New merchandise on Loyalty Vendors

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Sareene, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Sareene Member

    Thank you! I love the new items that have been added to the vendors! Fun stuff :)
    TarnaX likes this.
  2. Trinite New Member

    No mounts no mercs just junk realy can we get the old CE mercs and mounts added to SC or Loyalty please. we don't need more house junk in game.
  3. Vexrm Member

    Are the goblin game tokens supposed to be on the merchant still?
  4. The Jones Active Member

    You won't get the CE mercs from CoE because that was a collector's edition reward.

    I don't understand why we can't purchase all of the vet rewards though. For those of us that are a year or two behind it would be nice to be able to spend our tokens on such things. Obviously we shouldn't be able to buy them all for cheap, but if there is one out there that we really want we should be able to spend loyalty tokens on that.
  5. Katz Well-Known Member

    When I try and purchase the new items I get the message "The price for (item name) is unknown"
    Cynara and Avahlynn like this.
  6. Qixil Active Member

    Same here. Very excited to see the past deity quest rewards back, as the toons I originally did the quests on I had deleted and lost the items eventually, and also the model tower! Yay :)
    Cynara likes this.
  7. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I'm disappointed. I didn't see any mention of World Event items being included. Now all these titles and things I actually earned are worthless / meaningless. Aside from that, I don't think most the items are really worth having to go gold for. The one exception would be the velious paintings.
  8. Finora Well-Known Member

    I'm quite pleased to see some of the old event items (particularly some of the desert themed ones) on the merchant. Long long ago when events with those items were running I had no idea I would need or want as many of those items as I would currently use. The ability to own multiple houses wasn't around hehe.

    Now I have something to use up my loyalty tokens on, at least for the time being. I did expect the mercs & mounts & maybe even the baby dragons (they are so hard to find for collector's these days! though.

    I will say I am disappointed the titles are on there. They really shouldn't be. Titles really aren't important unless they have meaning, by making them just another cheap token purchase you are removing the meaning from them. I'm certain there are people here today who don't even know there was an event with Lashka or Exenka etc or even know what they were, let alone been there for the killings.
    Sambril, Deveryn and Cynara like this.
  9. msgnomer Active Member

    I must say I was surprised the titles were there too. Kind of detracts from earning a title in-game. Granted some newer players didn't have a chance at those titles, but so what. There will be new events (I'm assuming) with new titles. It's not like there are a shortage of titles in the game and you can use two at most.

    On the other hand, I had my last little inlaid table in my bank and was happy to see that. Also, I regretted buying only one druid ring during the event, but never expected to have additional homes with outdoor areas!
    Sambril, Finora and Cynara like this.
  10. Katz Well-Known Member

    I love the house items. I remember getting many of the items during the events and wishing after prestige houses came out that I could go back and get more of them for those houses. I hope they continue to add these items.

    I too was surprised by the titles. I don't think I will get any of those that I don't already have on me.
  11. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I don't see the Desert of Flames paintings anywhere. Those should be on there, as they were a regular expansion box reward.
  12. Tinkerbe Active Member

    I figure if they put those titles up for sell they will put anything up for sale.
  13. Caith Developer

    I've just checked in a fix for this, however it will probably not be pushed out until Thursday.
    Athenia, Katz, Naudi and 2 others like this.
  14. suka Well-Known Member

    the velous paintings are collector's edition. seeing that we can no longer buy the collectors editions of past expacs, it would be nice to see the mercs and other items on the loyalty vendor
  15. Circadian Member

    The word Veteran has no meaning in this game anymore
    Deago, JuJu, Fetish and 4 others like this.
  16. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    The velious paintings were the regular edition. Items like the tower model and the everfrost home were from the collector's ed.
    Finora likes this.
  17. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    Years playing this game was my veteran reward. I like seeing the merchant fill out. :)
    TarnaX, Riffy, Athenia and 4 others like this.
  18. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I looked over the new stuff. Was surprised to see the titles. Sadly, I saw nothing I was interested in purchasing. Did try a few purchases to check that bug, but didn't complete any.
  19. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    I thought druid rings were pretty cool. I do see all the really neat items aren't there - pocket dragon ring, shadow katana, etc. They added Fires of Tranquility but not Fires of Hate.
  20. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    The pocket ring and spires would have been nice. I'm just not a decorator, so house items have no interest for me.
    Tylia likes this.