Your Mount Blessing Beza spell did not take hold

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Puckbone, Jan 1, 2023.

  1. Puckbone New Member

    I just purchased an Anizok's Steam Escalator mount that has Mount Blessing Beza. Whenever I activate it (mount it?) I get the above message (Your Mount Blessing Beza spell did not take hold). The mount does activate-I am levitating around at 64 velocity. I'm just not seeing the buffs for Mount Blessing Beza. I've tried this several times. I only have this mount in my key ring.
    Is there something I'm missing or should I /petition or /bug this?
    Any insight into why this may be happening?
    Thanks in advance.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    TLP server? You can use the mount, the buffs are gated until a certain expansion is unlocked. Else if its a buff slot conflict it should say what buff is blocking it.
  3. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Beza is not a very high level mount blessing. You could well have a buff which conflicts, and is better. I also only have access to lower level mount blessings, and once I got a click-buff item from TDS (Gunthak Grit is the buff, I think the item is some kind of eyepatch), my mount blessing would no longer land.
  4. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Mount Blessing Beza is locked to SoF. Also when a spell is blocked by another, it usually tells you which one it is, is there anything else in the red error message?
  5. Puckbone New Member

    I am on the live server.
    As is suggested above, I think the buffs I already have may be over-riding the Beza. I don't want to remove all the buffs I have atm, but when these run out, I will test and see if Beza lands when I have no buffs to interfere with it.
    I tried including a screen shot of the message, but it didn't take. The message I get is, "Your Mount Blessing Beza did not take hold." No other explanation in that window or any other text window I have open.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    A couple things could be happening too.The first one that comes to mind is do you have enough slots for it to take hold? You would not get the message about what is blocking it if that is the case

    If you don't have any open slots then drop all the "shadowed" buffs as the only thing they do is take up a slot.The benefit from when you first cast those is perm so no need to keep the icon in your buff bar

    The other is do you do have your stat mount in the lower left corner box on your mounts page? You might might have a no-stats mount listed as "Use this" in the box

    But if your getting the increased run speed from it then its not likely you have a higher mount buff since your run speed is the highest of your highest mount - the highest overrides any thing lower. And your getting the run speed from this mount of 64 so a higher mount buff is not the issue, I don't think.
    Svann2 likes this.
  7. Puckbone New Member

    OK, I bought a couple spells. I cast Arcane Rune (ENC 61). I tried casting my mount and got the message, "Your Anizok's Steam Escalator spell did not take hold." I realized Arcane Rune was the only thing different that I had on me since yesterday. I disabled that and then I am able to cast my mount, but still get the ..."Beza did not take hold..." message. I try to recast the Rune and at first get, "You are too distracted to cast a spell now" but then get, "Your Arcan Rune spell did not take hold."
    Obviously I am getting interference from spell compatibility. I am not too concerned since my main objective for obtaining the mount was for the speed, but I did make the decision which mount to purchase partly on the stats offered. Not ever owning a mount before, I didn't think that there would be an issue with blocked spell slots (of which I still don't have a great grasp of the concept).
    Anyway, thanks for the replies. If anyone knows of a reference and/or explanation of what/which spells/abilities over-ride what/which, could you send that my way in a reply to this post, please?
    Sheesh! I just want an easy, laid-back game to play in my retirement. heh.
    Thanks again.
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Try checking out

    You can look up spells, and see what "slot" each feature of the spell uses. What causes spells to not "stack" is that they affect the same stat (Stamina, for instance) in the same slot. In that case, the one with the bigger value will take precedence, and the other one won't land, or be overwritten by the better one.

    If you bring up a page in Lucy for a particular spell, you should see a place to click somewhere on that page marked "stacking" or something like that. Click that, and you'll get a page with a list of all the spells which won't stack with the spell you were researching.

    Better yet, here ya go:

    The Lucy page for Mount Blessing Beza:

    The "stacking" page you see when clicking "Stacking" in the upper right corner of that page:

    Somewhere on that page should be the spell preventing your mount blessing from landing.
  9. Celephane Augur

    Sounds like he's buff locked, the mount icon takes the first and only open spot, so he can't get the benefit buff. CatsPaws suggested removing "Shadow of" buffs, if you have any on you, this is your problem.
    Gialana likes this.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Always remove those. First thing I do when I click an upgrade is look for a shadow buff to click off.
  11. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    If it were me, these are the steps I would take to check why this is happening. It might be easier to help you pinpoint the issue than wading thru a bunch of spells. Plus, I honestly do not think, from what I have read that it is getting blocked by another spell.

    Plus The only time I DO NOT see any messages about WHY a buff or spell did not land is when I was out of slots. All other times the message is given in your chat as to why you did not get it.

    So we have limited buff slots. These are in the window that shows all your buffs. At level 61 or any level really we have at start with 15 regular (non-Short Duration) buff slots.

    So count your buffs and debuffs you have on you. If you have 14 then your only going to get the Mount cause it will take the 15th slot and you will not get the Beza portion cause there are no more slots open. This is why we say drop the "shadow" line of spells - to open slots.

    You can increase how many buffs you can have on your thru
    • The AA Mystical Attuning (General tab) grants 1 extra buff slot per rank, up to 20 extra.
    • Completing Tier 3 of the progression in the Dragons of Norrath expansion grants 1 extra buff slot.
    Unless your a Heroic then I don't think you got DON Tier 3 yet or have put the AA into Mystical Attune so you likely don't have the extra slots. Total slots you could possibly end up with is 36.

    Most blessing buffs are permanent so it will stay until you take it off . I have buff Lena on me from the Snow Bunny and if I try to cast any other mount spell then I will get the mount but I will get a message that the Mount Blessing XXX did not take hold (blocked by Lena) which is higher than my others.Again the message.

    Btw I really like that mount and am trying to resist getting myself one lol