The final craft for the weekly tradeskill mission has been made significantly more difficult.

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Avithax, Nov 25, 2013.

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  1. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I only got to the transitor level in university. That didn't go well. Hand me a set of microchips and I can make and program something.
  2. Pauly Well-Known Member

    so I guess lvl 95 rush orders should take 10x the duration of a lvl 20 writ then? maybe T10 harvesting should take 10x as long as T1? Afterall, the rewards are better.
  3. Calthine Well-Known Member

    Technically the higher level recipes are much harder than the lower level ones, you're just better at crafting :)
  4. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    Ignoring the smiley... :)

    All the common recipes take exactly 1000 progress to complete (maybe tier1 is less, I haven't checked recently), so while they're "harder" as in "requires a higher crafting skill to succeed", they do not take longer, so your reply is orthogonal to Pauly's point. (They take less time since your reaction arts are better, actually. Less time for greater reward.)

    You're making the same mistake as the devs did with this quest, actually: "harder to do" has nothing to do with "takes more time".
    Athenia, Adaarye and Ranga like this.
  5. Ranga Active Member

    Exactly this. It has now gone from easy to the other side of ridiculous! God forbid we should have something too easy when it still takes me two weeks to get enough etyma for a single green gem with 4 tradeskillers at max.

    By which time I will probably have raid gear anyways so why bother eh?

    Same old, same old. I love this game but the continued artificial ways they make us grind really does take the shine off it :(
    Athenia, Arcos, Adaarye and 2 others like this.
  6. Ranga Active Member

    Except when you are crafting for Etyma ;) then you are worse than level 1
    Cloudrat likes this.
  7. Ranga Active Member

    Precisely! And a reasonably geared group could do the weekly heroic double pretty quickly. Can you imagine the outcry if they multiplied the boss mob's HP by a factor of 1000 to make the 'effort required reflect the rewards'?
    Athenia and Adaarye like this.
  8. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    What shine? You stand at a table and hit 6 buttons to make something thousands of times over. What difference does it make if one thing takes a few minutes more? :p
  9. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Honestly this cannot be someone's chosen hill to die on. It's a change but not a huge one worthy of this level of angst.
    Deveryn likes this.
  10. Ranga Active Member

    Perhaps you are happy to mindlessly waste your time because SOE wants to string out your aquisition of Etyma for a year :p That's entirely up to you. But it takes the shine off it for me.
  11. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Don't sweat the small stuff.*

    *It's all small stuff.
  12. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    LOL now we are no longer at the it's not that big a deal to ,,, it's not a huge deal... the increments are growing.....
  13. Azian Well-Known Member

    Those who are so upset about the changes really need to note what Calthine said. The alternative is they nerf the reward hard. I'll gladly deal with a longer combine now that I've discovered this gem of easy etymas for my characters.
    Shmogre and Avahlynn like this.
  14. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Those guys are simply amzingly stup..

    What do they offer to crafter in TOV ? NOTHING.

    I cannot craft any taylor item but a useless harvesting GI. The GI is totally useless because it is usable
    only by level 95 toons.

    And ? Why would we harvest since there is nothing to craft ?

    Till now at least we got a smal amount of etymas here and there, nice to hear that they removed this little bonus.
    Whutdah and Adaarye like this.
  15. Pauly Well-Known Member

    I'd agree if it wasn't for the fact that Etyma are very easy to get. Adventuring, collections ect..
    How much of a time sink is buying 3 collections and turning them in for the same reward? I can say as a pure soloer that 50 Etyma per day is very easy to get. 10 on a weekly ts quest isn't something special and it shouldn't have 'special' hoops to jump through.

    Perhaps ALL rare recipes should have a combine like the new weekly ts combine!! After all, greater reward is worth the extra time.
    Or we could quit being fanboys for 1 minutes and agree this change sucks.
    Athenia, Arcos, Adaarye and 1 other person like this.
  16. Vagar Member

    While it's not anything to get myself worked up over, I think the new "difficulty" of the weekly final combine is just ludicrous. I tried to count up how many rounds of crafting it took but I lost count somewhere past 30. Next toon I'm going to count it. Next one after that I'm using a Potion of Innovation to see how many rounds of that it will take. I'm betting the Potion will expire before it's even done.

    I'm all for making this weekly quest harder but "harder" does not mean "pointless time sink". Make the quest more complicated than talking to 4 NPCs less than 50 meters away from the quest giver, writing the weekly TPS Report, complete with proper cover page then delivering it to another zone but don't think that spending 10 minutes on a single item is in any way satisfying.

    I'm a freakin' crafter, not a secretary!
    Ranga, Sambril and Adaarye like this.
  17. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    This is a Weekly quest with an expected reward. The recipes are expensive to buy. To spend weeks and weeks to get the etyma to buy what should have all been in one recipe book is a cruel trick to begin with, now adding the practical joke of this combine in the middle of the quest does seem in keeping with the game I have been playing.
    Kalika and Adaarye like this.
  18. Alienor Member

    It does not have to be finished in 3 ticks, but in 40 is just plain stupid.There have been people fall asleep in the middle of this, others have seen their babies come to school.
    Kalika likes this.
  19. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I've done the weekly twice this morning. First one, no potion, took 6 minutes. Second one, potion of progress, took 2 minutes. Definite improvement, but still, 2 minutes with potion of progress?!!
  20. Athenia Well-Known Member

    This! I could have also done with an additional step of somesort instead... something that actually has you actively doing rather than staring blankly at your progress bar. If we need more of a time sink, fine. Just make it interesting, please!
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