Yet another I'm quiting post...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by hein, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Problem is they have lost a lot of EQ knowledge over the last couple of years.
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  2. Cimbaeth Elder

    They literally did do that- and still do that. It's called the Hero's Journey. I've followed it for I think at least 3 times and enjoyed it. Granted it doesn't go all the way to 100 or 125 but it does do a pretty good job of getting a single player off the ground running.
    code-zero, Captain Video and Rijacki like this.
  3. Tachyon Augur

    Evolution, some of my best buddies in 2000 six boxed full groups to sell gear for cash and aoe power leveled... most just played the game... to me the change is the players
    jeskola likes this.
  4. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    70-100 is boring. I spend so much time helping folks from Cresent Reach up... and about that point they just don't want to heroic floating in the same levels very slowly. I think that is the design that you need to buy heroic.
    But, if this is your entertainment and you can't afford a bucket of popcorn for your sub, or taking the friend out to a movie and popcorn (price of heroic) then save up.. I HIGHLY support heroic 100! Now that (WE) are uber if I don't know a class I will play it, but eventually heroic it. IF I want to make a buff bot, Heroic 100! If I know a class, Heroic 100! Besides supporting the game ( where are my 5 kronos I ordered yesterday? Taking too long!? ) buying Heroic 100 helps the game and gets over this hump of 70-100. I just don't want to spend the time to invest on leveling 125 a fresh toon. I always suggest you get and stick and master that class.. max it with AA , Level, and Gear before deciding on giving up. If you are not 125 you have no idea about this game specially if you have not raided (not to say OP falls into this catagory). There is still a learning curve for my maxed toons.. it continiously will be as ideas and changes happen to gear, augs, expansion situations (nerfs ect).
    We high levels have more issues to deal with then to read a post, sorry, I'm quitting and here is why. We support you but this is directed to ' them '.. not us.
    I have issues with 'them' for allowing situations that years ago would get you banned.
    When Diablo II went into duping items, and somene say, I just sent you all a virus .. and your CD tray opens and the driver is corrupt now on the CD drive ( and this was years ago where people didn't know how to fix this easilly ) that was a turning point. So EQ was pay to play but SOE had a good customer service team you could call on the phone. Now, you don't have phone support, can't get a deleted toon back, have to deal with players that say, hey I'm camping that.. when they are accross the zone cause they can see you on their hack map... it is a whole new ball game now. Hey I out DPS U.. well it's becauses your using bot programs b!t*c! That is the simularities you and I have with how you say they don't care for their customers, that I agree with. This still goes on. How many years have you seen the guy in the enterance of baz doing power levels for krono, and in Discord he says, you can buy kronos from this site cheaper and then trade me. It's never delt with. SOE would have been on top of this!
    Now you got DX11 update and your merc loses buffs when you level? Stuff like that, How long does it take to fix that one issue?? Welcome to EQ screw your experience.. its a bug.. " in the works '' " internally fixed" WHERE IS THE UPDATE!? These new people to the game are screwed cause you can't do a patch? SOE would have handled it. Got a problem? SOE GM's would actually come in the game and SEE that Bard kiting the zone in Dulak hiding behind the left wall (which you can check out for yourself in wolf form) taking all your mobs. Now, you can report someone doing wrong, and they are still FARMING the PL in Great Divide tunnels for WEEKS!!! and nothing happens.
    So yah, I agree with you. There is a huge lack of respect for SOE game the way it was created and how we get lack of support on certain topics. I get crap replys in my petitions ( ask the community ).
    I'll tell ya, there is about 2/3 population gone out of the ' buff pile ' since DX 11.
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    The majority of video cards come with built in optimizations for hundreds of games, when those games update like EQ has, the performance in those games for those with the newer cards are wonky until there is a update to those cards. It isn't an issue with the game, it is an issue with how the video card is changing itself for the game, expecting one thing, but the game doing a different one.

    Don't pawn off issues with the configuration of systems onto a game. If it was actually the game, then the issues would be universal, not limited to specific system setups and groupings.

