It is EverQuest or EverRaid?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Sclerotia, Jan 7, 2013.

  1. Draylore Well-Known Member

    Hmm not really.

    I have been in guilds where I had my own guild members on ignore and/or mute......I simply could not stand them personality wise .........but they knew how to play their class. The only time I played with them as during raids.....the rest I just avoided them.
  2. Gaealiege Active Member

    It's the reality of anything high-end world round. I can assure you most board members don't like each other within any given corporation, not every Olympian gets along with his fellow athletes, and not every high end raid member gets along with their guildmates. It's the nature of being the best. Egos are plentiful when you have the credentials to prove your worth.
  3. Archaical Active Member

    Biggest difference being, this is ONLY a video game. Well, for most of us atleast. Obviously you hold it very dear to your heart and consider your "accomplishments" within as something substantial. The majority of us take it for what it is though, a video game. You compared it to jobs, which speaks volumes for how you treat it.
    Salavar likes this.
  4. Gaealiege Active Member

    I compared it to a high-end position. Your attempt at insult amuses me though, particularly the blind stab at the insinuation that I compare this game to a "job." I'm retired and hold a doctorate. I game as a hobby, but I do take pride in being the best at whatever I do.

    I treat anything I do in the exact same manner I treated my profession. Be the best. However, if it's repartee you're looking for, I don't find anything here of less value than the 3,000 rubber hoses you create a day. How ridiculous is it to think that manufacturing a couple hundred or thousand objects each day is comparable?
  5. Gaealiege Active Member

    I feel it's critical that I also distinguish the terminology "job" from "career." You won't find too many Chief positions referring to what they do as a "job." There appears to be a dichotomy here that's split from educational attainment. Those of less educational "accomplishment" often prefer the term "job."
  6. Archaical Active Member

    It wasn't a "blind stab". You directly compared this game to jobs. Nerd rage harder please. That was OK, but I want a real show out of you!
  7. Athenia Well-Known Member

    And you seriously can't take that 'most' to heart because that's one person's anecdotal experience. Why? Well look at this - the people I know that raid (including myself) like the majority of the people they raid with. In my case it'd be "very few raiders I know can't stand their fellow raiders." See what I'm getting at? Plus yes, you can be in a raid force where you may not like everyone, but you can still very much have fun doing the raids period.

    Anyway. To stop derailing this thread, there is a serious lack of questing to be done outside of the signature line in CoE. Even when I was working on the sig line with all of CoE's solo stuff I completed all of it within a matter of days. Not counting the things I do outside of CoE, all that's left is raiding or popping into instances. I feel that it was a pretty disappointing expansion over all with what feels to me like a big lack of content. It does pretty much feel like "Everraid" now.
  8. Bluntman New Member

    Yes, a vast majority of the people playing this game have been playing for a long time, and are entirely focused on the end game. A lot of raid content can now be killed with 1 group, or 2 if you really need it, and PUG'd.

    But really, I think actual, organized, x4 raiding is on the decline.
  9. Malleria Well-Known Member

    StarCraft tournaments pay out more than you likely earn in a year. But you're right, they're only video games.
  10. Finora Well-Known Member

    There are a lot of people talking about raid content because the game is more than 8 years old at this point & top heavy & the best gear is from raiding.
    While there aren't as many quests in COD as we got with say Kunark, there are still quite a few. Then again back when Kunark was released seemed everyone who posted was complaining about how many quests they had to do.To be quite honest the zones aren't that big, pretty small expansion so I personally expected a smaller number of quests. Now crafters can complain about lack of quests in COD since there isn't a single crafting quest in the new expansion and that is something we've come to expect in new expansions, especially if there is a level cap raise.

    The game has plenty of story & that story continues through the latest expansion & I expect whatever new updates we get will further some aspect of the lore of the game. Even some of the holiday events have some lore hidden away in them or at the very least some lore explaining something new that is going to happen. I will say if you are actually interested in the story of the game world, don't blast through all the lower content, or at least plan on going back for some with chronomentoring. There are stories out there that you'll miss.
  11. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    Not quite. I have a masters in an econ-related field and I teach resume and career building for a research 1 university. I think I fit your 'educational accomplishment' bar.

    A job is something you do for wages. That's it, that is all it means. A 'career' means a whole lot less this generation than it has in the past. In the past, a job (or association with a company) you intended/did keep for a large portion of your employable life was called a career (this was true for unskilled labor as well). Not so now. You're likely to change jobs every 2-5 years over your employable life time. You're going to have a series of jobs. If you notice and or convince yourself that each job led to the next in a trend of more money, responsibility, respect, fulfillment, then you'll call that series of jobs 'a career'. If it doesn't work out that way, you probably wont. Its a subjective measure.


    carry on.
  12. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    Oh, I definitely dont think that that person was correctly identifying the state of things. I think they are in the minority. A minority that I think is missing the point of games, but I also think I've made that feeling clear already :)
  13. Archaical Active Member

    You must have a Go Go Gadget Arm to reach that far!
  14. Seliri Well-Known Member

  15. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    If I have limited amount of time to play and log in to raid with 23 other people, I would really like them to take that time seriously and put forth their best effort. I will return the favor. Otherwise they are wasting my time. That premise is true no matter what the function - so in that regard, it's not ' just a game'. If other players want to do whatever the heck they want ...because its just a game..then for Gods sake, don't raid.
    Kalderon likes this.
  16. Archaical Active Member

    Go to a mental health clinic and tell them you think that Everquest 2 is more than just a game. This is good though, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.
    GabenBison and Ladymist like this.
  17. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    You must be a doctor, i blind gues, for sending someone to somewhere ^^
    There some raidencounter that need you´re full attention, there´s no such thing like watching TV while raiding oO or drinking some beer and so on....
  18. Wirewhisker Well-Known Member

    "Is it Everquest or Everraid?"

    Kalderon likes this.
  19. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    I didnt say that. I said if I'm going to spend any amount of time on an activity that requires some attention, do me the favor of not wasting my time.
  20. Gaealiege Active Member

    And you just manufacture rubber hoses all day. I fail to see how that's carries a higher level of importance. I'm not familiar with the patterns you're speaking of Elo, but I assume you're correct. That wasn't the case during my employed years.