Zerker BP Clicky Choices

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Bederper, May 20, 2020.

  1. Bederper Journeyman


    What is the preferred BP click for Zerkers ?
    1) Modern BPs with Shield of Blood (a nice defensive)
    2) Selrachs with Vicious Axes
    3) Apocryphal Warmonger Coat with Boundless Frenzy
    4) Gelid Warmonger Coat with Chaotic Frenzy

    I am curious if 2-4 are still relevant at 115 or better just run with the improved survivability of shield of blood? The old school raid coats are much more easily attainable now with the currency boost.

    Thoughts ?
  2. Szilent Augur

    The damage add of old BP clicks is trash at 115, don't bother. Modern shield isn't damage per se, but surviving AE ramp is a solid niche use.
    Tucoh likes this.
  3. Pwentet New Member

    the new sheild bp is pretty much a must on some raids with huge ae ramp IE velks
    the older bps while adding some dmg is kinda low but on a non risk event go for it
  4. Bederper Journeyman

    Noted thanks
  5. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    No reason not to carry an offensive and defensive clicky.

    BTW you can completely survive the AE rampage in velks, its called stand at max melee range where AE rampage doesn't hit. Yes its a small sweet spot but don't stand in that AE, the BP clicky wont keep you alive for long.
  6. Liin Edud (Tunare) Augur

    I agree and carry both myself. I will concede that its probably 15+:1 defensive vs offensive that I use actually click them but I won't say I don't ever click the offensive one.

    Its a game of inches and if you have something collecting dust or easy to loot that might give you a small boost why not go grab one and carry both?
  7. Tolzol Augur

    I pretty much only use the new BP click nowadays when needed but that’s just me. I do carry an EOK BP but honestly can’t even tel you the last time I’ve used it.
  8. Behelit Augur

    VoA bp click is nice for riposte pulls/swarming
  9. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    I carry both, but the last time I clicked the new BP for defense was right after beta just to see if it worked correctly. I havent clicked it since.
  10. alycin Journeyman

    I carry 4

    Rof = only added dps clicky added damage on frenzys
    Cotf = endo regin click, 1500 a tick
    Eok = added damage to ranged attacks
    Tov = rune

    Obviously all same timer, just use your choice as needed
  11. Behelit Augur

    RoF BP is the first of the proc line, VoA is the best available +Frenzy dmg bp click (sadly that line hasnt been upgraded despite requests with several different item devs).
  12. Filterx New Member

    Are these just raid bp's or group? I honestly sold my old bp's to the tribute master sadly but they were only group bp's.