-Known Member

    I'm really happy that the griffon tower is there, I was pretty upset that I had to log out due to a personal emergency after helping build the things only to find out that the GMs had handed them out about 10 mins later.

    I for one am glad about the new items, and seriously wish people would say thanks once in a while instead of complaining.

    So heres me saying THANK YOU!
    TarnaX, Valzen, Riffy and 6 others like this.
  2. Lera Well-Known Member

    Plenty of people play the game for the house items. I could just as easily say we don't need any more mounts or mercs; we have enough of those.
    TarnaX and Riffy like this.
  3. Wurm Well-Known Member

    FTFY ;)
    Malleria likes this.
  4. Lera Well-Known Member

    I like that some of these items are back, although putting old titles and some of the quest rewards on there does take away from the uniqueness of the old items, for those who were here and actually did the content. I'd much rather see things like the griffon tower come back through a new event, rather than put on a merchant. I'm fine with less quest-specific items, like the Maj'Dul-themed furniture, coming back.

    At least some of it is new items, even if they look the same, so those who bought it before will still have the old ones.

    I do agree that event titles really shouldn't be on there - having the title should mean you accomplished whatever the title is for, and buying it on the merchant means you didn't do that. I don't raid, so I missed out on all the Destroyer of [Dragon] titles, which went to the high-end raid guilds who managed to kill the dragons, but that's how it goes. Buying them just cheapens them.
    Alenna, Tkia, TarnaX and 4 others like this.
  5. Lera Well-Known Member

    As much as I don't like titles being on there - and it does cheapen them - furniture never becomes worthless.
    Alenna likes this.
  6. Lera Well-Known Member

    Heh. Especially when you already play a tank.

    What we really need are gelatinous cube mounts.
    Fetish, Wurm, Vroya and 2 others like this.
  7. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Omg the Druid rings are back? Weeeeeee!
    I have multiples of them, on one toon, on some server, somewhere :/

    Wtb someone to call in sick for me so I can play!
    Finora likes this.
  8. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Random thought....don't sell the item itself. Sell a quest starter that lets you do a bit of what was needed to earn the item originally, with the item as a reward. Probably too much work to do that, but would be a heck of a lot more fun, IMO.
    Katra, Rijacki, TarnaX and 6 others like this.
  9. Charlice Well-Known Member

  10. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I'm usually making this kind of post as well. This is one of those rare occasions where I'm just not feeling like it. I was just supporting their ideas for the SC change and basically saying there's nothing to worry about if one feature or another isn't mentioned as part of a change. It should remain unaffected. That's clearly not the case here with all the items that were included AND excluded from this merchant update. I find myself questioning any future support of this or any game.
  11. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Actually I think you can buy the druid rings even. The one I tried didn't appear to be bugged with unknown value like some of the other items. Didn't want it though, so only went as far as purchase confirmation.
  12. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the titles shouldn't be there. Everything else is pure fluff unless I missed something that was not a house item or title.

    Edit: SHOULDN"T be there
    Alenna and Finora like this.
  13. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I don't think that would alleviate anything. A lot has changed since the days when most of these quests were introduced. For starters, travel was nowhere near as fast as it is today. Nothing was as easy as it is today, so it would just be a waste of time to bring out these trivial quests.
  14. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Not only can you buy the rings, you don't have to be gold.
  15. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Not for those of us who enjoy the lore. I started playing 2 weeks before the "great hack" as I call it. Surprised I stuck through that, but I loved EQ (except for the small issue of spending entire weekends LFG), so I gave it a chance and it hooked me.
    TarnaX likes this.
  16. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I would have liked to have seen the pocket dragon ring and druid ring as they were a time-limited token purchase which could be acquired by merely harvesting shinies in the area, however I would not have put the Titles up there. The titles were for actively participating in rebuilding those travel destinations.
    Dethrayzin, Tylia, Alenna and 10 others like this.
  17. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    And the title for that event never meant anything anyway because it was a up on the live servers. Zones crashing on the final boss, not to mention they neglected to tune the event xp progress down from the test server level and it was completed in about 3 days when it was meant to take a month.

    Edit: If I recall everyone got the title regardless if they'd even seen the boss it was for.
    Feldon likes this.
  18. Lera Well-Known Member

    I haven't been in-game yet today, so which titles are on the merchant? Is it Slayer of Eyebrow and... erm... whatever the Great Divide one was? I remember that event, which was a huge mess (and likely one of the reasons we haven't had a world event since), but I also remember one of the devs or GMs hanging around for over an hour afterward granting the title and quest rewards to everyone who was there, even if they crashed. Still, people made the effort to be around for those final boss fights, and it's one thing to hand them out to people who were there but crashed and didn't get kill credit, and quite another to give them to those who weren't even playing then.

    I'm all for the travel items being on there (hopefully for at least 30-50 tokens, if not more), but titles, no.
    Fetish likes this.
  19. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I just glanced at them...ew titles...and scrolled past. My first thought was well, all of THOSE are pretty pointless to wear now. I didn't recognize most...not even sure what the one for the DoV event is because I never felt proud to have it.

    Edit: The title was given to those who were not there. I went to sleep one night with the event something like 50% done. Got was over. There was some serious backpaddling and compensation on that er..."event". Or for me, non-event.
  20. Liltae Member

    It seems that much of the items cannot be purchased as the price is unknown like others have mentioned. The druid rings are available, weren't they a World Event reward like the griffin tower? Anyway I love the monkeys, and the druid rings, griffin tower would be cool as well, but the monkeys and the tower have no known value at this time.. I have no use for a title I have not earned so I will not waste anything on it, I really do not think something like that should have been put there as titles are something peeps have worked really hard to accomplish now they feel cheated. I guess many may feel that way about the World Event Items but until now I haven't seen them except for once in visiting a house I saw a druid ring. I have those nice portal/paintings from the expansion I purchased but might be nice for using in other housing as I love to decorate and build.
    I am wondering if the purchase is broken or if you have had to accomplish completion of event in order to purchase the items that are not available currently?
    Pippers likes this.