WTH, Are you uping the limit on Ragefire, or when do you start granting me free time?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by vardune, May 22, 2015.

  1. vardune Augur

    Ragefire has been full for 15 hours or for most of that time. You need to up the limit or bring up another damned server.
  2. Brelic Elder

    good luck with your qq
  3. Lolthorn Lorekeeper

    You need to calm down. This is just a video game. I am sure they are doing everything they can. Posts like yours are not helping anything.
    urinezombie likes this.
  4. vardune Augur

    no them not listening to their customer base isn't helping anything. I have test and supported this game for 16 years. all I want to do is play a little Ragefire and being locked out for 10+ hours is complete .
  5. Akimo Elder

    searching the forums would have answered your question.
  6. vardune Augur

    they said they had a solution for the population but after 18 hours of people waiting that isn't the case at all.
  7. Potsos76 Augur

    I see you crying
    Alone at the login screen
    Have a sandwich, dude.
  8. yellowzombie Elder

  9. nectarprime123 Augur

    I see you crying
    On the forums in your basement
    mom says hotpockets are ready
    don't let them get cold
  10. vardune Augur

    they need to bring up anther server or up the limit on ragefire a few 1000.
  11. nectarprime123 Augur

    no u
  12. OJSimpsun New Member

    you ever think some of these white knight turds are just the devs on personal accounts trying to save some kind of public respect?
    nectarprime123 likes this.
  13. vardune Augur

    do either of you even play on ragefire? It is Friday morning, and you cant login what do you think this weekend is going to be like, ten times WORSE.
  14. moogs Augur

    Haiku zen should earn you a thousand forum points. Well done.
  15. Akimo Elder

    I feel as if they are too busy murdering the white folk personally.
  16. Aurmoon Augur

    Shocking. EQ has been running for 16 years, or 140,160 hours. You can't log in to Ragefire for 15 hours and all of a sudden the company needs to start granting refunds, making apologies, and opening up more servers.
  17. Antarious New Member

    Yes after 16 years people really shouldn't expect to be able to log in because the server is full of afk's..
  18. draco8607 New Member

  19. crag79 Augur

    They said they were going to do this. Your Lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on their part. They know what they are doing and are doing it purposely for the longevity of the system. Deal with it or move on. We don't need whiners on the server.
  20. Sophrano Storm New Member

    when are the increasing the load there are like 30 of us in chat back and forth and still none have gotten in