Yet another mmo that kisses whiner's all because they didn't get their name secured.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Tamier, May 20, 2015.

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  1. Tamier Augur

    All mmo's launch early or late, thats rediculous its one of the main reasons for wiping the server. Epitomy of entitlement generation.
    Aricka likes this.
  2. Maec Journeyman

    Its only entitlement if they give us something like a bag or double XP or some craziness. Asking for a wipe after players received gear and plat isnt that big of a deal after only maybe 2 hours of playtime. If it had been a day or two, it might not be in the best interests of the game, but not after such a short time and obvious and potentially disruptive bugs.
  3. 3nn10 Journeyman

    So true. Wasted a good chunk of time leveling up to 6 before the server take downs, and now it's all being taken away because other people are .
  4. ShibbyStrife Lorekeeper

    You will prolly get you name again. To be honest it is very selfish to ruin the server because you wanted a name. There are level 1's with full spell books with non era spells in them. Then there are the 50 that went and camped stuff for their alts. IA name really thats why you dont want a wipe. Oh wait is it the hr your played.......OR the items you bought but didnt that they said they would refund.. Come on guys .
  5. Teren_Kanan Elder

    Yeah planned my job/sleep schedule around the launch for the sole reason of getting a couple names I always use. Now i'm pretty much boned. Only thing I care about to be honest.
    silverback likes this.
  6. 3nn10 Journeyman

    I'm not really worried about the hour or whatever leveling, more annoying that I will have to slog through the petition system to get my bought stuff back.
  7. Qulas Augur

    Have to imagine the issue of the advantage all the level 50 toons got was more of the reason for the wipe, rather than names being freed up.
  8. Kellaer Augur

    /who all 50
    Your who request was cut short... too many players.

    Yeah. This is totally about securing names.
    Hobitses, Rhiyannon and Silv like this.
  9. Tamier Augur

    And a name is why most people want a wipe? Hypocritical arguement. Everything else could have been fixed easily.
  10. Kildire New Member

    Holly Longdale@TheWindstalker 22m22 minutes ago
    @MrCrypto0 Names should be freed up with the wipe. That's another reason we're wiping.

    They can fix the heroic level 1 and 50 characters without a wipe. Apparently naming is part of the reason for the wipe. In the interest of some kind of fairness.


    Holly Longdale@TheWindstalker 27m27 minutes ago
    We're working on a Ragefire wipe, then we'll limit access to test the fixes. If all is well, we'll unlock to all. Couple of hours at least.

    So they are going to open the server at an unannounced time to a limited number of players and THEY will get all the good names. Yeah that is fair. What a cluster@##$$@
  11. Kellaer Augur

  12. The Badger Lord Augur

    Almost everyone who played loggedin early, many did not get a chance to do so as they got off work to be there right at 3. That in itself is an unfair advantage.

    If these players were beta players and the agreement was beta players got to reserve a name, that would be a different story. The players who got into the server did so through no hard work of their own, but rather chance they were able to be around before the official launch.

    How is this fair to the people who kept to the original announcement at 3 and could not (or by chance did not) try to log on earlier?

    ALSO. MANY PEOPLE WHO CALLED FOR A WIPE DID NOT EVEN LOG INTO THE GAME! They didn't even know if their names were taken.

    Many people who posted on these forums who did have their names still said they wanted a wipe.

    Its about the integrity of the server and keeping the community at max pop. The integrity of the sever is much more important than YOUR name.
  13. Jadefox Augur

    You missed the Breeze 'debates', didn't you?

    Rhiyannon likes this.
  14. ShibbyStrife Lorekeeper

    1.5 hrs that the server was locked to everyone else, your saying not having to research spells or buy them isnt unfair to the players that have to .. BTW spells are costly... your also saying that all the low level non era spells arnt powerful.. Your argument is flawed imo..
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  15. Arkiln New Member

    Tamiers is a little hurt, because hims don't get to keep all hims names. Boo who, the server was locked for over 40 minutes with people actively streaming playing on it. Yeah that's fair.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  16. Lord Binky Elder

    out of era spells are pretty unfair. A pally for instance in era doesn't get a stun until 28. Out of era, it's level 7. Once kunark is released, an out of era druid will completely destroy the healing of an in era one. That's just a few off the top of my head
  17. Goodnews Augur

    Another thread? Let me see if I can be of service.
    <Insert insulting title here>
    <Insert opinion presented as fact and then negatively stereotype opposing opinions here>
    Now my little example could be used for either side of the debate. Regardless this kind of response shows lack of character, no integrity or honor. It also happens to be the best example of the pop calling the kettle I have seen today.
  18. Lord Binky Elder

    they have found a potential fix, which is a server reset! Why are you against a reset?
  19. Fornow Lorekeeper

    names from beta didn't wipe? maybe thats why they went with a wipe and the 50's ? i dont know its a guess
  20. Tamier Augur

    Names from beta reset. Why do you people lie to justify an agenda?
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