    There would be no articles about WoW, there would be no damage control. Blizzard would be doing the exact things that Daybreak/Darkpaw have been doing, nothing more. There are regularly 10% of the playerbase of WoW with issues on this level. 10 or even 20% of the playerbase having issues is not going to be a concern, especially in the current age of gaming. Games anymore are launched in unplayable conditions which take months before there are even the first patches to address issues that are affecting 90% of the playerbase for those games. 10% having issues is not going to cause any kind of uproar for Blizzard or any other major developer; they will work on fixing it but they would have done that regardless.

    No one is making excuses, they are stating facts. The people don't want to fix things that are within their system and easy to change. They instead want to whine, and ragequit without even waiting for a fix to be issued. None of what you have said is being said by anyone. The ini file changes are specifically given, it isn't a matter of spending hours at anything, it would be spending like 2 minutes following the detailed step by step of what to do. There are people who have chosen to take it one step further and mess around with the settings to effectively min/max their system and get every last fps out of the game, but it isn't the case of finding the spot of least issue, it is finding the peak performance; as the issue is resolved by the basic steps.

    TLDR, Darkpaw made the game better, if you don't want to adjust things to work, that is on you.
    fransisco likes this.
  6. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    You said when they fix it, which will be today's patch for the vast majority of people, you would be renewing. I was giving you a day to test.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I think they are telling me to quit, char has delevled from 121 to 114 and is now in conflagrant gear! Oh yeah and her persona has vanished.

    LOL some days I should stay in bed. :rolleyes:
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  8. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Ouch, did you have a persona that was 114? I think that something was supposed to be done with personas, but I haven't messed with any of them. Not worth the hassle, when I can swap between alts faster.
  9. Bilbo Backpackens Lorekeeper

    Close. They release drivers that are optimized for games. I highly doubt that AMD put out optimized drivers for my RX 580 immediately when the DX11 change happened, but then decided not to for my new RX 7600. Honestly I doubt AMD has ever done optimizations for Everquest. They do that sort of thing for big releases. Maybe in the early 00s?

    Umm, not really. Cyberpunk is currently having issues on hybrid Intel processors (the ones with performance and hybrid cores). Like in the last month they released a patch to fix it, but it's just made other things worse. No one is saying "you have a brand new processor, it's your fault". They want CDPR to fix it.

    There is a difference between releasing a game that doesn't work well, and having a game that works well but then forcing through an unfinished update that ruins it for a not insignificant portion of the established base. If I buy and play the former, it's my fault for not doing research to see if my rig would be fine. If I'm already playing the latter, it's not my fault they messed up.

    Saying they couldn't anticipate a common computer setups (Ryzen 5 5600 and an RX 7600 in my case) is an excuse. That could also be a fact (an odd one), but that doesn't change it being an excuse too.

    I don't know if you read the entire thread, but it details people spending long periods of time adjusting those base settings given by Frank. I personally tried the values given by Frank, given by the dev, and given by other posters on that thread. None of them fixed my stuttering issues. I was not lying when I said I spent hours trying different values, restarting my game, and seeing what effect it had. As I mentioned in my initial response to you, it's not a problem until it's a problem for you. So I get your feeling on it, but that doesn't reflect reality for everyone.

    For me, it isn't about getting the best fps, it's about getting a setting that allows me to run across PoK without staring at the ground or taking a minute to get out of the lag pile due to stuttering.

    I'm sorry you didn't want to read other people's experiences and just want to make assumptions.
    Barton-Vox and Fanra like this.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Persona got levelled from 1 to 33 last night.
  11. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    The RX 580 is not a new card. The cards having issues are the new ones, not the old ones. They have most definitely done optimizations for EQ. It isn't a selling point but they are there.

    First, you do realize that your statement here directly contradicts your position just below this. Second, CDPR isn't doing anything different from what Darkpaw has done. They are doing what they can, and the rest is a matter of the player and Intel working on settings. Third, a CPU has considerably more impact on how a program runs than an update of a game from DX9 to DX11.

