Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Senadin, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. Senadin Elder

    Want to buy (more) bone chips... PST Senadin... thanks!
  2. Zinth Augur

    omg so hard to go kill a few skeletons... *yawn*
  3. Senadin Elder

    it isnt the hardship that is the concern... it is the fact that i probably need another 2K bones lol That's several hours or maybe half a day of farming!
  4. Aegir Augur

    Paineel Newbie Area is very good to farm bone chips. Kill skeletons and lock down their respawn spots. Took me like 2-3hours of farming to get maxed out faction - now that you can stack 1k bonechips pr. stack i'd say even faster.