SKs need some LOVE too!

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Nynaeve, Feb 8, 2013.

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  1. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Well i don´t want any balance. Why? There should be encounter that could be handled better from that type of tank. I still stay to the point, everything is ok, except a few hardmode mobs.
    What i do like to see, is that tanks could support each others a bit, that would be nice as top of it.
  2. Draylore Well-Known Member

    Would be cool but everything about EQ2 is actually designed to encourage the opposite.

    Having been playing since launch......I still say that tanks are as balanced as they ever have been. If anything they have gone to far in making anyone be able to tank anything........thus removing any specialty or diversity IMO.
    Estred and Kalderon like this.
  3. Payton Active Member

    Exactely trues! That's what I says also alwayses.
    The more cheeses I have the more balanced it bees.Where woulds the diversities goes, when everybodies hads the same amount of cheeses? I tell yous the cheeses know that theys should all be mine for perfect diversity.

    Nothings to see here Xelgads! Go to sleepings again!
    Monkses deserve all the cheeses of Norrath, Shadow Knightses are perfectly balances and would be in every raid, but unfortunately only bad Players even choose to play them Shadow Knightses - because thems not knows how to eat cheeses.

    please for the sake of more diversity and balance send all your cheeses to
  4. Corydonn Well-Known Member

    Dude not even trolling, I've always thought of brawlers ( well bruiser) as a class where you have to time things better and use a combination of abilities to achieve what an SK does. Only with a little more umph for the effort.I always thought all the classes were getting OP anyways with every class hitting stat caps just from gear and the only way to improve is to get insane new abilities.

    I haven't played for 6 months though so I can't make anymore debates based on what OP abilities Bruisers and Monks got and SKs got with the new expansion. I do know that most bruisers don't even use the defensive line and go half and half because the raid mobs are easy enough to not warrant it or something, If SKs are having trouble getting a guild it has and always will be a learn to play issue, No matter the class.

    SF to me was perfect balance for tanks. The only disadvantage brawlers had then was itemization, No HM weapons besides Titaniir really sucked~

    Edit. Also tanks DO support each other, and have since the beginning of the game. Even in offensive stance a plate tank can use one of their stoneskins and intercede for another tank on an AE or heck even a healer in a danger zone. Any tank not using recklessness also has an avoidance lend that does MAJOR damage blocking for little to no cost.
  5. Davngr Well-Known Member


    you serious?

    monks are easy mode survivability and dragonfire gives them WAY too much aoe agro even more than bruiser with their 5m range aoe.

    there isn't balance and the only reason that you think there is balance is because you play one of the tanks that is in line with the content.
  6. Davngr Well-Known Member

    yes they have limited support and the good players use what little is available to make a difference and THAT'S what makes for a good tanking team NOT all four of our tanks can "tank anything" mentality.

    instead of making it so only one class is superior make it so all the classes lend each other tools to get the job done and they are all important but not one can do it with out the other.

    of course this would be for hard mode raids.. the easy stuff would still only require one tank and that's why they should merge reckless and offensive stance and make the bonus apply to the group (10% of total cb/pot for group). that way everyone WANTS 4 tanks and not all 6 tank classes end up being the same tank with the same abilities.
  7. Chocmerc Member

    sure, you can have your buffs...

    ...when other tanks can perform as well as sks in group/heroic content. SK's are still strong for main tank in raids as well. SKs have been SOEs favorite for a while now, so when all the other tanks get some buff love, then you can start complaining about SK's being UP :D

    I dont even want to go into how badly warriors got smushed flat by the lack of power creep for them.
  8. Estred Well-Known Member

    Don't get me started either. If I knew how to track it I would almost place money that there are near 200% Crusaders compared to Warriors. Though chocmerc if you want to discuss said power creep feel free to PM me, I have felt it for the last 3 years since TSO.

    Edit: To stay on topic though SK's are some of the best Heroic Tanks in game atm requiring the least skill-cap to do their job on an passable level.
  9. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Ah, was shocked last night, when i go into heroic zones.... sk could not hold agro of me, even i only autoattack ^^
    Looks like, a tank can get buffs whatever they want, if you can´t gear spec him correct, all will be worthless :D (Group got at least a dirge so hatesupport was there, at least a bit ^^)
  10. Rhita Active Member

    If he was buffing hate, some dirges think its a waste of a con slot. But spec and gear has a good weight for a tank especially if the dps has the gear to do some numbers.
    Kalderon likes this.
  11. Luhai Active Member

    This is what bugs me most. Memwiping mobs ignoring your myth clicky aren't fun.
  12. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Sometimes i got the feeling, that the memwhipen nameds have a ignore on taunts&positional agro for a short duration (well.... long enough to roll over few raidmembers ^^)
  13. Estred Well-Known Member

    See, that is a perfectly valid complaint. Your Mythical is supposed to be a force-target/snap and it is frequently ignored by bosses.

    Some actually do, though usually only against 1 tank (their previous target).
    Kalderon likes this.
  14. rhylis Member

    With the sk myth, it bugs out alot, all mythicals need relooked at, i usually hit the memwiping mob then use myth. It does work a good amount of the time.
  15. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Most mysticbuffs should be redone, perhaps the whole weaponquest ^^ (would be best)
  16. rhylis Member

    mystic myth is op.......
  17. Estred Well-Known Member

    Agreed. The Epic Reprcussions of Sentinels Fate were just a part. It was a way to keep the Mythical effect from RoK even long after the weapon became worthless. I would love to see a new Epic Quest like that. Sure we all "hated" them but ya know what? Many, many aspects of this game that I "hated" during the expansion have been my favorite parts.

    Just an example. I always said how much I "hated" Legatus Prime Mikiil or Supreme Imperium Valdemar from the Destiny of Velious expansion... yet I remember those fights almost the most. Alongside Kraytoc Killingfrost, Erieen the Broken, Tert Turganpuncher. The fact I remember their names even today says something about the fight... now who was the dude upstairs in Kraytocs with the adds that couldn't die? Oh, yeah Taaltak the Mighty (had to look it up).
    Kalderon likes this.
  18. rhylis Member

    Those mobs where easy though, so easy that nowadays people 3-6 man most of that expansion.
  19. Koleg Active Member

    I agree with much here ... but keep in mind speccing too many points into Reuse and Spell Cast reduction abilites is not always needed depending on how you've reforged. It's easy to get 100/100 casting/reuse with some of the high end gear, but only with the higher end gear. I think the only stat I'm not capped on is Flurry these days. The only reason to go down the STR line is for the Reuse/Casting/Recovery and that is reforgeable and adornable.

    Actually, there are some really valid points made here that are making me rethink a few spent point on my POW raiding SK.
    Kalderon likes this.
  20. Estred Well-Known Member

    Easy maybe, but remembered. I was an EM-Raider back in SF/DoV not breaking very far into Underfoot Depths and not really hitting the end of HM-Drunder/PoW until Skyshrine. I still remember to this day spending 3-12 days pushing against the HM-Versions of all those bosses I listed with the exception of Legatus Prime Mikiil.
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