    First, there is no difference between those two situations. Second, it was a finished update. Third, it does not ruin anything, people refusing to do the minimal things that would fix issues is on them not on anyone else.

    No one said anyone expected or didn't expect computer setups. What was stated, and is a fact that they could not actually TEST for every computer setup, because there is no such thing as common computer setups, especially when it comes to a game like EQ. I would be willing to bet that either of those options are in the minority of computer setups for EQ. Reality is not an excuse, it is just reality. There is more to a computer system than the CPU and the GPU, there are numerous people who have the same CPU and GPU as you name, and the game only got better with the update.

    No idea who Frank is. The Dev's ini settings are really the only ones that you should have done, if those didn't noticeably help, then none of the others would have. How many hours did you spend not messing with settings in EQ but with settings of your computer and in the program provided by AMD that allows you to create settings for specific programs? Did you spend hours messing with the EQ specific settings but none with ones related to the system itself?

    I'm sorry that you don't want to accept the possibility that the issue could be system specific with how various CPU, GPU, Windows settings, and other settings work together to make things unique to a system.
  12. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Yeah I should have said updated what is there I guess. They need something that gets updated and I suspect a webpage might be more likely to be updated but it should walk them through all the ways to level up including overseer etc and should be a daybreak page they could do a little work and I think have a bigger effect on returning players. Whatever is done cant use a lot of resources because that is likely to short content in expansions (I always try to keep in mind when we ask the devs for things the resources will come from somewhere).
  13. Bilbo Backpackens Lorekeeper

    What does the age of the card have to do with it? The DX11 changes you claim AMD has to optimize for came out after both cards were available. The drivers for both cards are on the same version.
    Also, please cite what patches those optimizations for EQ are in. When AMD (and Nvidia) optimize for a game, they put it in the patch notes. AMD does not go out to every game and ask "what changes have you made? We'll patch that right away!" They work to a common API compliance (DX9/11) for the vast majority of programs, and only do specific changes for the big boys.

    I'm not talking about Cyberpunk's initial launch status. Hybrid (non-mobile) Intel CPUs weren't a thing then. As stated, this is a recent issue. Perhaps I should have used a different example for you.
    As far as CPU vs engine goes, both are major to a video game's performance. DX9 is significantly different than DX11 and requires major changes, same as optimizing a multithreaded program to use the appropriate cores. But beyond that, analogies are generally not one-to-one.

    There most assuredly is. I would expand, but you didn't.

    Anything in any state can be labelled finished. Doesn't mean it works correctly. I suppose my word choice could have been better.

    You keep saying no one has done minimal things to fix issues. One, I've told you people (including me!) have done it with no success. Two, why is it up to users to do it in the first place? Name a multimillion dollar software company that expects their customers to fix their software issues for them, but also apparently is not to blame for that situation. Indie devs, sure, I've played quite a few that require some tweaking. Even older games that are not in development anymore that require tweaking. But DPG is not indie, and are still actively developing.

    If you take the time to go to the Test forums and look at posts from before the DX11 change went live, people reported these errors. The thing about having a Test server is that you don't have to test each configuration possible, you can get a good sample size from your users. But that doesn't do any good if they do nothing with that feedback.

    Given the results other people posted about on the very same thread, having changed their own values and seeing results, you are incorrect.
    I mean, just as a baseline, what other current, active game do you play where you have to manually alter your computer's configuration to work correctly? And beyond that, I've done the things I can, from rolling back driver versions to even going into my BIOS to disable whatever AMD calls hyperthreading just in case it was contributing. That AMD program you mention doesn't really give specifics other than power/fan usage (none of which helped). At what point have I done enough?


    I know you're not a DPG rep, but this would be a really odd stance to take for them.

    Test Server: Hey Darkpaw, some of us have been noticing stutters and other issues making the game impossible for us to play.
    Darkpaw: It's system specific.
    Test Server: But this isn't outdated hardware, this is hardware you say is supported. In fact, the whole point of going to DX11 was to make sure newer hardware like this keeps working into the future.
    Darkpaw: It's your system's fault. It's going live.

    This thread seems to have gotten a little heated. I think I'm done.[/quote]
    Schadenfreude likes this.
  14. Bilderov Augur

    Playing EQ back in the day was never like this. There were multiple zones with multiple camps and multiple named. We didn't sit in the same zone for 12 months, we played in the same zones for a few weeks, made friends with the people in there and then moved to the next zone when we levelled and played with the same people there.

    This notion of someone sitting in the same spot for months on end is just in your own head (or a botter).

    The only decision the devs has made is what is the best way they can funnel exp and gear with the minimum of effort - and that is to force instancing upon us and shrink the world of EQ to a point where people have 'won' the game within a week of a new expansions going live.

    IF the devs wanted us to explore the content - why do they put the best xp and progression behind a wall that many players are not able to break through. How many people truly wander to the edges of a zone nowadays, wander down to the ends of each tunnel, have names for camps because that's where everyone chooses to hang out?? No, we all get funnelled into instances that are either completed once for the exp boost, or ad infinitum until you earn enough currency to level your chase gear or get your augs.

    Of the two scenarios, I believe it is today's gameplay that restricts content and forces people to play the same limited content over and over.

    Edit: As an example, I could close my eyes now and see the camps and named spawns in Crushbone, Guk, Befallen, Commonlands, Karnor's Castle, Sebilis etc. and this is from 20+ years ago. I know the spawns for the dorfs in BB, the raptors in Timorous Deep, the othmir / wyverns in Cobalt Scar...

    In contrast I barely know the EW zone (I think there are now 3 of them?) outside of the camp where you do the quest for the earring and the instance for Griklor. (and I've probably 'spent' more time in that zone than any of the others I mentioned above (maybe not CS as I dinged 59 to 60 there over a month of quadding)).

    Edit Edit: The difference between our views is that I would like to do both and am not able to. You just want to do one and are not interested in the other (which is fine).

    Which of these two views would open up the most content?
    Dre. likes this.
  15. mercury890 Old Timer from the days of karana.

    I feel your plight and am right there with ya, Brother.
    I have almost the same history with the game and invested much time and money and have made many posts only for them to fall on deaf ears.... as far as developers or anyone that can do anything about the current state of affairs. Reverting is the only way they are going to save face this time... or just tank,,,,
    I'm going to hate to see what the game is about to go thru (it's already starting) and hope when it come out after the first quarter losses are posted, that it maybe then reverted and made ..
    It was a fun ride while it lasted,
  16. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Let them quit can i have your gear? nvm just kidding i dont need it lol!
  17. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    but I'd rather play Everquest.

    To some degree OP is right about the new / returning player experience.

    Nerfing per kill XP only helps PL sales and hinders real live play.
  18. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    EQ WAS the fun before this.
  19. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    OR it changes it. New and returning players (and new characters of current, long-term players) have significantly more achievement based content that is still undone to do in order to get the XP by doing something other than sit in one location for each session of a few hours.

    Frankly, as a returned EQ player that likes dungeon crawls and other moving around in a zone, I actually prefer the current. You have a little bit of camping with the "kill 10 rats" mercenary quests and then you have storyline related move around and find thus and so type quests. AND if you really truly just want to sit in the same spot every time you log on for each multi-hour session of game play, you can do so to get AA 'cause that bar is still the same as level 51 over and it fills up just fine while doing even current content if it's on 100% to AA.

    The speed at which the AA bars fills is alone is proof that you still do get XP for kills and that amount increases each expansion. However, the regular raw XP needed for a single level is exponentially HUGE with each level increase. Doing the achievement based content gives rewards by % of the bar rather than the raw XP is a significant reason it is the better way to level especially in the more recent expansions. Kills have NEVER given a % of a level no matter that they now show how much of a % of a level the raw XP is per kill.
  20. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Can we make this post required reading? :D
    code-zero and Rijacki like this.